I'm trying to find info on getting insurance for a child. Does anyone know how a father that is ordered to provide the health care for his child but does not have custody can apply for programs like CHIPS. No insurance is offered through his job and I'm not sure what programs he can apply for since the child does not live with him. We are in Texas. Any info would help. Btw the mother cant qualify because of the new husbands income.
United Healthcare offers "kids only" health insurance plans that provide children's coverage for sickness and accidents. Their plans are written through school districts and many private K12 schools throughout the US. Their health plan (at just $98 every 2 months) is designed to be more affordable than an individual policy. Check out www.k12studentinsurance.com or www.covermykid.com to see if your child's school district or private school is participating. Click on the "Plans & Pricing" tab, enter the district name or private school name in the search box and review the plans. FYI - the Waco ISD is participating with United Healthcare's k12studentinsurance.com plan.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
So did Hillary's camp eventually pay out their debts to health insurance co and other service providers?
There were numerous stories on the web and on TV about how they were behind in paying the health insurance for the campaign staff! (coverage wasn't actually interrupted, which made people wonder WHY they can't get the same treatment when behind in payments:) Also about not paying for various venues and services in some states.
shhhhh .... the Hillary supporters do not want an answer to this question. And when they do answer it will be some "slam" against the other people running ... either McCain or Obama!
shhhhh .... the Hillary supporters do not want an answer to this question. And when they do answer it will be some "slam" against the other people running ... either McCain or Obama!
Can I drop an unnecessary health insurance policy?
A univeristy in Virginia imposed an unnecessary health insurance on me. It does not allow me to drop it. Is such practice against law? What I can do?
At the opening question my answer was going to be "can a finch fly? Yes"--but you've just described a different situation. Employee benefit programs commonly expect to insure the whole employee pool. Commonly, if you want out because you have your own insurance you have these options: (1) take the minimum coverage required and suffer the lumps (but you may find it handy in settling deductibles with your other policy, depending on how certain things are phrased in the policies), (2) refuse, which invalidates the contract with the benefit provider so that everyone's coverage is withdrawn, or (3) most likely, go somewhere else to work, which is what will probably be insisted upon by your employer by your refusal to participate. Its either you or them and they probably don't have good options. Some programs allow exclusion for other insurance, most don't. With good insurance programs so hard to find your complaint is going to be threatening to a lot of good people who have far, far fewer real choices. I'll bet there are some people working there who are only there because they need the insurance benefit and are uninsurable otherwise because of health problems. Settle for the deduction and endure for their sake or move on.
At the opening question my answer was going to be "can a finch fly? Yes"--but you've just described a different situation. Employee benefit programs commonly expect to insure the whole employee pool. Commonly, if you want out because you have your own insurance you have these options: (1) take the minimum coverage required and suffer the lumps (but you may find it handy in settling deductibles with your other policy, depending on how certain things are phrased in the policies), (2) refuse, which invalidates the contract with the benefit provider so that everyone's coverage is withdrawn, or (3) most likely, go somewhere else to work, which is what will probably be insisted upon by your employer by your refusal to participate. Its either you or them and they probably don't have good options. Some programs allow exclusion for other insurance, most don't. With good insurance programs so hard to find your complaint is going to be threatening to a lot of good people who have far, far fewer real choices. I'll bet there are some people working there who are only there because they need the insurance benefit and are uninsurable otherwise because of health problems. Settle for the deduction and endure for their sake or move on.
What does "subject to calendar-year deductible" mean for a health insurance plan?
I'm applying for Anthem health insurance, it says for Office Visit, "You pay 0%; subject to calendar-year deductible". The deductible for the plan is $10,000/year. What does "subject to calendar-year deductible" mean?
That means you have to pay the deductible amount each year before the insurance kicks in.
That means you have to pay the deductible amount each year before the insurance kicks in.
Can anyone explain the 1099 health insurance tax?
