Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What is typical health insurance offered by employers in the USA?

The small company I work for will pay for only 70% of the cost of health insurance. If I were single, they would pay 80%, but because I am married they would pay only 70% of a family policy. Moreover, I would have to go out and obtain the policy myself, pay the full premium every month, and then have the 70% added to my pay. Can anyone tell me if this is typical or is my employer providing less than is customary? Am I correct in thinking he's a cheap b*st*rd?
health-quotes.isgreat.org - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

How can I get health insurance for myself and family?

How can I get health insurance for myself and family and pay for it as business expense without employees? I'm a successful part time entrepreneur in California, but I maintain my day job because of the group health insurance they offer. I'd like to cut the apron string and go out completely on my own, but the insurance situation holds these plans hostage.
Try this site usainsurancequotes.net Here you can compare quotes from different companies

what is the best health insurance What is the best Health Insurance plan for me and my wife in south Jersey?

I want to buy Health Insurance for me, my wife . I live in south Jersey. I can spend about 300 monthly for Insurance.We are in mid of 30th & we are going to have a baby next year. What all I should look for? It is so confusing. PPO, Deductibles, Coinsurance, and all these plans... I know only a little, and it is very hard making a choice. Please Help!
Visit your state insurance department's Web site. You'll probably find a list of companies selling individual coverage in your state, including those that aren't handled by brokers. For example, many BlueCross/BlueShield plans -- often one of the few choices available in highly restrictive states -- prefer to deal directly with customers, or offer such low commissions that they aren't worth a broker's time. The insurance department may provide shopping tips for your state, as well as insurance-company complaint records. It is a good idea to check with a qualified insurance agent before purchasing a health insurance policy. Health policies can get very complex and can hidden coverages/non-coverages. Start by getting a quote at: http://www.insureme.com/landing.aspx?Ref… This web site will allow you to compare prices and find the best price and coverage. It is free of charge and they even give you the option to speak to local agents if you have questions. I hope that helps! Ron @ InsureMe

How to keep health insurance from being cut due to low hours?

My sister is 6 months pregnant and just found out from her work today that her health care insurance is going to be cancelled this week because she is not making enough hours for her to keep her coverage. Is there anyway around this? Or any suggestions? She is married but her husband cannot add her to his coverage until enrollment period which is after her due date. He also makes to much to have medicade.
He should be able to change now if she went from full time to part time. Also, as soon as the baby is born, he can put the baby on his coverage ASAP.

How much time is needed to find health insurance?

When I am 25, I will no longer be covered under my parent's health insurance plan. I am needing to know how much time I will need to invest in finding health insurance for myself (a non-married young man with no existing health issues and no current medications). Any links to articles or websites are welcome. Thank you.
chloe is wrong.. if you wait longer than 62 days then any condition you were seen/treated for during your "uncovered" time could be considered pre-existing and your new insurance company could reject any payment for that condition for up to a year if you don't pick up a new policy within the 62 days. I've work pre-existing claims for Wellpoint (anthem) blue cross and blue shield now for almost 9 years..

If the government mandates health care insurance in your opinion will I be a criminal for refusing?

What if I have enough money to pay for any medical expenses so I don't need health insurance, don't work because I'm retired, and therefore don't pay an income tax. The way its shaping up I would be charged a tax penalty for not having health care and be a criminal for not paying it. I think it's against my rights to have to pay for health insurance simply to subsidize another persons health care. Am I living in a free country or the socialist states of America? What do you think?
The Kennedy plan proposes fines. Who knows if they will put those who don't pay the fines in jail. I agree with you. It should be your choice. Why should you have to pay to subsidize the health insurance of those who run to the doctor all the time for every little thing? And I haven't heard any catastrophe only insurance plan proposed.

Will a Federal employee's health insurance continue to cover the surviving spouse after a death?

My grandfather retired from the Census Bureau in the 80's. Since then, he and my grandmother have both been on government provided health insurance (Blue Cross, Blue Shield) from his job. He died of a heart attack this weekend, and I am trying to figure out if my grandmother will still benefit from the same health insurance even though he is gone. Any answers would save a lot of time and stress. Thanks.
Yes-she will be able to keep the insurance as a surviving spouse. Chances are he chose the Government coverage in lieu of medicare. She should contact the carrier to see if there is anything she will need to send them (death certificate, etc).

What kind of health insurance should I buy my friend?

I want to help a friend of mine get health insurance and money is not a major problem. However, I'm confused as to which company to go to. I want to take out a plan that requires little to no out-of-pockets expenses to him. I've heard Blue Cross/Blue Shield is good for Florida. What else would you recommend? Please help, he really needs it. Thank you.
health-quotes.isgreat.org - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.

What are my options for health insurance?

