Thursday, June 16, 2011

What health insurance should I get?

I have a choice between several Blue Shield and Aetna plans. The comparable plans are the same for both. Also should I get HMO or PPO? HMO covers more, but with PPO you can go directly to a specialist. Please help.
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

Which would be more expensive - Universal Health Insurance or going to war with IRAN?

I don't think people really understand the magnitude of this election... If McCain, Huckabee or Romney is elected, we will be going into another war in the middle east while leaving the first 3 undone and unpaid for. If Hillary Clinton is elected, we can finally tell HMO's and powerful Insurance companies to take a hike and manage our own healthcare. Which do you think is potentially more costly?
With as much money as we are wasting on warring with nations that are no threat to us directly...? We could've used it to pay for a lot of things easily--including universal healthcare. But you know, the military industrial complex NEEDS its trillions of dollars in bloated defense spending; especially since most of its F-15's are grounded. (heh) So the little people can't HAVE a good education, a good infrastructure, more jobs, better healthcare, pensions, and etc, etc, etc... The rich have to survive and the poor have to die. Isn't that the new GOP motto?

Where do I find "florida health insurance"?

I am looking for a health insurance quote for florida health insurance. I am looking for cheap florida health insurance.
I just got a new Florida Health Insurance Policy from Mike Hrad, at 239-699-1543. He is with and they have insurance from excellent companies like United Health Care, Aetna,Humana,Blue Cross Blue Shield of FLorida (bcbs). The policy was approved in less than 3 days and he responded to all my questions very professionally. Good luck with your florida health insurance.

What impact will the new government health care insurance have on jobs in the health care field?

I am planning on going into nursing, but I'm afraid that this will greatly reduce job opportunities and cut the pay of health care workers.
if nursing is what you want to do then do it. It will always be in demand. With this d@mn health care crap in play, they might cut pay. Sure more people, but it's basically medicaid for all. Medicare pays like sh!t. Therefore hospitals make less. They can't pay too little though or the hospitals will lose nurses. But keep in mind try to work for a private hospital. They can accept or decline any insurance they want. So besides in the er where you have to stabilize any and all patients, regardless of pay, the private hospitals and md offices will possibly/probably refuse or limit the number of patients with this government insurance. Don't change what you want to do or become because of what might happen. Who knows, obama may be voted out next election and the new president might veto this health care plan. And things will be back to normal. If you want to be a nurse, then do it. If you change to do something else because of this you might not be as happy. Good luck!

How to get Cheap Health Insurance?

I found some information on but I would like more information on how to get cheap and low cost health insurance.
Cheap....I wish I had something cheap to sell... remember you get what you pay for. Contact a local broker near you to shop plans for you based upon your particular needs, health status, age, etc.

Is it legal for an employer to stop paying health insurance if you are out of work on Workers Compensation?

Employer is located in NY, Injury occured while at work doing normal daily job, have been out of work since end of August, awaiting workers comp approval for surgery
Since the employee continues on the rolls of the organization and his lien over the job subsists even when he is on leave on account of injury ,the employer cannot stop payment to health insurance

Question about health insurance privacy issue?

I understand about the HIPPA laws that prevent anyone, including a spouse, from getting access to a person's medical records, etc. I know that nobody can get information about my medical history or prescriptions without my consent. So here is my question (and PLEASE, only knowledgeable answers!): When a spouse is carried on the other spouse's health insurance through their employer's group plan, can the spouse who actually carries the insurance readily get information on their insured spouse medical history, doctor visits, prescriptions, etc. through the insurance company? Here's the thing (and I am asking this information for my sister)....We have gone directly to the insurance provider and asked them about their policy on such an issue and are getting conflicting answers from their own staff. One call resulted in the employee stating that the husband can indeed get his wife's medical information through insurance. Another call resulted in the employee stating that absolutely no, the husband cannot get her info without the wife's written consent, even though she is carried on his plan. Anyone know for certain how this is handled? Thanks in advance.
Actually, the fact is that if the patient is not a minor, the EOB should be sent to the patient's attention. That's how it works at the insurance company where I work (which is also where I have my insurance benefits). My son is 18 - once he turned 18, all EOBs started coming in his name. Technically, it would be against the law for anyone in the house to open those envelopes except him. A spouse does NOT have the right to private health information for his wife or adult children, even if he is the one carrying the insurance. Health information is private. The only way a spouse could LEGALLY access his wife's medical records is with her written consent. You were given misinformation by the employee who said the husband could have the wife's information. What's scary is that if the husband had called her, she'd have given him information that he has no right to.