Can anyone explain this "1099" tax on health insurance tax that I've been hearing about. Was it in the small print in the legislation that I didn't read?
There is no "1099 health insurance tax" so there's nothing to explain. If you've been hearing otherwise, ask the person telling you so to point it out in the relevant law. (They won't be able to of course, as it does not exist, though that won't stop some fools from repeating BS that they heard elsewhere yet didn't bother to fact-check on their own.) There's nothing in the new healthcare legislation that makes employer-paid coverage taxable for the average person. A very few employees may have so-called "Cadillac" plans that provide benefits well beyond those that are covered by most policies. For example, if Rush Limbaugh's coverage provides for payment for a boob job for his new missus, that would probably fall under the Cadillac provisions. He rightfully should pay income taxes on that premium-level benefit. For the average taxpayer, it actually works the other way around. If you have health insurance coverage, either through your job or privately, most folks will be entitled to claim a refundable credit that will help partially defray your out-of-pocket costs. If you don't have healthcare coverage, you lose out on that credit. (If you want to call the loss of a refundable tax credit a "fine" then fair enough, however there are no other "fines" in the legislation for the average worker.) Beginning with tax year 2011, the amounts that you and your employer pay towards your healthcare coverage will be reported on box 12 of your W-2. Initially that's informational only but in the future will be used to determine eligibility for and the amount of any refundable credits for healthcare coverage. The other outrageous claim (beyond the obviously insane claim of "death panels") is that the IRS will have to hire 17,000 new revenue agents to enforce the health insurance laws. The IRS didn't hire a single revenue agent to handle the home buyers' credits of the past 2 years so anyone who thinks that they will have to hire any revenue agents to manage a single line item on a W-2 or 1098 has been smoking NASCAR blowout patches. Well over 99% of that will be tracked by computer and it probably won't take their code monkeys more than a few days to sort that item out. The human workload involved won't likely be more than a tiny handful of clerical positions, if even that.
There is no "1099 health insurance tax" so there's nothing to explain. If you've been hearing otherwise, ask the person telling you so to point it out in the relevant law. (They won't be able to of course, as it does not exist, though that won't stop some fools from repeating BS that they heard elsewhere yet didn't bother to fact-check on their own.) There's nothing in the new healthcare legislation that makes employer-paid coverage taxable for the average person. A very few employees may have so-called "Cadillac" plans that provide benefits well beyond those that are covered by most policies. For example, if Rush Limbaugh's coverage provides for payment for a boob job for his new missus, that would probably fall under the Cadillac provisions. He rightfully should pay income taxes on that premium-level benefit. For the average taxpayer, it actually works the other way around. If you have health insurance coverage, either through your job or privately, most folks will be entitled to claim a refundable credit that will help partially defray your out-of-pocket costs. If you don't have healthcare coverage, you lose out on that credit. (If you want to call the loss of a refundable tax credit a "fine" then fair enough, however there are no other "fines" in the legislation for the average worker.) Beginning with tax year 2011, the amounts that you and your employer pay towards your healthcare coverage will be reported on box 12 of your W-2. Initially that's informational only but in the future will be used to determine eligibility for and the amount of any refundable credits for healthcare coverage. The other outrageous claim (beyond the obviously insane claim of "death panels") is that the IRS will have to hire 17,000 new revenue agents to enforce the health insurance laws. The IRS didn't hire a single revenue agent to handle the home buyers' credits of the past 2 years so anyone who thinks that they will have to hire any revenue agents to manage a single line item on a W-2 or 1098 has been smoking NASCAR blowout patches. Well over 99% of that will be tracked by computer and it probably won't take their code monkeys more than a few days to sort that item out. The human workload involved won't likely be more than a tiny handful of clerical positions, if even that.
What jobs will give you health insurance ?
What job can you get with little education that will give you health insurance ?
