Thursday, March 3, 2011

What right does the government have to tell employers they have to provide health insurance to workers?

What makes it an employers responsibility to provide health insurance?
Every right. Everything.

Why do liberals keep bringing up the Auto Insurance answer when trying to defend Health Care as necessary?

I don't know if they understand that Auto Insurances are a State mandate not the Federal Govt, and that one doesn't need an auto insurance if they don't have a car. Which makes their argument without substance on health care. Also they can't seem to answer the constitutionality of the Federal Govt forcing people to purchase Health Insurance against their will. .
One of the many poor arguments they use to attempt to defend the flawed legislation. Auto insurance mandate is contingent on the operation of a motor vehicle and is regulated by the states while the health insurance reform is contingent on breathing and will be regulated by the Secretary of Health and Human services. The former is a choice, the latter is a mandate. A quote from the bill; "...the Secretary shall make such adjustments that are deemed necessary including, reducing benefits, establishing waiting lists or increasing premiums." This is but one of countless references to the sole discretion of the Secretary of Health and Human services.

Does anyone know the cost of health insurance for Tom Thumb grocery stores in Florida?

I will be accepting a job at Tom Thumb grocery chain in Florida and am wondering what health insurance will run me for me and my two kids?? Thank u.
The HR department will tell you - it will depend heavily on the position they are hiring you for.

what is the real reason america doesnt have free health insurance?

Is it the cost drug companies dont want it? health insurance companies dont want it? It will lower quality medical for the rich? it will take away money from building bombs and guns?
Ding ding got it with the your last much money is being spent on "the war on terror" and other political crap that could be being spent on national health care. H. Clinton (and others) have some really good ideas on universal should check them out.

How can I get free health insurance?

My husband and I are both full time students and have no employment (no kids either). We live in Toledo, Ohio and attend UT, where it is mandatory for all students to have health insurance. The prices through the university are outrageous, and we're not getting that much financial aid anyways - we have no incoming income - is there a way to apply for free health insurance here in Toledo as there is in bigger cities like Chicago or New York?
No employment, no income and married? WOAH you got to think about getting a job quick or you and your husband will be out on the streets before you think about health insurance.

Do Liberals know that buying health insurance is optional?

I keep reading post after post of how the insurance companies are screwing them. DON'T BE A CUSTOMER IF YOU THINK THEY ARE SCREWING YOU. There is no law that says you have to buy health insurance yet anyway. Try paying cash for your health care then you will see first hand why health insurance is so expensive. Because health care is expensive!
ok.. but say they dont get over priced insurance... and they get sick.. they go to the emergency room... guess who pays for it? your insurance company.. who than jacks your overblown premiums even higher... see how this is a lose lose situation?

What's the best affordable health insurance?

I'm a month away from graduation & I've been under my father's plan (GHI) & its about that time where my health insurance is about to be terminated.. I wanted to know what's the best AFFORDABLE health insurance out there & where I can be under my own plan.. I'm 21, part-time employee if that helps..
Try this site… here you can get quotes from different companies so you can know which is the best for you.

does the health care reform bill require people to have health insurance?

hr3200, does it require health insurance the same way that people need auto insurance?
Pretty much. The only way you can require insurance companies to cover everyone, and have everyone pay basically the same premium (technically called community rating versus individual rating) is to mandate that everyone be covered. Otherwise, many people would not buy insurance until they got sick, but companies would not be allowed to deny coverage to them, or even charge them higher premiums. HR 3200 (the main Democratic bill) has an employer mandate. Somehow that is thought to be politically more palatable than an individual mandate, though an economist will tell you that there's really not much difference between the two. Poor people who can't afford insurance would get assistance in the form of vouchers or refundable tax credits.

Does anyone know where i can get cheap and affordable health insurance from in wisconsin?

Im looking for cheap or affordable health insurance ,, sure cant seem to find any .. does anyone have an answer
Try this site here you can get quotes from different companies in Wisconsin

Can I buy health insurance online and use it today?