I'm a 26 year old male and have just lost my health insurance through my parents. I graduate from college this December and don't have any job prospects as of now. My School's health insurance plan is $14,000 dollars for the next two semesters, (although i would only be attending one) which I can't afford. What options do I have for health insurance now and after graduation given that i don't really have any money available.
work work work!

What information is shown to the subscriber of health insurance?

What information is shown to the subscriber of health insurance? I am under my parent's insurance and need to go to the doctor for personal reasons that I do not want them to see. Will it show specific information like what was done and what prescriptions I got, or just general information like office visit and Rx?
Most health insurance providers mail the subscriber an explanation of payment and or benefits. It will show the doctors name but usually do not include a lot of detail as to the service provided. It will most likley show up as an office visit.

What happens if you cannot afford health insurance after Obama's bill comes into effect?

With the economy the way it is, my fiance's job cut his hours in half and we are barely affording to pay the rent in a cheap one bedroom apartment. What is going to happen if we cannot afford to run out and buy health insurance like the law dictates? Is there an option for low-income families to get VERY cheap to no-cost health insurance (like Medicaid)?
Try this site http://www.usainsurancequotes.net/ Here you can compare quotes from different companies

What kind of health insurance should I buy my friend?

I want to help a friend of mine get health insurance and money is not a major problem. However, I'm confused as to which company to go to. I want to take out a plan that requires little to no out-of-pockets expenses to him. I've heard Blue Cross/Blue Shield is good for Florida. What else would you recommend? Please help, he really needs it. Thank you.
health-quotes.isgreat.org - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.

How much is health insurance when married?

Me and my girlfriend plan on getting married and having a child soon after. How much would health insurance be? We would be living in an apartment by ourselves if that makes a difference. She will be out of college and I will be starting.
Try this site usainsurancequotes.net Here you can compare quotes from different companies

Need to target health insurance clients, do you have a good model?

I am currently trying to drill down on the best way to target personal health insurance clients, by demographical and psychograpical data. What were the questions you asked to get you to that point. I'm in the Georgia area, so if you are out of state, I won't be competing with you. I have some ideas, but am working on some test marketing pieces and want to make sure I'm hitting the best sample. Thanks for your help.
I don't mean to be rude and I hope you don't take it as such... but I think your reasoning is... askew. The whole point of marketing is to find some association with the client on an EMOTIONAL level. Then use education and numbers to make sure the association reaches them. Let's look at it that way for a moment. First off, everybody needs health insurance. Then, if you want to sell private health insurance, the only people who will want to buy are the people who don't have it through some other source (work, government aid... etc.) At this point, you will probably find lots of single parents who have a job and make too much for government aid, but don't have health insurance through their work. Then, when you look at their household incomes and household expenditures, you will see why selling private health insurance is so difficult. They don't have very much left. You have several advantages actually. Everybody knows they need it. Everybody wants it and they will search out the most unlikely and far-fetched rumours they hear, trying to get it. But they can't afford it. Now we have your demographic target and your hook (technically called the "emotional recall cue") Now it's time to use the brains and the numbers. What if, instead of your psychographical data... you worked with the accounting dept. to figure out some way that LOW income people could afford your plan. Yes, I know, management wants you to recruit middle class clients. But if you change your program to accomodate lower class clients, you will actually be recruiting the people they want because government subsidy (so to speak) has thrown off your demographic net worth numbers. So, now we have our emotional hook. Amazingly simple... health care that the working single parents can honestly afford. If you can make that happen, you will dominate your industry. I promise you that they will beat a path to your door. You could have the crapiest marketing material on the continent (I wouldn't advise it, but you could) and you will still see double digit growth rates... quarter after quarter. Your problem will be this: the risk of serious illness will be hard for your management to gamble on. They will balk at the idea... I promise that too. The question is: do you want to succeed in your industry or do you want to be a great salesperson. If you just want to sell then throw all that data and all those formulas away and work with a creative marketing consultant on a fantastic viral campaign.

Money spent on health insurance through work be deducted?

Can this money spent on health insurance at work be deducted on the Itemized Deductions Schedule A under Medical and Dental Expenses. Thanks
Normally not. The vast majority of employer-sponsored health insurance plans are paid for with pre-tax dollars under a Section 125 benefits plan. You've already received tax benefit for those premiums so you cannot deduct them again on Schedule A. While it's possible to have those premiums deducted post-tax there's normally no tax benefit in doing so. Some employers may report the total health insurance premiums in box 14 but it's not a requirement. You need to check with your payroll department and see if the health insurance is part of a Section 125 plan or not. That said, if you were given an election sheet when you became eligible for the coverage, or at the annual open season (usually in November) then your plan is a Section 125 plan. That sheet allows you to designate the premiums as pre or post tax. The default is pre tax and I can't think of a good reason why you would ever want to have them deducted post tax.

