Monday, November 22, 2010

How does the interstate commerce clause allow a mandate to buy health insurance?

If I have no insurance I'm not involved in commerce and when I need health care I pay cash in my state which doesn't cross state lines and therefore does not give federal government jurisdiction over my transaction.
The individual mandate is NOT legal, in that it exceeds the power of Congress granted to it by the US Constitution. If they can force us to buy health insurance, then they can force us to buy anything they think we should own. The idea that this is covered under the interstate commerce clause is ludicrous... the fact that the federal government regulates milk prices doesn't mean they can pass a law requiring us to purchase milk. The objections to the individual mandate are three-fold. First, because federal law prohibits us from purchasing health insurance across state lines, then it is NOT INTERSTATE commerce and therefore cannot be regulated by Congress under the interstate commerce clause. Second, even if it WERE regulatable by Congress, NOT buying health insurance isn't commerce of any sort, and therefore purchase of it cannot be mandated. Third, if Congress can mandate the purchase of health insurance, then they can mandate the purchase of any product they think we should own... such as a GM car or low-fat food.

How much do you think this surgery costs without health insurance?

I can't find health insurance to cover fertility treatment. I have polyps in my uterine which have made me infertile and it's a shame medical insurance doesn't cover women's issues such as this. The doctor said the only way I have a chance at getting pregnant is if I get a surgery to have them removed. Does anyone know how much that would cost (in Los Angeles). It felt awkward if I asked the doctor himself.
Infertile women, those with genetic defects and anyone unable to conceive naturally should consider adoption. So many beautiful children need loving homes. Anyone who truly wants to be a parent would not care where their baby comes from, they'd be grateful just to be parents to an innocent child.

Is there anyone else out there living without health insurance?

I am asking because I no longer have health insurance since losing my job and I cannot afford a $270.00 a month premium for my own policy. Is health insurance really necessary? Is there anyone else out there living okay without health insurace? I would love to hear from you! Thank you!
i use to but recently got back on.

Why does anyone think that private health insurance is the answer to all ills?

As demonstrated to me by my own insurance, health insurance is designed to protect against problems that end after a year or two. If you problem will continue through your life, they simply raise your premium until the insurance costs more than the treatments. I feel very insulted by the insistence on this site that private health insurance can be an answer for long term illness. Why does anyone think that?
They don't believe private insurance is the answer to all ills. Simply put, they are not currently experiencing any medical problems that their private insurer has denied coverage for, so they don't fully understand that millions of people WITH insurance go bankrupt in this nation every year. Ultimately, though, the real issue is, they don't care. That's your problem, your illness, and they don't have to deal with it. Until it is their problem and their illness, and their family on the line, they will continue not to care.

What if you can't afford to buy health insurance? Does the new health care bill have provisions for that?

I would love to have health insurance. If I could afford it, I would already have it.
Yes. You won't have to get coverage until 2014. In that year, all companies with 50+ employees will have to offer coverage. If your job doesn't offer insurance, you may be eligible for subsidies. Anyone below the poverty line can get coverage free through Medicare. If you make more than that, you can still get a subsidy to help pay for insurance if you make less than 4 times the poverty level (the poverty level for a single person with no kids was just under $11,000 last year).

Where can I find a list of the largest providers of health insurance in the US?

I'm trying to get a list of the top health insurance companies in America, broken down by their number of subscribers. Specifically, I am looking for companies that specialize in group plans.
don't get Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Hospitals nationwide (Atlanta and St. Louis) are dropping them because they refuse to pay bills. They pay less than Medicaid

What is the best health insurance plan in Chicago?

I am self-employed and want to get health insurance. I am trying to find the most cost-effective plan with the most service for the lowest price and least hassle.
Contact a local agent that works with all of the major companies. The agent can work with you to find the best plan for your situation and budget. They can explain what you get and, more importantly, what you don't get with each plan. There is no extra charge using an agent.

Is it possible to add an elderly parent to your company health insurance?

I know that situations obviously vary from place to place and from situation to situation, but my parents are self-employed, and will be retirement age in about 15-20 years. Am I able to add them to my health insurance to ensure that they have medical coverage? If not, is there anything they can do now to ensure that they're taken care of medically when retirement time arrives?
No, parents are never dependents - even if you are their legal guardians. Retirement age is 65 . . .so saying that they are 45 now, and elderly, YIKES!! I just had a baby, and I'm "elderly" too!! LOL What they will have to do is apply for medicare. That's the only "taker" for elderly people looking for health insurance, unless their employer provides health benefits for retirees.