Larger companies are a good bet for covering their workers. Many states have laws related to this. I would suggest this is an easier rule than trying to find a particular industry that normally covers their employees. Make sure you ask this question during your job research and interviews if this is important to you. Good luck!
Larger companies are a good bet for covering their workers. Many states have laws related to this. I would suggest this is an easier rule than trying to find a particular industry that normally covers their employees. Make sure you ask this question during your job research and interviews if this is important to you. Good luck!
if you cant afford health insurance are there any clinics that are free?
I work ft but am a single mom and cant afford health insurance from my work I have asthma and need to go for womanly check ups as required but cant afford it . is there any program out there that i can refer to besides goverment acchhs because i work ft . but i am neglecting my needs.
Call your local health department. They have a doctor and nurses there who can help you. The visit are usually based on income, or if you cannot afford to pay, they can help you with payments. Go get checked out and good luck.
Call your local health department. They have a doctor and nurses there who can help you. The visit are usually based on income, or if you cannot afford to pay, they can help you with payments. Go get checked out and good luck.
Is this what is coming for those who do not have health insurance?
Oklahoma has proposed the following punishments for those who have no health insurance: Among the possible inducements Holland proposed was forfeiture of football season tickets to University of Oklahoma or Oklahoma State University games, forfeiture of lottery or gaming winnings, loss of state income tax deductions or licenses to drive, hunt or fish. What about the people who truly cannot afford it. Do you think this will be proposed in even more states? Do you think it is fair? "None of those are very pleasant, but there needs to be a consequence," Holland said.
They can't afford insurance, then they'll take away their ability to drive so they can't go to work? Sounds like Oklahoma doesn't have a clue as to reality.
They can't afford insurance, then they'll take away their ability to drive so they can't go to work? Sounds like Oklahoma doesn't have a clue as to reality.
If i leave the US and become covered under a foreign health insurance policy how does it work when i return?
if i were to go work for a company overseas, and they offer health insurance, when i come back to work in the states can i still get coverage for my preexisting condition under my new policy at my new company?
Yes, but you'll probably have to wait out the waiting period for preexisting conditions, UNLESS it's the same employer. That foreign health policy PROBABLY isn't going to qualify, as credible prior coverage.
Yes, but you'll probably have to wait out the waiting period for preexisting conditions, UNLESS it's the same employer. That foreign health policy PROBABLY isn't going to qualify, as credible prior coverage.
How can I get Health Insurance?
I'm going into my freshman year of college and I need health insurance. Neither of my parents have it, so that is not an option. Can anyone help me? I'm also from the state of Iowa.
What college are you going to? The college usually has a plan for students. I'm in college too and neither of my parents have insurance, but I am on the student health plan. It is MUCH MUCH MUCH cheaper than anything you can buy on your own and it is a group policy so they have to take everyone.
What college are you going to? The college usually has a plan for students. I'm in college too and neither of my parents have insurance, but I am on the student health plan. It is MUCH MUCH MUCH cheaper than anything you can buy on your own and it is a group policy so they have to take everyone.
Can my son be covered under his father's girlfriends health insurance?
I was just notified by my sons father that his current girlfriend would be covering my son under her health insurance policy through her workplace. It was stipulated through the courts that he was to supply coverage. I don't believe that she should even be able to cover my son, I am the custodial parent so its not like she can claim that he lives with them.
It's possible, but not probable. Domestic partnership rules are different company to company so the getting a letter from the HR department acknowledging that they understand that it's her domestic partner's child is a good idea. You don't want a large claim to find out that it's going to be denied because they failed to mention that on the application.
It's possible, but not probable. Domestic partnership rules are different company to company so the getting a letter from the HR department acknowledging that they understand that it's her domestic partner's child is a good idea. You don't want a large claim to find out that it's going to be denied because they failed to mention that on the application.
Do you think if we socialized Electronics, poor people could afford Health Insurance?