Yeah I just want to know if I can buy health insurance online and be able to use it today? because I need to see a doctor ASAP! Oh and I also want to know which company is the cheapest to go with!
YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve my similiar problem.

Can you appeal health insurance claim denial?

I am trying to have a breat reduction and the my health insurance company had denied it. What can I do?
Christy, breast reduction is considered a cosmetic surgery and such a claim is not allowed as the terms and conditions have specified clearly. However, if the doctor's report can clearly prove that it is needed on medical reasons; then your claim should be approved. Do check with your insurance agent for more details.

my girlfriend battles with sever depression. anyone know of free health insurance?

long history together. she has admitted to feeling very depressed and loosing the drive to do things she typically loves to do... however, she has no health insurance and she doesn't know who to turn to. any solutions? Southern California residents. in orange county/la area.
all cities/county have behavioral Health clinic for people with no insurance or low income people. You just need to look up your city/county. This is the link for OC…

Cobra Coverage - Am I entitled if I was laid off but I was purchasing my own Health Insurance?

The company which I was an employee did not offer me health insurance so I had to purchase my own and now I just got laidoff. Am I entitled to receive Cobra benefits to help pay for my individual insurance?
COBRA is 100% paid by you. You are only entitled to it if you were enrolled in your company plan and you leave. You can continue your plan through COBRA but you pay 100% of the employer and employee cost of the premium.

trying to get health insurance as a 21 years old?

I just moved to Kentucky and Im a partime student and a parttime worker. I want to get health insurance but am not sure what to do or where to do. I cant get it through work and I cant through my parents. HELP!!!
You need to do your own research. I would just get many quotes from different companies then pick the best/cheapest one. When researching health insurance you might want to try and bookmark this site for research information, news, articles, insurance quotes, companies, links and more. It should have the resources/links to help you with your question.

What do you think of Cigna Health Insurance? Success or horror story?

please share if you can. I'm figuring whether to keep them or be covered by another health insurance company.
What are your options? Are you insurable by another insurer? I've had a hard time getting claims paid. I have worked hard, and put in a lot of hours, to get my family's claims paid. I do folllowup, A LOT, to get claims paid. Cigna isn't much worse than anyone else, though, and if you are considering switching, you're best off getting the quote FIRST, so you can include pricing in with the other considerations.

Please help me choose the right health insurance?

I am in the process of choosing a health insurance plan at work. These two options are what I am considering: Anthem POS High Option - $42.00 Aetna HMO - Ohio(EPO) - $36.00 The HMO seems to have better benefits (100% coverage after $250 copayment vs 90$ coverage after $250 copayment for hospital coverage, 100% coinsurance percentage vs 90%, both have no annual deductible for in-network). The HMO option also has no annual out of pocket maximum while the POS high potion has a $1200 annual OOP maximum. Why is it that the HMO seems to have better options but costs less than the POS high option?
With the HMO not only do you need a referal to see a specialist but you also need pre-approval from the insurance company before you receive almost any medical care. You must use a doctor or hospital in the network. If you travel outside of your area you may have a hard time finding someone. The annual out of pocket maximum is actually a good thing. That is the most you will spend during a year for your health care. If you look at the summary of benefits you'll see that even though the HMO is at 100% you still have co-pays to pay for every procedure. These co-pays can add up to well over $1200 if you have major health problems.

what health insurance can i apply for?

i'm a stay at home mom and my husband is self employed. so we can't get insurance through work. blue cross keeps denying me. what other affordable health insurance can i apply for?
What state are you in? Not all health insurance companies are in all states. But here is a list of a some options.…

Switching health insurance plans during pregnancy?