Does health insurance cover laser hair removal for medical reasons?

I have had facial hair growth due to medical condition (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). I wonder if health insurance companies might cover at least part of the cost for laser hair removal. Has anyone had this type of experience?
I seriously doubt it since that part of your condition is cosmetic. Are you taking any medication for your PCOS? I am taking metformin and am on a weight loss program. My dr. told me that once everything stablizes the hair growth and periods will normal out

Can I still avail of a private health insurance in Canada even when I am pregnant?

Will be leaving soon for Canada and I'm pregnant. Was adviced to get a Private Health Insurance for the first three months while waiting for my health card. Will any insurance company allow me to avail of their short term health insurance? If yes, what insurance company?
I am not sure what the laws are in Canada but in Illinois pregnacy can not be considered pre-existing. So check out these websites for additonal resources. Good luck `Carye

What health insurance is recommended for a single dad with 3 kids, with a budget but have decent coverage?

I am a single father of 3 kids and looking for health/dental/vision insurance for my family. We don't really go to the doctor as much but still want decent coverage in case I need to do so. Any ideas? Am based in Southern California.
One through your employer. You can't get vision and dental that doesn't cost more than it pays, except through an employer group policy. Otherwise, just go to your local agent, ask them to give you a couple quotes on a private policy.

How long after getting health Insurance will I be covered?

Can I go to the doctor next week if I get health insurance today? Any one know how long I should wait so they can cover my doctor visit? Thanks
I had it immediately but I have heard of people having to wait up to 6 months because of getting hired on to a new job. You should ask your health care provider or you boss.

What do I do when Im addicted to a substance and have no health insurance?

Such as a controlled substance. Looking for a 90 day drug rehabilitation program to get off the drug... But no health insurance or ANY insurance for that matter. Thanks.
You can do it yourself if the drug is something you just need to taper off of. I got addicted to klonopin which is one of the hardest drugs to get away from and I did it on my own. I started by eliminating 1/2 pill each week. My brain didn't miss 1/2 pill in one week. When I felt ok with that I eliminated 1/2 pill twice a week. There's excellent information on weaning yourself off of prescription meds at with Dr. Heather Aston.

How many people have been hurt fighting against health care reform and had their health insurance claim denied?

Wouldn't that be very appropriate for someone to literally get physically hurt fighting for the health insurance companies only to find out that when they filed their claim to the insurance company their claim would be denied ? It's not as far fetched as you might think.
Well at least with a private company, you can fire them if they don't deliver on their promises. I was injured fighting for my country. I'm a 100% service-connected disabled veteran. My country promised that they would take care of my health if I risked my life for it. Now that I'm disabled I find that those promises are completely worthless. The VA delays, deflects, and denies treatment to disabled veterans. I have faced blanket denials, long delays, refusal to provide medication, treatment, or tests. Refusal to pay any and all health care costs in the private sector, which they promised would be covered. How much more degrading is it to give everything you have to your country, and then find that they have no intention of keeping the promises made? No, its not far-fetched at all. I have "free" health care. It is worse than having nothing. Unkept promises do more damage than promising nothing at all. At least when people know they are on their own they can make arrangements for their care. To be promised care that is never delivered keeps people clinging to hope until they die from neglect from those that they trusted.

How much would a quadruple bypass surgery cost for someone without health insurance?

A man in our community had to have quadruple bypass surgery and he has no health insurance. We are thinking of trying to help him out some financially. How much would this cost?
A minimum of 50.000 dollors.

For health insurance plan, is it good to have a low deductible, but a higher coinsurance?

I'm looking at a health insurance plan with a premium of $76 per month. The deductible is $500 and out-of-pocket maximum is $2,500, which doesn't include deductible. Coinsurance is 30% after deductible. I get the first 3 doctor visits for $30 co-payment and then pay 30% after deductible. Does this plan sound okay? I normally see a doctor once a year. Thanks!
Generally, your deductible should be no higher than whatever you would feel comfortable writing a check for -- whether out of current earnings, or cash specially set aside to cover your deductible at need. The higher your deductible, the lower your premiums. The plan you described may qualify you to open a HSA (health savings account) which would let you set aside pre-tax dollars for your health care -- a good option for those who rarely seek treatment.

What is a good health insurance company?

