Monday, December 6, 2010

Do Democrats really think hey can run a health insurance option?

The Gov has had control of another Insurance option for decades, Social Security Insurance..... How have they done with running it? If they (gov) have failed miserably running SSI what makes anyone think the Dems can formulate and run a Health Care Insurance?
Democrats couldn't manage ants at a picnic...what makes them think they could manage a multi-billion dollar industry? Oh yeah it's that whole thinking thing...dim-o-crats can't really do that either. "The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."

Do health insurance premiums go down if you get healthier?

I have health insurance and I quit smoking 4 months ago and lost 25 pounds. I am in my mid twenties and have no health issues or diseases. I am now height/ weight proportional and healthier than ever. If I let my insurance company know this, will my premiums go down?
Nope. They increase it every birthday. That's their gift to their customers, an increase on your birthday. What a gift, right?!

Where can I get a good but affordable health insurance plan?

I'm 45 years old, peri-menopausal, and desperately NEED a hysterectomy (before I bleed to death one month) and I haven't any health insurance. What could I do so that I don't have to completely pay for this procedure myself? Thanks!
Try this one - - I personally have their health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage.

Why Aren't Health Insurance Companies Worried About People Lying On Applications?

My health insurance agent keeps telling me that if I have on pre-existing conditions then I won't get turned down by Aetna. But since there is no physical exam, aren't health insurance companies worried that people will be lying on their applicaitons?
Because they plan to deny coverage when the first claim is made.

Question for those of you who have excellent health insurance?

Now, I've read posts on this board where people claim that they have excellent health insurance. My question to those of you that do, do you have to pay a portion of the premiums or does your employer pay for it all. ALSO, do you have anyone in your family who has a chronic or life threatening illness or disability? You don't have to say what it is, but how is that working out for you and your family?
Yeah, I work for the state. They do take out some for health, but not a crazy amount. I also get dental and a great pair of eye glasses each year. It's really a premium plan. That said, I earn a few bucks less than I did in the private sector, so it all evens out.

Where can I get free health insurance in San Diego,California?

I need health insurance, but can not afford any because of bills, and paying off college. I realy have alot of health problems, but have no money to fix them, I need free health insurance fast. Please help.
carebear, Health insurance can be very tricky. Since I'm from Idaho I'm not sure about California regulations, so I suggest you visit a nearby insurance agent. They will be able to help you.

What health insurance options are available to someone who has health problems and needs insurance?

I am in desperate need to help my mother find insurance. Her cobra ended a few months ago, and she has a lot of health problems which makes her "not insurable" I know there has to be some program out there, she has been informed of medicaid and they told her they would take over her assets (she has very little left to retire on, but can't afford them to take what is there) can anyone suggest anything or provide more detail for medicaid? I really appreciate it!
i cant help but i know that if you go to a hospital and talk about this problem whit a doktor, he can tell you what to do, or where to go to find out more

is it a smart move to get pet health insurance?

I just adopted two kittens, but both are rescues. I want to know if pet health insurance is a good choice. Does anyone know anything about this? And also, what would be the best place to get it?
No, there just cats.

What is going to happen if Health Insurance Reform is passed?

If Health Insurance Reform is passed and is created into a government ran health program, what effect will it have on the amount of taxes deducted out of weekly or bi-weekly paychecks of the American People? Will the rate at which we pay taxes increase? We now pay almost a 1/4th or 25% out of our paychecks. Will this increase to lets say 1/2 or 50% out of our paychecks?
I don't think it will be effective. I don't think it will change anything... only get us into deeper debt. You know how Americans are... they will sue for everything.

What is the solution to our Health Insurance problems and that movie Sicko?

I don't want anyone to be sick and die because insurance companies want to make money. But is Universal health care provided by the government the answer?? What country has the best health care? I heard France? Argentinian citizens get free plastic surgery??!!!!!!!??
Well one fact that is true is that the government does currently pay a large amount out for health care right now for the elderly and down and out and the Veterans and others. I have heard that the Veterans health system is bad, but my dad was in the Veterans hospital a lot and I thought is was pretty good. I think it is a coop system that everyone pays into and everyone is covered and we should ban the insurance companies from the health care business. As far as oversight, how about the doctors and a represenative or citizen elect from each state to manage it. We do need to be careful just look at social security which was originally good because it was a trust and seperate from the government and then LBJ changed it and mingled it into the budget so as to finance the Vietnam war, which has turned out to be a big mistake. I have heard if it had been left alone it would have 16 trillion in its coffers now but instead they have used it too fight wars and that was not the intention. So there is a solution but it will need safegaurds. Which country is best? I have heard Sweden was good and know of a lady who went there for cancer surgery and it cost $500.00, Maybe we need a group to investigate it.

