Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Health Insurance?

My husband is thinking about taking a job offer to move us to Florida. My son has a platlett disorder and is covered under Medicade/Medicare. I was told that since he is covered under an insurance that the pre exctixing cause shouldn't take effect? Is this true. And how can I keep from being any more out of pocket by moving???
You should start talking to Florida medicaid now, while your current income qualifies you to contiue coverage. Medicaid will be cheaper than family coverage, I imagine. Then, when you no longer qualify for medicaid, then add your son to the group plan. Medicaid qualifies for continuous coverage (you'll need to ask for a certificate of credible coverage from your medicaid carrier). Even making more money, your son may still qualify for medicaid - check that too.

What is the best type of health insurance for getting kids ready for school?

What is the best type of health insurance I can get to help my kids go to the doctor, get checkups and vaccines, and have them ready for school? Or like if they break their arm on the playground or something? Anything else I should be thinking of as to why I should get insurance for my kids before they go back to school? Sorry, lot of questions but I appreciate your help. Thanks
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.

Can married children stay on parents' health insurance?

My fiance and I are scheduled to get married in Fall 2012 when I graduate college. We have been considering moving the date up to Fall 2011. Our main concern is that we will lose our parents insurance if we get married. My fiance's employer offers health insurance but it is expensive and doesn't cover much. His parents insurance is much better. I have been reading some things about the new health care policy and was unclear about how they are treating the issue of married children.
The policy will differ between providers. Some providers will allow a child to stay on a parents' policy until the age of 21, while others will allow the child to stay on the policy until the age of 25, so long as the child is in school. You should ask your parents to contact their providers, and inquire about the policy, and whether you will continue to be covered after getting married. Don't be surprised if you won't be covered.

Cons: What will you do if you lose your health insurance?

or your claim is denied by the health insurance co?
You will not get a straight answer out of any of them because they have no Idea what they would do. They only want to call you a socialists because you want some form of health care. They would probably do like the rest that don't have health care, and sponge of the gov. Lady sabl, if you fought and won, who paid your medical bills? If what you say, you went with out, doesn't that mean you lost your health care, or are you sure about losing that job, you can't have it both ways.

Massachusetts Mandatory Health insurance law question?

I need to know who to report a company to, which is denying health insurance benefits. In the state of massachusetts.
Contact the Massachusetts Division of Insurance. Here is the website: http://www.mass.gov/?pageID=ocaagencylan…

Where can I search for health insurance that's right for me?

I'm looking for affordable health insurance. Is there a website where I can compare rates and benefits of different health insurance providers side by side?
What do you consider affordable? I have clients who think their $1000 per month policy is affordable and others who complain about paying $100 per month. Do not try to do this over the internet. It'll take you several days to intelligently compare all the plans available. Also, if you have any pre-existing conditions that might add a rider to the policy, cause you to be declined, or if you are out of the height and weight guidelines you won't know until you've applied and gone through the underwriting process. You should visit a local agent that works with all the major companies in your area. The agent can help you find the best plan for your situation and budget, usually in just a few minutes. There is no extra charge using an agent. Be aware that with health insurance you get what you pay for. How smart is it to save $30 per month if you have a hospital charge of $100,000 sometime in the future.

Question on health insurance premium deductibility?

Would health insurance premiums still be deductible as a medical expense if they are paid with pre-tax dollars under a section 125 plan?
Of course not! You already got a deduction through the Sec 125 plan. Double-dipping is NOT allowed!

Has your health insurance costs recently gone up?

My health insurance just went up while they are cutting benefits. Or is it just because I am a conservative, they went up. Wait a minute I have a Union job, Obama was to save me, right?
Yes everyone's went up. Obamacare did not make them go down, Now the dems are saying that at least they did not go up as much as they would have... just more spin

Exactly when will I be covered for health insurance?

I just recently bought health insurance and I am soon to be covered end of this month (december). So, I made an appointment next month (january) for my pap smear. I'm just a little confused about the deductible and coverage rules. Even though I just got my insurance should I be covered for my appt. or will I be covered after I pay the deductible. PLEASE enlighten me. Thanks
You need to ask your insurance company. It depends on their policies.

Free national health insurance: Can doctors still be in private practice, outside the government system?

