Friday, February 25, 2011

Which family/individual health insurance policy covers OPD expenses also in India?

Which health insurance companies are best, is it wise to buy policy from any of the companies which are listed there or registered with IRDA or we should keep certain things or criteria in mind? So that we should not feel sorry or guilty after buying or dealing with these in the need hour. THANKS
Most health policies cover only hospitalisation . Go for a policy from a PSU like The New India Assurance Co. The service might not be the best , but claim settlements are better than the private players.

will i lose health insurance if i file for taxes even though i'm not a student and i'm 19?

i live in massachusetts and i plan on going to school next year, i decided to take a year off. if i do lose health insurance can i go to school spring semester and still be considered a student for taxes this year?
This has nothing to do with taxes.

Do u think plastic surgery should be covered in our health insurance?

I had a boob job 6 years ago... My warranty is up in 4 years.... If one boob ruptures dont you think my health insurance should cover it... I cant walk around with one empty sack in my chest
Only if it is really necessary

Does anyone know where i can get cheap and affordable health insurance from in wisconsin?

Im looking for cheap or affordable health insurance ,, sure cant seem to find any .. does anyone have an answer
Check out this site, if you want to find the best or the cheapest health insurance just in one minute, Here you can get free quotes from different health insurance companies in your area, its the best way to find an afforable health insurance with a reliable company. Best Wishes,

What's the best affordable health insurance?

I'm a month away from graduation & I've been under my father's plan (GHI) & its about that time where my health insurance is about to be terminated.. I wanted to know what's the best AFFORDABLE health insurance out there & where I can be under my own plan.. I'm 21, part-time employee if that helps..
Try this site… here you can get quotes from different companies so you can know which is the best for you.

Can you appeal health insurance claim denial?

I am trying to have a breat reduction and the my health insurance company had denied it. What can I do?
Christy, breast reduction is considered a cosmetic surgery and such a claim is not allowed as the terms and conditions have specified clearly. However, if the doctor's report can clearly prove that it is needed on medical reasons; then your claim should be approved. Do check with your insurance agent for more details.

Does anyone know where i can get cheap and affordable health insurance from in wisconsin?

Im looking for cheap or affordable health insurance ,, sure cant seem to find any .. does anyone have an answer
Try this site here you can get quotes from different companies in Wisconsin

Someone on here was saying 15% of Americans don't have health insurance. When will it be the opposite?

What year do you think it will happen when 85% of Americans don't have health insurance?
Its at least 15%. Probably that many underinsured as well. BTW, some of the big corporations have started to call for health care reform. Why? Because its costing them a FORTUNE.

What's a good alternative to health insurance to cover just major expenses?

For husband, wife, and one child - we don't run to the doctor for sniffles or minor cuts but we want to be protected so we don't lose our home in case of cancer or other major expenses. Company names of reliable insurance, please ?
In the first part of your question, you're asking for an ALTERNATIVE to insurance. In the second, you're asking for insurance companies. Sounds like what you're describing, is health insurance with a very high deductible - like $10,000. It cuts the cost for health insurance for your family, about in half - maybe from $1200 a month to $400 or $500 a month. Your local agent can help you shop for this, and find plans in YOUR state and city.

I am a recent widow with children. How can I get health insurance with out paying an arm and leg?

My husbands insurance expired shortly after he passed away leaving us without insurance. I received a life insurance sum which prevents me from getting on medicaid. I am expecting a little boy in July and am seeking insurance that won't wipe us out financially. Any ideas?
Unfortunately, and I hate being the bearer of bad news, unless you get a job that has health insurance with maternity benefits you are out of luck. No individual insurance company will accept anyone pregnant; that's like trying to get homeowners insurance after your house burns down. Even if they did accept you most plans have a 12 month wait for maternity. You should contact the doctor and hospital and set up a pre-payment plan with them. Explain you don't have insurance and they'll work with you. Depending upon where you live you can expect a bill for a delivery without complications to be in the $3000 - $5000 range. Just cross your fingers and hope you don't have complications.

What is the difference between a traditional health insurance company and a HMO?

I'm in medical assisting school and one of the questions I have to answer for my homework is : Discuss the differences between HMO's and traditional insurance plans and I can't seem to find the answer. HELP!!
That must be a very old question. HMO plans are now considered traditional plans with group policies. I don't have exact figures but if I had to guess probably two-thirds of all group plans are HMO's so if that's not traditional I don't know what is. In the past, when HMO plans first came out, Indemnity plans were considered "traditional" plans but it is rare for a group policy to be an indemnity plan these days. It is slightly more common with individual policies. PPO and POS plans are much more common. The main difference between the plans is an HMO has a doctor network while an Indemnity allows you to visit any doctor, and therefore is much more expensive (PPO and POS also have a network). Also, the managed care model of an HMO is absent with the other plans. That is probably the point of the question and probably what you need to focus on.