I am getting out of the navy and have 3 family members, who should I call for health insurance that will not be worthless?
The best place to start is by doing what you're doing now – asking for personal recommendations. What kind of health insurance are you looking for? It might be a good idea to jot down a list of the different aspects of a health plan and then chart the differences between various plans you come across. Here's an example: ·Monthly price (premium) ·Yearly deductible (amount you spend before the insurance company will start paying) ·Copay amount (amount you pay per service) ·Coinsurance amount (amount you split with the insurance company – usually a percentage; i.e., you pay 20 percent and the insurer pays 80 percent) ·Freedom of choice (can you visit whatever doctor you want?) ·Preventive medicine and routine doctor visits (does the plan include these?) ·Mental health (included in the plan; copay amounts; maximum number of annual visits). I'd check out Consumer Reports (link below), America's Health Plans (link below), US News & World Reports Best Health Plans, and whatever other informational resources you can find. I'd also talk with locally licensed health insurance agents. I've also included a couple of articles about choosing a health plan that might be useful. They are government-authored, but they're actually pretty good (all links below). HMOs (health maintenance organizations) are popular right now, and they usually include mental health coverage in their plans. A typical example is that you would pay a monthly fee and then a copay when you visit your therapist (usually around $50 for a plan with low monthly payments). One potential problem, though, is access to physicians. An HMO might not have the kind of mental health specialist you're looking for. Before you enroll in an HMO, I would strongly urge you to look at their mental health specialist roster. For more choices, you might opt for a PPO (preferred provider organization) or a traditional fee-for-service plan. As for organizations that have group health plans, try asking your state insurance department (link below). Some trade associations have group health plans and so do some church organizations You should try visiting It's a Web site that helps you shop for health insurance. They have free instant price quotes and policy information on health plans near you, but their specialty is getting you in touch with state-licensed agents. There's no cost or obligation to buy insurance. You just fill out a short form and wait for the agents to contact you (within 48 hours). Have your questions ready and let them work until one of them delivers the plan that's right for you. You might want to have a set amount you want to spend each month on insurance and tell the agents to work within those parameters. You can find MostChoice here:… Hope this helps, Barnes@MostChoice

Why is the emphasis on lowering health insurance costs instead of lowering the price of health care?

When I was growing up (70's and 80's) insurance was for "just in case" like car insurance only covers you for accidents. You don't need insurance to pay for an oil change, so why do is health care allowed to be so expensive that you need insurance just to get a check up?
Do not confuse this issue. The emphasis is not on reducing health insurance cost. It is on maximizing insurance company Profits. It has nothing to do with providing service, taking care of the clients or any other of the noble causes of health care. It is simple. More money for the company and less for the health care community and you the customer. The insurance companies pay about 35% of the charges the uninsured do. It has nothing to do with providing care it is what they are willing to pay and the hospitals take it. Then in order to make up for those shortfalls from insurance and medicare the uninsured pay exorbitant charges and end up subsidizing the insurance companies. If they were concerned in lowering the real cost of health care they would pay for preventive care. 10 years of diabetic treatment costs about $250,000 but a nutritional program which can prevent it costs about $5000 over that same period. That cuts out, pharmaceuticals, insurance, blood glucose machines and the specialists. As always the corporations have us convinced that this should be free market. There is nothing free about this market and the theory does not fit the system. The future of health care for the greatest number will be social medicine like England and Canada. You will not get that from the conservative media. They have too many profits at stake to allow that to happen. We have very good health coverage. My son went to a family clinic for what could have been considered an urgent issue. This was not covered. Yet, had he gone to an urgent care center or ER it would have been covered ( if after the denial I could prove it was "urgent"). They refuse a claim of $86.00 but would pay a claim which would have been $1200.00. Remember that $1200 would only be paid at $400 by the insurance company. They are not interested in saving money this way. They are more interested in taking the premium, denying the claim, making you fight it and paying only when they are proven responsible within the terms of your policy that they must. About 20% give up and pay it themselves. This is how private insurance maximise profit. If you buy the story that they are interested in helping the policyholders you are naive. The hospitals cannot maintain thier non profit staus if they turn away the indigent. The insurance companies pay at a reduced rate. it is up to the general public to make up the difference. By now one would think that the public would get wise to the fact that the banking and insurance industries are NOT in this for our benefit. The McCain free marrket plan WILL NOT work. These groups are in it to take and keep our money. This is not a free market in any sense of the word. We posses the greatest capability for care in the world which is focused on the smallest number. It is because of corporate greed.

Does anyone know what some good health insurance companies offer and how they work?