i like most educated citizens of the world feel that all people deserve health insurance, despite their race,?

color, creed, level of income, level of education, religious affiliation, political ideology, intelligence, or what kind of car they drive. why do conservatives think only rich white people deserve health insurance? insurance companies are so greedy, they will charge such high prices that no one will be able to afford their services except the rich people and everyone will die! is that what you want? or do you want reform and change and hope? i, like most educated citizens of the world want reform hope and change... do you?
Way too interdependent for me. I don't even have health insurance. Thanks but NO thanks.

Why should employers be required by law to provide health insurance for its workers?

Shouldn't this be an individuals responsibility? What right does the government have to tell someone he has to pay for someone elses health care?

I don't have health insurance. How much do I have to whine and cry until you will give it to me?

I'm warning you, I can cry and whine a really really lot!!! So you better just give it to me you greedy rich people!
Get a job and get off welfare and pull your begging hand back in before it gets chopped off then we can talk.

When a child has CHIP health insurance, is the cost added to a child support?

order to reimburse the government? Does anyone know how much more? My husband has a review and his ex has put their child on Texas CHIP.

How do you appeal when your health insurance doesn't want to cover a needed procedure?

Is it necessary to hire an attorney? Please help
No, its not necessary to hire an attorney. (At least, not for any of the early levels of appeal.) Your certificate of coverage/policy document should specify appeal procedures - if not, you can get the appeals address from your insurance company. I don't know what state you're in, but generally the state Department of Insurance has guidelines as to appeal processes. You need to exhaust all levels of appeal with your insurer before the Dept of Insurance would be able to investigate on your behalf. One question - is the service being denied because the insurer says that its not medically necessary? Or is the service being denied because its something that's an exclusion on your policy? If the service is spelled out as an exclusion, then there's not much you can do about it. Your policy is a contract, and the insurance company isn't obligated to cover anything that's excluded from your contract. However, if its being denied stating that its not medically necessary, then your appeals need to demonstrate why the procedure IS medically necessary. Any and all documentation you have should be sent - chart notes from your physician or other health providers, etc. - send this documentation along with your letter of appeal.

How much is health insurance in USA?

I live in England and pay a lot of tax, our healthcare system isnt the best as many unemployed people get better service and who have never paid in, i will even have to wait behind them for treatment. I am looking at moving to the United States of America, but i am also not so keen on your healthcare system. What would insurance be for a healthy male under 30?
The cost will depend upon to where you move as well as the type of policy. In my state the premium will range from $29 to $318 per month.

What is the average cost of health insurance for an individual living in Missouri?

Key information about individual: 1) Lives in Missouri 2) 24 years old 3) Female 4) Healthy (doesn't smoke/drink, healthy BMI, etc.)
For a good low/no deductible plan, without maternity coverage, it would probably run you around $275 a month.

What are someones options who is ready to have kids but has no health insurance?

Are there any options out there for uninsured couples - who would like to start a family??
As far as my knowledge,this is a question with various answers,it is really depending on the mind of yourself,providing a great resource here for reference though.

wheres the best health insurance for 2 people who arent married?

me and my boyfriend r in need to go to dentist and doctor but we have no insurance where would b the best place to look ? we r not married does it matter?
Not being married, you each need your own health insurance policy, and looks like you're looking for private dental policies. I don't recommend the dental - most of the time, if you add up how much you pay for it, the wait times, and how much is covered, it's cheaper if you pay out of pocket.