I noticed that all these poor people that quit their evil Wal-Mart job and complain about the inability to pay for health insurance and hospital and doctor visits are the same people with iPods, expensive cellphones, satelite dish, 50" HD telivisions, Playstation 3, Blu-Ray players. Why don't we socialize electronics? The government should open up a Best-Buy.
Right on,Brother. I work in a grocery store, and Lots of these so called poor folk have plenty money for beer too. They pay with Electronic Benifit cards. The card has foodstamps on it, and if they get cash benefits ,it is on it too. They just run it though like a debit card, use the cash benfits and poof, your tax money and mine buying beer and smokes for the "Poor" folks.
Right on,Brother. I work in a grocery store, and Lots of these so called poor folk have plenty money for beer too. They pay with Electronic Benifit cards. The card has foodstamps on it, and if they get cash benefits ,it is on it too. They just run it though like a debit card, use the cash benfits and poof, your tax money and mine buying beer and smokes for the "Poor" folks.
Which of these is the better health care insurance provider?
I'm going to be having jaw surgery in a few months and the doctor said they don't accept my current health insurance, so they told me i need to switch to either: Fidelis OR Health First The great thing is that either of them well cover my corrective jaw surgery with no cost at all which is fantastic.My current health insurance provider is AmeriChoice by united health care, my parents might change back to united health once my surgery is done and a year has passed.
There is always a cost with any insurance policy. You normally pay 20% of the cost and insurance pays 80%. Perhaps since you are a kid your parents pay for you so you didnt know you have to pay.
There is always a cost with any insurance policy. You normally pay 20% of the cost and insurance pays 80%. Perhaps since you are a kid your parents pay for you so you didnt know you have to pay.
There are far more people without auti insurance than health insurance?
Why doesn't the government get into the auto insurance game as well while they're at it? More than 40,000 people die each year in the US in car wrecks, and more than 500,000 are seriously injured. And yet millions are driving without insurance. Why not have the government take over all insurance while they're at it? Health, auto, homeowners, life, everything. Each one of these things is a necessity in a way. If something bad happens without it someone could be financially ruined. Right?
and just remember, many of these states REQUIRE by law to have car insurance but it is ignored.
and just remember, many of these states REQUIRE by law to have car insurance but it is ignored.
What do you see as the major differences between a single-provider health insurance plan and private health?
*private health insurance
You may get a more accurate answer if you submitted this question to the Business category
You may get a more accurate answer if you submitted this question to the Business category
When referring to health insurance what consists of 'specialized studies'?
I am trying to find decent health care coverage for a problem that I will be facing. I was told that I am able to visit doctors after 30 days of having the service, however, any specialized studies cannot be done until I have the plan for atleast 8 months. I need health insurance for maternity reasons. Although I am not pregnant, I am going to have to go to a fertility specialist to become that way. Is going to see fertility specialists considered 'specialized studies'? What does this mean.. studies? Any help is appreciated.
Most insurance plans do not cover fertility or infertility treatments (the exceptions that I am aware of are group plans ) since they fall into the category of not medically neccessary. What does your agent say?
Most insurance plans do not cover fertility or infertility treatments (the exceptions that I am aware of are group plans ) since they fall into the category of not medically neccessary. What does your agent say?
is payment of health insurance consider spousal support in the state of california ?
small claims court found that my x- wife should aquire the insurance before i would be required to pay the monthly amount. when i retired she demand payment for the last 16 years plus interest. [$16,000]. i agree to pay the the months she had aquired health insurance[$10,000]. she agree . now she wants me to declare this is not spousal support so she won't have to pay taxes.
Well, I don't think it's spousal support, but I'm not a judge. I think this is a question for your attorney.
Well, I don't think it's spousal support, but I'm not a judge. I think this is a question for your attorney.
Would you quit your current job if you could keep the health insurance you have now?
Would you quit your job if you could keep the health insurance you have now while unemployed or doing a different job? My theory is that if this were so, most people would quit their jobs and do what they want to do, not what they have to do to keep their health insurance.