What are some good health insurance companies? Good meaning good coverage low deductible nothing shady, or in the small print that is kind of dishonest not expensive for a college student ? does the deductible include the monthly insurance premium? Do health insurance companies ever allow a person to have a policy through their company as well as a policy through another company? Are there any reasons you may be denied the insurance?
There are many good companies, and with health insurance you get what you pay for. When you shop for a new car you have a choice between the basic low end model with no options, a fully loaded luxury car, or something in between. Health insurance is the same. Most companies have several plans from the basic to the comprehensive. Each plan will have a variety of deductible choices which can range from $0 up to $10,000. If you shop for the cheapest you'll get the basic low end model which may or may not have the benefits and coverage you are looking for. Some colleges have policies available, you can try there first to see what options you have. The deductible does not include the premium, however, with most plans you do not have to meet the deductible before you get the doctor visits or prescriptions for the co-pay. You can have two policies but they don't pay twice. One will be the primary policy and will pay first. The second will be the secondary policy and MAY or MAY NOT pay the deductible and co-pays. Usually it is not cost effective to have two policies. Yes, you can be denied if you have a pre-existing condition or if you are over the height and weight guidelines. Depending on the pre-existing condition you might be accepted but that condition won't be covered. Visit a local agent that works with all the major companies in your area. The agent can find the best plan for your situation and budget and can explain what you get and, more importantly, what you won't get with the plan. There is no extra charge using an agent. Be very wary of medical discount cards. They are not regulated by the Department of Insurance nor do the people that sell them need to be licensed nor insured. This means you have little recourse when you have problems with the plan. If you are tempted by the low price and claims of "save up to 80%" be aware that very few doctors actually take these cards. It does you little good if you have to drive 4 hours to find a doctor that will accept the card. Montana couldn't find any doctors in the whole state that actually took the card and only one dentist who was on probation for unlawful activities so they banned the sale of the card and fined the company. See this link… for more information. Many other states are starting to ban these cards as well. Before signing up with any discount plan get a list of doctors. If they won't give you a list consider it to be a scam. Call the doctors on the list to make sure they're still taking the card (many don't even know that they're listed as a provider) and that they're accepting new patients.

What type of student Health Insurance should I purchase (PODIATRIST ?

My main concern is fixing my ankle and I know I need to see a Podiatrist I have SUPINATION in the left ankle and I am trying to fix it. I am also a student and I dont want to pay alot of money. Should I just pay around $300-$500 dollars or should I just purchase health insurance.
You can easily check your minimal health insurance rates in internet, for example here -

What are the requirements that a small business needs to meet to get group health insurance rates?

I own a small business and would like to give my employees more benefit options. I've tried to research insurance plans online, but every insurance site just wants me to call in to find out. Do any of you know? Are group health insurance rates a lot cheaper than regular rates?
The larger the group the cheaper the rates because they can spread the risk. If you have a professional Association they might offer group plans. You need at least 10 employees to participate in most places otherwise. The rate will be a little high but it benefits employees that might not be able to get insurance otherwise. IE preexisting conditions (cancer,kidney disease,etc). Good luck.

What about an international health insurance policy that covers repatriation?

I saw in international health insurance policy that overs repatriation. . .can anyone explain what that means?
It means, bringing you back to the USA. Example: If you're on a cruise ship, and have a heart attack, you'll have to be flown back to the USA usually by plane from the nearest port's airport, or helicopter. It can EASILY cost $50,000 for that.

How much premiums would I have to pay for health insurance?

Now that the new health care reform been passed in the United States, which mandates all Americans to get health insurance, how much do you think it will cost per person to get it?
****************************************… "These are the times that try men's souls." (Thomas Paine) Read for the first time on the banks of the Delaware River (Philadelphia). The Democrat Party is dead. It is now a "Progressive" party. Liberals such as Joe Lieberman or those such as John F Kennedy are not welcome anymore. Progressives, Socialists and Communists, only, are welcome. Bribery, collusion, arm twisting and corruption. A turning point in our country's history in these historic times. There will be a huge awakening in the Democrat Party this November. Our country will never be the same from this day on. What do you think? **************************************…

How much premiums would I have to pay for health insurance?

Now that the new health care reform been passed in the United States, which mandates all Americans to get health insurance, how much do you think it will cost per person to get it?
****************************************… "These are the times that try men's souls." (Thomas Paine) Read for the first time on the banks of the Delaware River (Philadelphia). The Democrat Party is dead. It is now a "Progressive" party. Liberals such as Joe Lieberman or those such as John F Kennedy are not welcome anymore. Progressives, Socialists and Communists, only, are welcome. Bribery, collusion, arm twisting and corruption. A turning point in our country's history in these historic times. There will be a huge awakening in the Democrat Party this November. Our country will never be the same from this day on. What do you think? **************************************…