How do you get health insurance for a newborn?

I am 19 weeks pregnant and read in a book about picking out a peds dr to examine my baby at the hospital. But I don't have insurance on her yet. How do you get insurance for a newborn? Me and My boyfriend are both covered by our parents insurance until we graduate college and we can't just add her on there. How do you get insurance for just a newborn and how much would it cost? And where do you go to? Also last year I made 25000 so I don't qualify for much government stuff. Thanks
Unless the baby goes onto an employer group plan, Medicaid, or some other type of government insurance, you won't be able to insure him/her at the time of birth. To get enrolled in a private insurance plan (one you purchase yourself), the baby needs to "pass" their early medical checkups. It may be several months (up to a year even) before you can purchase insurance for the baby after he/she is born. And if that newborn is born premature or has any medical conditions, they may be uninsurable. (Meaning - you won't be able to purchase a policy for them at all. No company will take on the risk.) Your best bet is for either you or the father to get a job that comes with insurance benefits, or to make sure that the baby qualifies for some type of government insurance. Purchasing your own policy will be very difficult, and even if you're able to buy one, it will be expensive. If you'd still like to hear your options, insurance-wise, you should contact an insurance agent in your area.

How much does it cost to purchase health insurance for a baby?

I'm doing a research project for A Raisin in the Sun. I need to know the general cost for insurance rates in Michigan for children. (Ruth is pregnant, and with $100,000 dollars, needs to decide how she's giong to spend it on caring for her new baby.) Thanks in advance!
It's almost impossible to buy coverage for a new baby, that includes the well baby care. A good, low/no deductible plan, is going to cost around $150 a month fo rher child.

How does Medicaid work as a secondary health insurance?

I am pregnant and on my mother's insurance (Bluecross Blueshield). I was wondering if anyone knew about what would happen if I also got Medicaid to take care of the expenses that BCBS does not cover... I don't really know if this a good idea or not...
You most likely will not be able to get Medicaid because you have some insurance already. Medicaid is designed for people who have no other coverage at all. Good luck with your baby!

Im 18 in Nevada does anyone know how i can get freee health insurance?

I really need to get check ups Please let me know if you know how i can get FREE HEALTH INSURANCE
possess as much information as you could maybe is one of the options,however it is quite time consuming,here is the resource i have ever had good experience.

Why don't people understand the difference between health care and health insurance?

Everyone seems to think that just because you have insurance, it makes you healthier and makes medical bills cheaper. Why can't people understand that the doctor still gets paid. Its just now the doctor gets paid and the insurance company gets paid too.
Hi, response to your question, even in this educatin 21st century there are wise fools, even if we try telling them the difference with different aspects and examples, things wont change so let the wise fools remain what they are and a smart person like you keep moving knowing the fact, tell the difference to those who are willing to understand,and most importantly willing to hear, its fruitless and useless wasting precious energy telling someone who is neither interested in hearing or understanding. Good Luck friend!

How does a new business bill a health insurance company?

My husband's parents have recently started their own sober living business. Their new client is trying to have them bill his insurance company. How would they go about doing this?
If they are business liscensed to do this business they request forms from that insurance company, and fill them out, or they can simply say, call your insurance carrier and find out how to submit a claim, they do not have to do this in most states. If they are not liscenced with the state, there will be no getting the insurance company to pay for it. Make sure they understand the laws,call the business liscensing agency, and let patients know, they are not covered by their insurance, so that they get paid by the client. Its definatly worth the time to find this out, if their ins wont pay and the person is poor like most are, they will not be able to pay back arrerrs rent, so take cash up front to not lose money.

What is a good health insurance plan?

Neither my husband nor I have group insurance. We are currently paying over $700.00 a month for health care coverage. Do any of you know of a good plan for people who are self employed?
You might want to try and bookmark this site for research information on health insurance. news, articles and more. It may have the resources to help you with your question.

Do health insurance companies in the US cover people all over the US?

Or is that that there are certain companies for certain cities/state? How much does an adult have to pay averagely for health insurance?
Some plans like Aetna and United Healthcare are nationwide. Blue Cross Blue Shield has variations in all 50 states. Some plans are regional or state-specific. I don't know of any that go as specific as city. As far as an average price - impossible to answer accurately. There's too many factors in determining price - such as type of coverage, location, and business or individual, and if the employer picks up part of or all of the tab. I'm going to guess, based on my experience, that a single adult pays about $500-$1000 a month. My plan is $450 a month for just me. My parents pay about $700 a month for just the two of them. I know someone who pays $3500 a month for their family of six.