Where can i find the best health insurance to pay for my surgery?

Well I do not have health insurance and I was just wondering? Does anyone know of a good health insurance that would pay a large sum of money if I do get this surgery?
it's not so much dependent on what policy you have, but rather, what type of surgery it is...if it's considered cosmetic, you're out of luck. plus, no health insurance company will pay for a surgery to treat a "pre-existing condition" - so, if it's already medically documented that you should have this surgery done, again, you're out of luck...if not, there's a good chance it will be covered by most health insurance policies.

How much of health insurance premiums is profit?

Our local paper today reports 60% of the cost of the premium is profit to the insurance company. Can this be verified? If it's true, then it puts a new light on the subject of rising premiums and health care reform.
I would say that is pretty close, considering the pay of the CEOs, Lobbyists, advertising, profit for the share holders, and a huge expense is the monies to the politicians. From 2000 to 2006, republicans received 2/3 of all the monies donated..millions! That is really expensive. All this information is available on the internet. It amazes me that this scam has gone on as long as it has...the American people who are against reform are foolish.

What are qualifying events to add dependents to health insurance?

I recently enrolled in United Health Care insurance through my employer. The open enrollment has ended and I just found out my son has lost his insurance due to my change in income( to much overtime). I live with my son and my girlfriend( his mother) and was wondering if I could add him now after open enrollment because he lost his coverage? Or if I marry my girlfriend would I be able to add them both?
You'll need to talk to your Human Resources representative to find out if this may be considered a qualifying event. Loss of coverage often is considered a qualifying event, but this can vary from one plan to another and one employer to another. If you learn that you can't add your son to your health insurance plan, you may want to consider purchasing an individual health insurance policy for your son. Depending on his age, health, and where you live, you may have some surprisingly affordable options. Talk to a licensed agent or visit an online agency like eHealthInsurance.com, where I work, to get free quotes and see what's available. You can reach one of our licensed agents by phone at 1-800-977-8860. Best, Amir M, licensed agent

What information is shown to the subscriber of health insurance?

What information is shown to the subscriber of health insurance? I am under my parent's insurance and need to go to the doctor for personal reasons that I do not want them to see. Will it show specific information like what was done and what prescriptions I got, or just general information like office visit and Rx?
well probably yes because we get mail when our son or our daughter they are still under our health insurance plan and want to get out of it but we always get other mail saying like thank you for your visit to what ever hospital or dr's office so hope this helps!

How much do you pay for health insurance at work?

I might be switching jobs and just want to see what kind of average price of health insurance people are paying. see if this new job offers a decent package. My current job is at a huge multinational corporation and i pay right around 80 bucks a month for me and my wife, the new place says its $257 per two week pay period. 50% cost i think they said. is that normal? thanks for your input.
My company has amazing insurance. For my family of 3 it is $60 a month. Includes: Blue Cross PPO, Dental, Vision, Wellness, etc. Co-pays are low if you stay in network. Dental is still ridiculously dumb. Unfortunately, because the company kicks in so much, the overall pay is poor.

What are some good health insurance companies?

My mom is a single mom with 3 kids and a mom with Dementia that she is taking care of and a daughter that has disease. She does things for us but doesn't worry about herself. I am worried about her health. She does not have insurance. She needs cheap but good insurance,any ideas?
I recommend you this site where you can compare quotes so you can find the best option for you http://Cheap-Health-Insurance-USA.info/

How much does health insurance cost?

I'm a 27 year old male in perfect health and I was wondering how much I can expect to pay for health insurance for an independent plan. I'm planning to start my own business and considering how much health insurance is a major consideration. Even a ballpark number would help for my calculations. Thanks!
It's hard to give a ballpark number because of the variety of plans available. It will also vary depending upon your zip code. In my area your cost will range from $27 to $242 per month depending upon the company, the policy, and how rich the benefits are. Call a local independent agent in you area, tell them what you want, and they'll give you a ballpark figure.

Why is Obama not willing to increase the deficit one penny for health insurance?

Is health insurance less important than the bailout of banks, auto makers, etc, which has already increased our deficit many billions? Is the forced subsidy of health insurance by those who don't want health insurance a new indirect tax to pay for Obama's plan?
Because the Republicans have given him enough crap already for the the 700billion dollar stimulus check he put in place. The money will most likely slowly be paid off through taxes in the net 100years or so. ------------- See your political standing at http://www.bestpoliticalquiz.com

What are the MaineCare health insurance policies on this?

If a person is covered under MaineCare Insurance, what are the policies regarding doctor's visits and such? My sister plans on having a homebirth and doesn't need to use her health insurance unless there is an emergency and she needs to go to the hospital. Will MaineCare still cover it or will they give her a hard time?
She will have to call the number on the back of her card and ask.