Thursday, August 25, 2011

How did discussions on health insurance turn into this?

It seems that even legitimate questions about the bill turn to rants about greed and condemning capitalism. I don't see this anti-American fervor at all in the real world. Is there a secret area of Y/A where we can actually discuss it without the wackos?
Yahoo is an escape for nutjobs because their views are irrelevant to most of society.

how many times a year can health insurance be raised?

my company just raised health insurance less than 6 months ago and are now raising it again is this legal
If you buy your policy directly, your health insurance company can only raise your rate on the annual anniversary date. If you get it through your employer, your employer can switch policies every month if they want to, and can continually change exactly how much they contribute towards the coverage, thus increasing your cost every month, if it works out that way. So it depends on if it's YOUR policy, or your EMPLOYER'S policy.

Can I still stay on my parents' health insurance if I take 9 units at my 4-year and 4 units at city college?

One of the lower division biology classes I need to take is full but the same class is available at the community college in my city. I'd like to take it but I don't want to get bumped off the insurance if splitting up the units at different institutions is considered not full time. Thanks
Each institution considers you part time, and since you can only get federal funding for on school at a time I doubt that they would combine them to create a full-time label for you. I suggest that you wait a bit, classes always open op close to the start of school when students drop or switch their schedules. I have done this a few times, especially in lower level classes. Just keep checking the class schedule to see if it opened up, better yet, get on a waiting list for the class! Just e mail the teacher!

does anyone know of any good health insurance?

Im having bad medical problems and where i live wont give me medicad, so is health insurance a good idea? i really need to see a doctor.
Hi, My name is Tiffany Brackens, broker for Ameriplan Healthcare Benefits, and I'd like to offer you a cheaper alternative for savings on dental, vision, chiropractic, and medical care. AmeriPlanUSA® offers an unmatched benefits program. The program starts at $11.95 for a individual membership or just $19.95 for the entire household!!! If you are interested in discounts for your dental, vision, chiropractic, or medical needs, please visit:… More info on SAVING MONEY call (212)990-7215 (Explanation of Healthcare Benefits). You can also contact me directly: Tiffany Brackens (817) 232-9723

question about the HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996)?

im 20 years old & just recently left my parents' CONTROLING household.i wanted 2 get a check up & be put on birthcontrol with out my parents knowing. well my aunt works at my doctors office & i went 2 get a PAP smear, pelvic exam, & be put on the depo shot. i had all my mail sent 2 my friend (who went with me) address & used the friends home phone number. so if word got back to my parents i knew my aunt is who told. what do i do if & when she tells? how do i go about fileing complaints on her? what does the HIPPA say i can do to her for violating federal laws on privacy?
The Supreme Court ruling in the first answer is COMPLETELY WRONG! People 17 and over have the rights. Anyone under the age of 17 needs parental consent. ANYTHING...ANYONE. Parents have the rights to know of certain things regarding children.

Will there be a new IRS type agency to enforce health care insurance compliance?

The hacks in the obama administration, together with Congress, are drafting legislation MANDATING that all Americans have coverage... Will there be a new federal police agency charged with enforcement? Will this be under the Treasury (like the IRS is) or some other gun toting outfit ? Will struggling Americans that can't afford insurance, be fined, or imprisoned ?
Off to the poky

Did Obama divulge he is on board for the Hillary Swartznager Health Insurance Law by calling for a $1000 fine?

Hillary's plan from 1992 was always a Big Insurance plan to make it a crime to not have insurance. She got Swartznager and Bush on board a few years ago and Now Obama is saying you go girl to Hillary's Insurance Law plan. Obama said, we can fine the poor and working class people Billions for getting sick.
The fine is not for getting sick. It is for not paying for an insurance plan. As for what some are saying that those who cannot afford to pay the insurance will be exempt, exactly how is that supposed to work? Will they be forced into the welfare system because they will be forced to go on Medicaid? Will their kids have to drop out of college because their education will be discretionary while insurance payments are mandatory? Will people be forced to sell their homes, liquidate their investments, etc. before they will be excused from having to buy health insurance or pay a fine?

If Health Insurance Companies don't check your credit, why is it written in the fine print that they might?