IN GERMANY, Are there any individuals or groups who are not covered under health insurance?

Are there any individuals or groups who are not covered under Germany's system? Into what categories do they fall, and what percentage of Germany's total population do they constitute?
Just to be precise Mbrcatz's answer does not apply to - tourists or workers from any other EEA country (inc Switzerland) - serving members of NATO forces (not families) as they are covered by reciprocal health care agreements (RHCAs) Germany also has bilateral agreements in place with certain countries under which visitors are covered , but not as extensively as some other European countries such as the UK.

what is the difference between mandating car insurance and mandating health insurance?

can anyone tell me?
You cannot choose to 'not own' a body. Don't get me wrong, I' liberal and I support the bill but I've lived in towns and counties with outrageous car insurance premiums and had to chose not to drive for a few months. Health care is all about having a 'health'. Its still a good question though.

What do you think is a fair price for you to pay for health insurance per month?

Or do you think that it should be provided to you at no cost to yourself because its a "right"?
Lose the insurance, and let supply/demand control the cost of healthcare. Then the pricing would actually be fair. If you want capitalism, then do it right. If you prefer socialism, then use the government and not a profit taking organization to administer it. DC Maximus, the average guy DOES subsidize you- that's what insurance is: A group of people paying premiums to minimize their own risk.

What do do, pregnant and no health insurance in Tampa?

I am trying to apply for medicaid but I see that you have to report your household income. I'm a nanny and live with the family so I doubt I will qualify because THEY make so much money! Does anyone know of payment plans for prenatal visits? I know university community hospital and brandon regional have payment plans for the delivery- but nothing before. Anybody know of anything?
Being a Nanny for a household does not make their income accountable for you. The income you report is what YOURS only unless you share an income say like a husband, how often, any other wages such as child support or allimony, dependents and to state any health coverage you have. Plus I know here in Ohio they have medicaid/healthy start just for pregnant women to cover the pregnancy. Apply....

What is the point of having health insurance in the United States?

If you get sick, they'll just turn down your claims anyway, then drop your policy. I'm starting to think it doesn't matter, why go to the expense?
Dude, I totally know what you mean. Even though my employer provides us with insurance, I find the quality of it (Humana) to be lousy for so much money that they're getting paid in our premiums. Coincidentally, those premiums rise every year and nothing else improves. When you go to the doctor and show your insurance card, you'd think you'd be covered. Wrong! I found out the hard way that you'd better ask if the insurance will cover the procedure. Last year I wound up $900 short b/c I had to pay for the mammogram I had done when I found a cyst. The bastards won't cover it if you're under like 30 or 35 years old. Why should I have even bothered having insurance when I could just walk into County General and get my titz looked at for free? Oh, and to Connor G, you're completely clueless. Fuzzy isn't an uneducated, unemployed freeloader, so get your facts straight before making false accusations.

Do you pay your health insurance co-pay before or after you are seen by the doctor?

I just got on my husband's plan of blue cross blue shield PPO. There is a 40 co-pay with every doc visit. When I go to the doctor (I'm going for an IUD removal and to talk about other birth control options) will they ask for the money up front or after they are done? How does it happen for you? Thanks
I believe many doctor's offices are asking for the money upfront these days to make sure they get paid their co-pay by you BEFORE you see the doctor to make sure they get their money.

What is a "contracted plan" when it comes to health insurance? The doctor said that the procedure would be

fully covered only if it was a contracted plan-what is that?
It probably means your plan uses a Preferred Provider Network and your doctor(provider of service) must be contracted with that plan. For example, if your plan uses the Blue Cross PPO, your doctor must be contracted with the Blue Cross PPO for the service to be covered at 100%

Is it true that Obama is going to increase deductibles on health insurance?

My dad says yes. I say no. Who's right?
You. Ask your dad if he likes the his insurance premiums taxed? That is McCain's plan.