How will government raise the money needed to pay subsidies to let people and businesses buy health insurance?

Will this money come from the fines imposed on those who do not buy health insurance? Or what specific new taxes will pay for that?
The money garnered from taxes on businesses and people who don't have or buy health insurance won't be enough to fund the program. So the government will have to tax other amenities. Although I doubt it will happen the "bread and butter" tax increase is usually a higher tax on tobacco but the government just recently did this and I don't see them doing it again this soon but you never know. You might actually see a higher tax on bread and butter, there has been talk recently of a tax to be put on fast food and junk food and with 80% of the states already having a state tax of some form on these items I can't see the feds being too far behind. The truth is there is no telling where the tax will be placed but historically speaking the tax will affect the middle class the most, as the poor don't have the money and the rich have all the lobbyists.

How will government raise the money needed to pay subsidies to let people and businesses buy health insurance?

Will this money come from the fines imposed on those who do not buy health insurance? Or what specific new taxes will pay for that?
The money garnered from taxes on businesses and people who don't have or buy health insurance won't be enough to fund the program. So the government will have to tax other amenities. Although I doubt it will happen the "bread and butter" tax increase is usually a higher tax on tobacco but the government just recently did this and I don't see them doing it again this soon but you never know. You might actually see a higher tax on bread and butter, there has been talk recently of a tax to be put on fast food and junk food and with 80% of the states already having a state tax of some form on these items I can't see the feds being too far behind. The truth is there is no telling where the tax will be placed but historically speaking the tax will affect the middle class the most, as the poor don't have the money and the rich have all the lobbyists.

How good is individual health insurance?

How good are individual health insurance plans? Do they have higher claim denial rates than group plans? Are you satisifed with your individual health insurance plan?
With individual health insurance, you get what you pay for. They do NOT have higher claim denial rates, as long as you don't lie, fib, fudge, whatever you want to call it, on your application. ANY misrepresentation on your application, deliberate or accidental, can void the policy, and/or lead to claims being denied. YOU control that.

Did the Democrats just get stabbed in the back by the health insurance companies?

On the eve of the Senate Finance Committee's plan to vote, Am. Health Insurance Plans has issued a report predicting increases in annual insurance premiums of up to $4000 by 2019 if health care reform passes. Mere coincidence? Whatever happened to insurers' promises to cooperate in bringing costs down?
It is all BS! They lied-- again. I once worked for Oxford Health Plans (now United Heathcare). When we went through a tough financial period they cut out Friday bagels for the employees while the President and CEO, Dr. Norman Payson received 11.5 million dollars per year. Maybe Dr Norm could have made due with just a mere 11 million per year and we could have kept a small perk that everyone loved. The for profit Health Insurance industry is pure evil. Universal care-- with a public option is the way to go. It is working in Massachusetts. =0)

What is wrong with the government giving us another choice for health insurance?

If the American people really do want a choice in health insurance, then let then choose between private or government provided insurance. Let the health care reform pass and let the American people choose which one they want..
Yes, exactly... to be able to choose how you are covered is a much better idea... even if the government provided insurance was like a safety net for those that don't have or can't afford private insurance. Everybody deserves health care, it's like oxygen... and just as important as the right to freedom of speech. Luckily, I am an Australian... and we have exactly that here... a government run health care system for everyone called Medicare and several private health funds to chose from as well. It's not perfect, but much better (I think) than a private only system... governed by money and greed. We have no problem getting in to see a doctor, having a doctor of our choice, there can be some delays in (non-urgent) surgery but all emergencies are treated and stabilised quickly at the first hospital (where I understand that often in the US, an ambulance is often turned away from hospitals to travel further away). Medicare provides that "safety-net" that private health simply cannot or will not be able to cover - it's for everyone, and it doesn't cost anywhere near the amount people in the US already pay in taxes!

Does anyone know how to obtain high risk health insurance?