And if so can they deny you health coverage based on a negative credit score? I am very worried.
They do that because they want to reserve the right to do it, should your medical claims be of question. Unfortunately, it has been shown that people that have a poor credit score might have related health insurance issues of nonpayment and such. Not necessarily fair, but the way it is. Hmmm, seems like perhaps the health insurance providers might consider the fact that if you have a major medical problem, you might also have trouble paying your bills because of it? More and more things are being tied to your credit score-health insurance, jobs, etc. so it is VERY important to have good credit-or if you don't, to clean it up.

Why Do Dems Support 12 Mil. Illegals Who Make it Hard for Americans to Get Health Insurance and Jobs?

Illegal aliens have driven down wages and benefits for low-skilled American workers. This has hurt American families. Why do Dems support this damage to American families?
Simple: Their election base is disappearing as they move further and further to the left. The democrats need new blood and the illegals are their answer, instead of moving closer to center, they remain obstinate and refuse to understand that the majority will not tolerate this far left loon nonsense.

An insured pays $6,000 annually for his family's health insurance, which began on January 1. He informs the in

An insured pays $6,000 annually for his family's health insurance, which began on January 1. He informs the insurer on June 30, that he is cancelling the policy. The refund from the insurance company will be
Health insurance is normally purchased on a month to month basis. If he paid in full for the year, in January, and requested cancellation in writing, in advance of the cancellation date, he's entitled to a pro rate refund, unless the policy is through his employer's group. ( I mention this, because that's the only way *I* know of to cover a family for $500 a month). In which case, he can't cancel the policy until the open enrollment period, or he experiences a 'qualifying event'.

Why Do Dems Support 12 Mil. Illegals Who Make it Hard for Americans to Get Health Insurance and Jobs?

Illegal aliens have driven down wages and benefits for low-skilled American workers. This has hurt American families. Why do Dems support this damage to American families?
Simple: Their election base is disappearing as they move further and further to the left. The democrats need new blood and the illegals are their answer, instead of moving closer to center, they remain obstinate and refuse to understand that the majority will not tolerate this far left loon nonsense.

If Health Insurance Companies don't check your credit, why is it written in the fine print that they might?

And if so can they deny you health coverage based on a negative credit score? I am very worried.
They do that because they want to reserve the right to do it, should your medical claims be of question. Unfortunately, it has been shown that people that have a poor credit score might have related health insurance issues of nonpayment and such. Not necessarily fair, but the way it is. Hmmm, seems like perhaps the health insurance providers might consider the fact that if you have a major medical problem, you might also have trouble paying your bills because of it? More and more things are being tied to your credit score-health insurance, jobs, etc. so it is VERY important to have good credit-or if you don't, to clean it up.

Did Obama divulge he is on board for the Hillary Swartznager Health Insurance Law by calling for a $1000 fine?

Hillary's plan from 1992 was always a Big Insurance plan to make it a crime to not have insurance. She got Swartznager and Bush on board a few years ago and Now Obama is saying you go girl to Hillary's Insurance Law plan. Obama said, we can fine the poor and working class people Billions for getting sick.
The fine is not for getting sick. It is for not paying for an insurance plan. As for what some are saying that those who cannot afford to pay the insurance will be exempt, exactly how is that supposed to work? Will they be forced into the welfare system because they will be forced to go on Medicaid? Will their kids have to drop out of college because their education will be discretionary while insurance payments are mandatory? Will people be forced to sell their homes, liquidate their investments, etc. before they will be excused from having to buy health insurance or pay a fine?

An insured pays $6,000 annually for his family's health insurance, which began on January 1. He informs the in

An insured pays $6,000 annually for his family's health insurance, which began on January 1. He informs the insurer on June 30, that he is cancelling the policy. The refund from the insurance company will be
Health insurance is normally purchased on a month to month basis. If he paid in full for the year, in January, and requested cancellation in writing, in advance of the cancellation date, he's entitled to a pro rate refund, unless the policy is through his employer's group. ( I mention this, because that's the only way *I* know of to cover a family for $500 a month). In which case, he can't cancel the policy until the open enrollment period, or he experiences a 'qualifying event'.

Can anyone give me a list of health insurance companies in california for a project i am doing?