In England, Canada, etc., what happens if a doctor refuses to see government patients? Does he lose his license? Or are doctors forced to work for the national health system, as government employees? If a patient could afford to pay the fees of a private doctor, I'm wondering if there would be any in private practice and therefore whether the patient would have that choice. I would love to hear how these matters are handled in any country with nationalized medicine, and hear from patients, whether satisfied or dissatisfied. Also I'd like to know if a patient can still buy his own health insurance--that is, whether it's available. Or does nationalized medicine wipe out that part of the insurance industry? Thanks.
I don't know about England or etc. but in Canada it is mandatory that all doctors work for the state. In fact it is a crime to have private health insurance or see a doctor outside the system. Currently the single largest group of criminals is the health care professionals. They know the true condition of a system that has an average wait of 16 to 18 weeks to see a specialist and maybe years of waiting for surgery. People in Canada with money routinely come to the US for heath care. That is anything beyond 2 aspirins. A friend in Seattle tells me you can't hope to see a doctor on Monday mornings unless you are willing to get in line behind a large group of Canadians. When I look at my family (extended) I believe that every one of them over 60 would be dead if we lived in Canada. My Mother-in-Law received open heart surgery in the US in less than 36 hours after seeing her primary physician. Mom would have died waiting to see a specialist in Canada. When she saw her primary her life expectancy was literally being measured in hours. I'm not yet 60 myself, just getting close, but I was diagnosed with diabetes a number of years ago. Under socialized medicine I would probably be dead too as I have developed a couple of infections that were potentially lethal and a wait to see a specialist would have probably seen the specialist coming to the funeral to check me out. I'm not a supporter of Socialized Medicine but I will bet the farm we are going to get it and if you are anywhere near 60 or if you have a serious illness I suggest you get your estate in order because the system will kill millions of older people. BTW, those are the same people who have worked their with the plan of taking care of themselsves. Now that idea is null and void and they will be expected to take care of 12 million illegals and those who won't care for themselves. EDIT: Did you know that Cuba has this system and when Castro got sick they brought in a Doctor from Spain. That should tell everyone something.

I have a question about Cigna Health Insurance.?

I recently changed my job and my new employer provides Cigna health insurance. I've always had Aetna and could find doctors easily. However, it doesn't seem as though my dermatologist takes Cigna which is weird because she takes every other kind of health coverage. Is Cigna a bad health insurance company with limited choices of doctors who are in their network?
Cigna is no better or no worse than Aetna or any other company but it can depend upon the plan your employer has and your location. In many places Cigna has their own network. In other places the doctors have an option to accept the Cigna network, or any other network. Ask your dermatologist if they'd consider accepting Cigna. If not find one that does or pay the charges out of pocket.

Can everyone on your health insurance plan see what drugs you are getting?

I'm not too familiar with the health insurance system
http://healthinsuranceconnection.info/ has a short form you fill out and they will give you rates from all kinds of different providers.

Best health insurance for transgender patients?

I'm looking to have a top surgery (breast removal) and was just wondering if you guys happen to know of any health insurance that is GLBT esp transgender friendly, and/or helps cover surgeries?
Look at the HRC information on trans people and work benefits. This includes a link that lists companies that have trans inclusive health care plans. http://www.hrc.org/issues/workplace/bene…

Did health insurance companies get bailout money?

i'm trying to do some research, and i couldn't find it anywhere... but does anyone know if the health insurance companies like Aetna, Assurant, Boston Mutual, etc. got any bailout money?
They may not have directly, but it is important to remember how interdependent the insurance industry is. They may well have offloaded some of the risk to other companies which DID receive a bailout and hence indirectly benefit from the bailout package. You'd be hard pushed to find this kind of information available publicly as it is commercially sensitive. Personally (and it's just my own, but informed, opinion) I'd say there wasn't an insurance company anywhere in the world that didn't 'benefit' to least some degree from the bailout of AIG. I use the word 'benefit' advisedly since they didn't gain anything, they just didn't 'lose' as they would have if AIG had failed.

Can I change my health insurance mailing address if I'm still under my parents?

Basically I'm just wondering if I can change my mailing address with my health insurance company, eventhough I am still listed under my parents? Reason being, I'm living at a different address and would like everything they send addressed to me, sent to me. I just don't want this information to constitute something that means I have to leave my parent's plan
You should be able to change your mailing address yes, but if you are looking for you parents to pay the parts of the bill that the insurance does not cover, they would not get that information so that burden would be up to you to cover. Or if you want them sent to you but show them to your parents and they give you the money to pay on it--thats another option.

can an operation be refused with private health insurance?

I'm considering using my Bupa Private Health Insurance to sort out a reoccurring problem with tonsillitis. I've decided that I would rather have them removed altogether and be done with it forever as I've had them 5 times since nov last year. Can the consultant refuse to take them out or do they have to accept my wishes?
Sounds like you have two questions...first, can your Ear, Nose and Throat specialist refuse to remove your tonsils without good medical cause. The answer is yes, regardless of what insurance plan you have, if the physician doesn't feel that it is medically warranted, or would in some way be harmful to remove the tonsils, they can refuse to do the surgery. If you disagree with his/her determination, you have the option of seeking a second opinion. There is also the matter of your insurance company refusing to pay for a surgery that was not considered "medically necessary" according to their guidelines. It would be important to know if they consider the tonsillectomy "elective" if your doctor does not support you in your decision to have them removed. Good luck in your efforts to get help!

Dear Friends, By profession I am a physiotherapist, but I have good interest in Health insurance, hence I w?

Health insurance in New Zealand.
And the question is?

Is 25k uae dirhams as salary+car+health insurance is ok for living in sharjah for a familiy of 3 members?