Considering self-employment.Cannot find any company that will write high risk health insurance for my family due to preexisting conditions.Thoughts?Thanks and its good to join the group.
In some states, your local business association might have group access for you, that you could pay a yearly membership fee, then join their group. It's not valid in all states, though. It's also likely that if you have no insurance right now, the pre-existings will be excluded for the first year or so.

How long can i remain under my parents health insurance?

I am 21 and not currently a full-time student. but after this new healthcare reform stuff I have heard that i can jump back onto my parents health insurance until i am 26, even with me not being a full-time student. any truth to this?
--------------------… I quote (so don't give me the credit): "If you are talking about the health bill; adult children through age 26 can stay on their parents' plan beginning with plan year 9/23/10. Plan years can be at any time and is when the policy comes up for renewal. For example, if your policy plan year starts in October you can go back on the plan starting October 2010. If, however, your plan year starts in September you can't go back on until September 2011, at which time you won't be 26 anymore."

is there a law that applicants for a health insurance could no longer cancer application after payment?

I have asked to cancel my application for health insurance but the company does not want to refund my payment. Do I not have the right to cancel it after paying it?
Well, you don't have to PAY to APPLY. Once the application is ACCEPTED, though, then that payment is a PREMIUM. You can cancel the POLICY, but you can't cancel an APPLICATION. If you got charged an "application fee", it's likely non-refundable. But we don't know what you paid, or to whom, based on what terms. Clearly, you did this on your own, so you're acting as your own agent. But that's why I recommend using a local agent - because THEY would be able to answer your questions, and they wouldn't be selling you a ripoff product.

Why does everyone have to get health insurance according to the new bill?

I understand why the bill was passed and what it will do for us, but i just dont understand exactly WHY it makes everyone buy health insurance? it doesnt make sense. was this Obama's initial idea, or did the insurance companies affect this decision? whats the point of making everyone buy it?
Yes, that was Obama's initial idea. The point (eventually) is to make everyone in the country more dependent upon the federal government.

How do I find the amount that the company must pay for extra taxes, retirement, health+life insurance?

Please help. ow do I find the amount that the company must pay for extra taxes, retirement, health+life insurance and other fringe benefits? And how would I find how much salary is paid for the given number of nonworking days in a total of 240 operating days. If the employee is a computer operator & their salary is 40,000 dollars. and theres a 7.65% gross for FICA taxes, 5% of gross for retirement, $100/month for life and health insurance, $2000/year for training, and 24 nonworking days. Please help. Thank you very much
this is pretty straightforward math, what exactly are youlooking for?

Can you put someone on your health insurance that is not a family member?

My boyfriend is applying for health insurance through his job and I need health coverage too. Can he add me to his policy even though we are not family?
If you are living together, sharing household bills etc. then yes, he can. I was able to add my husband to my insurance before we were even engaged... but we had to qualify as "domestic partners".

Is it practical to take private health insurance considering the subsidy of the gov't (through medicare)?

I'm thinking of taking private health insurance. However, I'm not sure of its practicality considering that health care is subsidised by the government. I also understand that most often than not, the insured ends paying more as medical costs in private hospitals/private care is far more than the premiums paid. As such, is private health insurance really necessary? Is public health care in Australia reliable or sufficient in cases when medical care is required. Thanks in advance for your views/comments.
Welp, ask yourself this: "Will the Gov' deny your benefit versus Will the private health insurance companies deny your benefit? Case in point, a specific expensive operation. Be the judge and you will find your answer..

How do I find the amount that the company must pay for extra taxes, retirement, health+life insurance?

Please help. ow do I find the amount that the company must pay for extra taxes, retirement, health+life insurance and other fringe benefits? And how would I find how much salary is paid for the given number of nonworking days in a total of 240 operating days. If the employee is a computer operator & their salary is 40,000 dollars. and theres a 7.65% gross for FICA taxes, 5% of gross for retirement, $100/month for life and health insurance, $2000/year for training, and 24 nonworking days. Please help. Thank you very much
this is pretty straightforward math, what exactly are youlooking for?

Anyone recommend a good life or health insurance company to work for?

I am 22 and have been sellling lawyer malpractice insurance. My brother has been doing real well selling health insurance but I can't get on with them. I don't have a college degree, any suggestions!
Life Insurance A Beginners Guide By: Micheal Reese Do a web search on insurance and then look at their employment their benefits to see which one offers the best and interview from the top of your list down. Good Luck