Maybe when I'm 55 and can draw my pension, until then, I'll keep my job and insurance. I have a great job--I've got a front row seat to the greatest show on earth.
Maybe when I'm 55 and can draw my pension, until then, I'll keep my job and insurance. I have a great job--I've got a front row seat to the greatest show on earth.
Would you quit your current job if you could keep the health insurance you have now?
Would you quit your job if you could keep the health insurance you have now while unemployed or doing a different job? My theory is that if this were so, most people would quit their jobs and do what they want to do, not what they have to do to keep their health insurance.
No. I keep my job for several reasons, one of which is the paycheck I get which pays for the roof over my head and all my other expenses, including insurance. If I wanted another job I would do what everyone else who is not independently wealthy does - search for a new job while keeping the one I have until I receive a new job offer with a company I prefer. I doubt too many people have the luxury of being able to afford not having any income while they search for new employment.
No. I keep my job for several reasons, one of which is the paycheck I get which pays for the roof over my head and all my other expenses, including insurance. If I wanted another job I would do what everyone else who is not independently wealthy does - search for a new job while keeping the one I have until I receive a new job offer with a company I prefer. I doubt too many people have the luxury of being able to afford not having any income while they search for new employment.
Need only two classes to graduate next semester, but need four classes to be covered under health insurance?
I only need two classes to graduate next semester, however, I need four classes to be considered a full-time student, and be covered under my fathers health care insurance. I am covered under Cal-vet which pays for any tuition expense, meaning I don't pay per unit. Do I only need to show proof of full-time once at the beginning of semester? or do they check. I really do want to go to classes that I don't need to go.
If you are not a full time student and your father leaves you on his insurance and it is provided by his employer, then if you get caught he will probably be out of a job. Not worth it. Take the classes.
If you are not a full time student and your father leaves you on his insurance and it is provided by his employer, then if you get caught he will probably be out of a job. Not worth it. Take the classes.
Health insurance??????????
Hello. Im just wandering what happens when somebody in the US when they can no longer afford to pay for there medical care? Thank you.
You can apply for Medicaid. Click on the source link I posted below for more information. Even without insurance, you can visit doctors in free clinics that are located in larger cities. And you can receive emergency treatment in a hospital.
You can apply for Medicaid. Click on the source link I posted below for more information. Even without insurance, you can visit doctors in free clinics that are located in larger cities. And you can receive emergency treatment in a hospital.
How do I get health insurance?
I'm nineteen and live on my own and have no affiliation with my parents. I'm going off to college in the fall but I need health insurance to go and I work two part time jobs, neither of which offer health insurance. Any idea how I can find a place that'll take me? If it helps, I'm from Philadelphia, Pa!
If you are in college, you may want to check out health insurance programs that are written through your school. United Healthcare has a plan available at many US schools. These student injury and illness plans provide wide ranging coverage and are designed to be affordable for college students. To check if your school is participating, go to www.UHCSR.com and enter your school name in the search box. You might also be interested in joining the American College Student Association (ACSA), a national organization for college students. They have lots of member benefits, including student health insurance. Their membership fee is affordable.
If you are in college, you may want to check out health insurance programs that are written through your school. United Healthcare has a plan available at many US schools. These student injury and illness plans provide wide ranging coverage and are designed to be affordable for college students. To check if your school is participating, go to www.UHCSR.com and enter your school name in the search box. You might also be interested in joining the American College Student Association (ACSA), a national organization for college students. They have lots of member benefits, including student health insurance. Their membership fee is affordable.
Is it really in the health care bill to put people in jail just because they don't have insurance?
My parents can't afford health insurance, if that part of the bill passes could they really be put in prison eventually? Is it really true that they plan to tax glucose monitoring supplies 40%? Isn't that defeating the whole purpose?
Welcome to the hell of Obama.
Welcome to the hell of Obama.
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