Please help me, I would like to know if a basic salary of 16k uae drh, 9k for housing,plus car, health insurance and vacation leave for my family are provided by the company are enough to live in sharjah, and could I save some money?
Rentals in UAE are the most expensive part. I believe tht if you want to rent a place (2-bed apmt), it will cost you atleast about 5kdhs per month. I would suggest that you budget between 5 and 7k dhs (depends on luck also you see). Food is not very expensive unless you decide to eat out often. Again, Indian restaurants are cheap; Lebanese are also. If you need italian mexican etc its more expensive. But you should budget for about 4k dhs per month. Car: While car can cost anywhere between 1.5k to .....depending on the car you want, you have to factor for the initial period (Can be 6months or more) for getting a license. This process of getting a license will cost you (minimum) of 2k dhs. Till you get the license your transport cost (or time) will be very high. Budget for that. If you live in Sharjah and work in Dubai, please factor for atleast 1hour to 1.5hour of travel every day (one way). The travel costs should not be too much. But its a hassle. Schools will be an expensive affair but many times the company will cover it. Please check with them. If its not covered, then you will have to factor between 800dhs to 2000dhs per month. This is a big expense. Electricty, water -- about 400dhs. Telephones - Again a big range, but remember that the call costs are extremely high (one of the highest in the world). So, you have to factor that. Petrol is cheap. Car Insurance is expensive (can be between 2k to 5k per year). Summary: As someone else said, there are people who live from 1k dhs per month onwards. Average salaries are about 7k to 10k dhs for a decent job. So, you are doing good. But if your main aim is to save, then be prepared to live in less-than-happy environments, travel long hours. If you want to enjoy life and give your kids a good exposure (multi-cultural environment, good facilities etc) then its perfect and you can do with the salary you mention. One last word of caution: Job visas have some restrictions attached. You may not be able to easily switch jobs. Also, (though illegal) i hear that many companies hold your passports. These are some quirks of this country (and region). Be prepared for them. Set your expectations accordingly and you will enjoy life. Welcome to UAE. Enjoy your stay

can someone please explain to me the whole issue about health care, insurance ?

explain to me whats going with the whole issue about health insurance. i watch the news and on the internet but i think i don't really understand the whole subject.
The bottom line is that this administration wants bigger government and this will add to their control and control is what it's all about. Obamacide will add trillions to the deficit, will take away your right to proper health care (there will be a government paper pusher making choices on your health are), it will take away millions from Medicare thus giving seniors a death sentence, and it will allow illegal aliens the right to medical care on your dollar.

What's the point of getting health insurance if you are a UK resident??

Is it so that you can get better treatment at private hospitals?? Why would someone purchase health insurance in the UK?
The main benefit is speed of referral - as well as quality of hospitals. If you are self-employed then it will be important that you get treatment quickly so that you can get back to work. Similalry many employers realise that if they can get their sick staff back to work quicker then it will beenfit their business

In one town 79%of adults have health insurance. What is the probability that 10 adults selected at random from?

the town all have health insurance. Books answer 0.095 how?
It's simple. There is a chance of 79% if you select one person that they will have insurance. Therefore, for the 10 people it would just be (0.79)^10, which is 0.09468, which when rounded, is 0.095

Must I live with my parents to be covered under their health insurance if I am a full time college student?

I am 19 yrs old and a full time college student. I have lived on my own, paying my own bills for the past year and a half. My father claimed me on his taxes this year because he said he has to in order to carry me on his health insurance. Is this right? Also, will this effect my eligibility for financial aid next semester?
Who claims you (or doesn't claim you) on their income tax return has no bearing on your financial aid. Generally, until you are married, have kids, turn 24, or earn a 4 year bachelor's degree, you will have to have your parents info on your fafsa. You do not have to live with your parents in order to have your father get health insurance for you. Think about it, many, many, many college students move off, even go out-of-state to college... and their parents get health insurance on them! Generally, your Dad claiming you gets you more than by him not... buying your own health insurance is costly and sometimes difficult. The offset (to you) is "marginally" higher taxes for you... but when you consider how much your dad saves in comparison, he might not other wise be able to afford your health insurance. And he can claim you on his taxes without you living there but he MUST meet certain requirements in order to do so. You can look them up on the http://irs.gov website Regarding the rules about his health insurance policy, you would just have to read the policy or trust him.

Which health insurance is a major positive or negative?

I met with a health insurance guy last night and he was talking to me about Time Assurant, Avalon and Golden Rule. I have BlueCross and blue shield of Florida right now and am not sure I want to switch, but they are expensive. Also, he said that some of these companies have like $66.00 dollar co-pays and I am not sure I can afford that. I go to the doctor every six months and sometimes I just take the children to the doctor as a precautionary thing. Please help!
health-quotes.isgreat.org - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

Do you think it's better to have health insurance or get psychological help with the money?

Insurance doesn't cover psychotherapy where you talk with a therapist and discuss your problems to get help, it only covers psychiatry where they prescribe medication. Will my money be better spent on a therapist as I am going through a lot of problems, or to pay for health insurance considering I have some medical probs (not emergency but I haven't had a medical check up in over 10 years). What would you do?
Keep the insurance and call one of those free 1-800 hotlines where you can chat with a counselor and get some advice. Good luck to you. Hardly anything is ever as bad as it seems at the time.