Have you ever thought about loosing health insurance when thinking about switching jobs?

Have you ever been in a job that had great health insurance but the job you would really want to do does not have or not as good insurance? So if you had health insurance for the year or 90 days it takes for your new job insurance to kick in would you be more willing to switch jobs? And would employers be more willing to pay more to keep you there?
I have had jobs with great insurance. I have had jobs without any insurance. The pay rate is what keeps me at a job not the insurance. I have to AFFORD to go to the Doctor.

Will health insurance cover a nanny if my wife was put on bed rest by her OB for the rest of her pregnancy?

We are pregnant with our second child and have a 15 month old son. My wife is at home with him and is his only caretaker. Due to some complications with the pregnancy, she has been put on modified bed rest -- which means no more lifting our son, or running after him. We now need a babysitter to be here when I am not. I wonder if there is a way to get our health insurance to cover (some) of the cost of the babysitter since my wife is physically incapable of caring for our son.
No, insurance isn't going to cover something like that. This is just one of those things that are part of parenthood sometimes. Thousands of women have to be put on bed rest or have lifting restrictions during pregnancy when they have other kids. You will have to help her all that you can. Is there anyone in your family, like one of your parents, that could possibly come over and help your wife during the day? If you can afford it, you can take off work on FMLA (family medical leave) for up to 12 weeks if you have worked at your job for a consecutive 12 months. Unfortunately it is just something you guys will either have to figure out or hire someone to come in and help your wife take care of your other child. But you will have to pay for it yourself.

How much does health insurance cost?

I'm trying to get benefits started with my friend's budding business, but she's broke, and the more I'm looking into benefits, the more I'm learning. Like how my health insurance comes out of her pocket, for the most part, through an employee benefits plan. And she can't afford that until her company takes off. So my question is, as an individual, how much would health insurance cost me, myself, a month versus how much would it cost me through employee benefits?
If you are 20 and perfectly healthy, and not overweight, with nothing wrong, and no maintenance meds, without materntiy benefits, in Pennsylvania for example, a good low/no deductible comprehensive policy will cost you around $225 a month. For group plans, with maternity, if the employer pays half, it will usually cost you around $200 a month for the same level of coverage.

What is so bad about single payer health insurance?

I believe I've heard Clinton accuse Obama of wanting single payer health insurance in a previous debate. Basically something like Medicare where the money comes from one source--most likeley government? people are making a big deal about it. What is this exactly and is that a bad idea? i find it quite intriguing..
Well, the term speaks for itself. SINGLE PAYER Health Insurance is a MONOPSONY. Like a Monopoly, i.e. one seller and its evils, Ms Clinton and others want only one Buyer of Health Care, i.e. a monopsony. Just like you do not want to only have the choice to buy a Yugo, you should be able to buy your medical care by yourself. Overtime Ms Clinton's medical care will use the power of government to dictate price and procedures of medical care --- You see this in miniature in cities and town where one employers is the 1000 kg gorilla in the market. If you are a MD or Hospital you accept what the employer sets for payment or you starve or move away. With the government you cannot move away. Your medical privacy will be trashed --- see what the current status of medical privacy under Kennedy and Clinton at the site below. What is bad about it is that it destroys incentives for everyone. It destroys the incentive of the young to stay healthy because they will never bear the cost of over-eating, drug use, STD because these costs would be passed on to the population (subsidize bad behavior). It is unfair to the elderly, who will be the biggest buyers of health care in the next 10 years to the point that Ms Clinton will (to safe funds that cannot exist), will refuse treatment to grandma and she will die sooner and more painfully then she would if she could buy her care. Think of only being able to buy your clothes from the Mao Boutique --- one colour, one size, one style. It is not the role of government to pay for health care --- it is a restriction on personal freedom. Do you know anyone on Medicare? Do they like it?

Does NJ have a law stating an employee has to work X hours before they are eligible for health insurance?

My hours just got cut and my employer will continue paying my health insurance - but I found a blog site & someone stated NJ requires a min. of 25hrs/week in order for an employee to participate in a group health insurance plan offered by their employer. This is to avoid business owners from adding friends & family to the policy. Does anyone know if this is true & where I can find this formally stated on a website?
the insurance Company makes the rules not the employers, most insurance companies require employees to be full time but it is not law just there policy