Here is the story.. Both my wife and I work and have own health insurance plans though companies. I planned to switch her to my plan during the open enrollment in August as mine offers better benefits and it would be effective from September 1. Now, we just learned that my wife is 4-week pregnant. Will we have any trouble claiming for the pregnancy-related bills from my health insurance provider (Blue Cross Blue Shield) after the switch? Another question is that, the first doctor's visit is coming up in a few weeks. Could my wife use her insurance for the first visit, then use my insurance after the switch for subsequent visits as well as the baby delivery? Thanks!
Here in Nevada - insurance carriers are not allowed to put pre-existing condition exclusions for pregnancy on GROUP SPONSORED plans. I am not sure of the laws in your state however - the general rule of thumb for all pre-ex conditions is: If you had health insurance coverage during the diagnosis and there has not been a lapse of coverage for more than 63 days there can not be any pre-existing conditions attached to the GROUP SPONSORED policy. This is verified through the evidence of coverage (EOC) that you will receive once your wife drops her plan. The main thing to look at is your physicians - make sure the doctor she is going to visit in a couple weeks is also listed as a participating provider for your new health plan. You shouldnt have any problems - just keep the physicans updated when you get your new ID cards. Hope this helps!

Has anyone ever heard of cinergy health insurance?

what are they about and are they a viable health insurance company?
Cinergy Health is not an Insurance Co but Cinergy Health, Inc. is a Health Savings Program for the Uninsured and Underinsured. Cinergy Health, Inc. is licensed and/or registered as a Discount Medical Plan Organization in some but not all states. Membership plans are available in all states except Connecticut, Montana, South Dakota, and parts of Kansas. You can find them

can some one write about the health insurance system in nepal?

I want to know about the health insurance system in Nepal can someone help me please??
hey It is really important to have health insurance these days. Go to this site to get the cheapest price. I saved 30% last month. http://FreeQuotesForYou.Info I think that will help

Is there any good but cheap health insurance not based on income?

Is there any good but cheap health insurance in new york state not based on income? thanks
Try this site Here you can compare quotes from different companies

What do you think of Cigna Health Insurance? Success or horror story?

please share if you can. I'm figuring whether to keep them or be covered by another health insurance company.
They tried as hard as they could not to pay for my 18 year old son's hospitals bill. He's a full time student. I have lupus and take alot of meds that aren't generic. So they only pay a portion and I pay the rest.Yesterday I received a letter from my dentist saying they are no longer going to accept cigna so now I have to find a new dentist. Great I'd wish I had a choice of insurance. I've got ppo btw. Good luck I'd say i'm a horror story:[

T or F? Millions near layoff or now on unemployment need single-payer health insurance?

If Max Bauchus (Dem) and the GOP succeeds with complicating and the same old same old healthcare system, millions will be left out in the cold very quickly. What kind of healthcare will you have the way things are going? Single-payer is the most simple, straight forward lifeline we will have a year from now. Private profit health insurance simply wants to healthy customers and to dump the risky people. Plain and simple how they are planning your future. Rep. Boehner is a slick face lying pig.,

How can we make health care insurance work like car insurance?

Everyone is familiar with how car insurance works. Its available to all. Its pretty cheap. They can't drop you from coverage even if you are a drunk driver. Once you have a accident they dont raise you rates too much. Why can't health care be more like Geico (insurance) and your local car repair man (doctor) and the DMV (government help)?
Because the right say that it would be a bad thing for Americans to have access to affordable health insurance that does not drop them on the orders of a death panel. FACT - Insurance companies in the USA admit to pushing up prices, buying politicians and not paying out claims when they should [1] FACT - PER PERSON the USA spends more on healthcare than any other nation on the planet [2] FACT - Obama debated his plans before the election for healthcare [3] FACT - the chance of a child under five of dying in the USA is greater than industrialised nations with universal health coverage [4] FACT - Obama was elected by the American people to bring in change [5] FACT - Obama wants to stop insurance companies from screwing America [6] FACT - The reforms Obama wants work in the Netherlands and Switzerland [7] Let me know if my facts are wrong, but please provide proof.