I just need a list of companies that can give me an online quote for a school project i am doing
Common situation you met like many other people,be patient,and check the resource here i found useful.

What is the deadline that we going to be 'forced' to purchase Health Insurance by?

When does the mandate take effect in this bill?
Shouldn't matter. All republicans have health insurance anyway. That's why they kept telling us we have the best health care in the world.

can you get health insurance when pregnant?

like if you have no insurance, and you are getting a new job and want to get health insurance but you are already pregnant...can you get health insurance
-------------------- - try this one. My sister had no problem with her insurance coverage while being pregnant.

I'm a diabetic (with lots of healthcare related costs). I will be losing my current health insurance soon.

What options do I have as far as paying or my pricey medications/equipment, or finding new health insurance? I live in Alabama, and to be eligible for medicaid one must make <$200/month. Thanks for any thoughts!
Jane, Health insurance in the US is a real mess. But there's a pretty good article that lays out the limited options that are available:… Take a look. Hope it helps.

question about bluecross blue shield health insurance?

My husband has empire's bluecross blue shield health insurance (PPO) and i was wondering if this was a good health insurance or not? I don't know anyone who has it so I'm not too sure whether it is or isn't? Do you have to pay a lot out of your pocket?(he just got it this month through his job so we haven't gone to doctor's yet to see how much money we'll have to pay for doctor's visits.) Thanks for all answers
What kind of company is Empire (large public or small)? It depends greatly. The reason is that if it is a self-funded plan benefits can be wildly different. I am a healthcare lawyer who works with numerous plans often and I can tell you that benefits, while usually fairly uniform, can vary. The easiest thing to do is ask his HR person for a schedule of benefits under the plan. This should clear up most of your questions.

Is the Health Insurance system broken?

Purchasing health insurance if self-employed seems cost-prohibitive when it comes to deductibles, monthly cost, and coverage in general. Seems like it is only good for catastrophic situations, otherwise too expensive. Any thoughts?
no its not true..rather it has become a necessary dese days.2day v have more complecated diseases dan ever b4.more common is d lifestyle diseases like high bp,cholesterol,heart problems n all.treatment 4 all dese is too its better if u hv an insurance cover 4 dese.many insurance cmpanies r offering cashless service whereby u dont need 2 pay cash at d counter of d hospital where u r treated,rather it wl b paid frm d plastic card provided by ur insurer..............2day v hv STAR health & allied insurance comp. dat is a stand alone health insurer.latest entrant into dis field is Apollo DKV.....many other players r also in d pipeline....... waiting 4 approval frm u know more n more players in a particular field is always beneficial 4 d consumer as dey hav lot of options 2 choose u can enquire n get d best product 4 u.........lot of informations r on net....u jst need 2 keep urself updated.. GOD bless...

Since when has the BENEFIT of Health Care insurance become a Madatory requirement?

Years ago some employers offered Health Care Benefits to their employees as a perk, a benefit! Why has it suddenly become accepted as a responsibility of the employer?
Because most employers know that if you don't offer some type of health won't be keeping your employees very long. They will go work for someone who does provide health insurance. Health insurance is too expensive for most people to afford on their own. Additionally, people with preexisting conditions that can't get insurance on their own can qualify for an employer plan. If the employers did not provide health insurance - the employees would leave.

Why do I need to pay for health insurance?

Cant I just be really careful?
I think if you do not know how important is health insurance then its sure that you are not aware how unpredictable life is. Yes, the things are very well co-related and people always avoid health insurance. You are not sure when you can fall back ill. Even you see people taking care of them throughout the year still they need to undergo some health difficulties. I think you should better take a health insurance other than challenging your life.

Why does and Congress and Senate have health insurance?

That is so much better than most Americans can afford but the rest of us have don't?
Good question,and since WE are paying for it with taxes,shouldn't our taxes provide us with the same benefits???

For a foreign student,how to buy health insurance,basic form?

I need to buy one right now,it's urgent,and I don't have slightest idea how to,can anyone recommend something,my budget is a couple hundreds for one year.
You should probably contact your school for that. A couple hundred for a full year, might cover a program through your school - but won't cover private health insurance, by a long shot.