Saturday, November 20, 2010

Can my church offer group health insurance to the entire congregation?

Members of the church would have to pay their portion, but can the church offer group health insurance to members of the congregation? We're in Virginia, and insurance isn't currently offered to the two part-time staff.
yes, but you would need atleast 100 people and it would be expensive unless your average person is less than 40 years old.. and it would still be 300 bucks or more per month.

Can I now drop my health insurance plan and then still be covered ?

Do i still need health insurance, I just want insurance for costly tragic events. I dont need dental or vision care.
Thanks to the democrats...You will be forced to buy health insurance that includes vision and dental by 2014. It doesn't matter whether you want to have it or not. I wouldn't drop your insurance yet. It will be 4 years before the insurance exchange is set. If you don't have insurance by 2014, you will be fined $750. The IRS is now in charge of making sure that you have insurance. * Everything I have stated is in the bill...

Will my current health insurance company add an exclusion rider if I change plans?

I'm looking to update my health insurance coverage. I received an offer from a different company than I'm currently with, however they have included an exclusion rider. My current health insurance covered what this other company is excluding. If I contact my current health insurance company and change my plan (rather significantly), is it likely that they will use this chance to also add an exclusion rider? It is more than likely that I won't need to go in for anything excluded as my treatment is over, however if I can get insurance without the rider, all the better.
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.

Can you tell me about the health insurance benefits?

I am conscious about my health and want to know about health insurance benefits. Is it really helpful for future health?
it gives the more health benifits

I want to spend a year traveling and have questions about health insurance?

I currently have health insurance with my employer but I am considering taking a year off to travel around the world a bit. If I get my own health insurance coverage, and I don't allow it to lapse before I get it, will I have trouble getting pre-existing conditions treated in the future when I rejoin an employer? I don't have any major health issues -- mostly some tendonitis that has required repeat physical therapy -- not even sure if this would count as a pre-existing condition.
No, you shouldn't have any trouble, as long as it's with a group policy, and you don't let your current policy lapse. Check with your current policy, though, because likely you're NOT going to have "worldwide" coverage.

Is it hard to pass a state health insurance license exam?

I am taking on a temporary position assisting customers in signing up with medicare part d. In order to do this I have to take a week course (offered by company) plus pass the state health insurance exam (also paid by company). So I am wondering is this something that is difficult?
Many people pass the first time. Many people flunk. It's not something you can bluff your way through. If you study and know the materials, you will most likely pass. If you don't study, you will most likely fail. If you're getting 90% on your practice exams, you'll most likely pass. If you haven't cracked open the book, you'll most likely fail.

Do liberals still support a government run health insurance option?

The news has been saying that some Democrats no longer support the idea of government health insurance. Are there still people out there, besides President Obama, who support this?
Some do, some do not. More would if they knew the facts though. Saying that, 'Blue Dog' Democrats are unlikely to change the stance they have against it while there is a chance that they can be voted out of office. I am always amazed how many Americans seem not to be aware about the real healthcare issues relying instead on FOX and other sources to spread lies about the healthcare system of the USA and those abroad. I mean, if healthcare in nations with universal coverage is so bad, why do they keep it? Obama wants to make insurance more available to all and change the system so that it gives the American people value for money [1]. He also wants change so that the insurance companies find it harder to get out of paying for treatment. The system he is proposing looks similar to that which works in Taiwan where private companies are involved in providing healthcare [2]. Obama campaigned on reforming the healthcare system. He said he wanted to make insurance more available and he was elected by the American people to do this [3]. FACT - the US has higher death rates for kids both for kids aged under one and those under five than western European countries with universal health coverage [4,5]. FACT – American insurance companies push up prices and work to stop paying out claims on those they cover [6]. FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet [7]. That means that a dead American four year old would have had a better chance of life if they were born in any western nation with universal health coverage. If you do not like the policies that Obama was elected to bring in, he can always be voted out of office in 2012. But if you disagree with the facts, please let me know. I am always willing to learn, but please provide proof. None of those who disagree with me have been able to do that so far.

Can you tell me about the health insurance benefits?

I am conscious about my health and want to know about health insurance benefits. Is it really helpful for future health?
it gives the more health benifits

What is the best company for Maternity Health insurance?

I'm not looking to go on medicaid, I don't want to use taxpayers money if I can afford a reasonable individual health insurance plan. I am very early on in pregnancy and would like to know if anyone knows of a good plan with reasonable rates. I would appreciate it if you had details (plan names). We can afford a deductible of around $4000 or less.
Try this site, Here you can get free quotes from different companies in your area

Does anyone know where to buy affordable health insurance for my 62 year old mother?

My mom is 62 years old and hasn't been going to the doctor because she cannot afford to purchase health insurance. She is on a low income, but still makes too much for a medical card or Adult Basic. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Try this site Here you can compare quotes from different companies

What is a deductible when talking about health insurance?

This may be a stupid question but I'm just REALLY confused. I'm buying individual health insurance. Can anyone just explain in lamen terms what a deductible is? Thank you.
The deductible is the amount of your health bills you have to pay out before insurance will start to cover the bills. The higher the deductible, the less expensive the insurance. The other things you have to pay are the co-pay, which is the amount left over when the insurance actually pays for something. Generally it is a percentage of the bill. This applies to providers who are "in network", which really means that the provider has an agreed amount they will charge for services to the insured people. If you are permitted to use a provider who is NOT in the "network", the insurance will pay a percentage of the "usual and customary" rate for that particular treatment. You have to pay the rest. Last but not least, this is a ridiculous situation. We need to join the rest of the world and have universal health care.

What are the biggest private hospitals or health insurance companies in the UK?

I'd like to know the major hospitals and health insurance companies in the United Kingdom that are private and who exactly owns them. Could you please post a link to them too.
Bupa, BMI healthcare and Nuffield health are the most popular. There is also: HCA International The hospital of St. John and St. Elizabeth The Harley street clinic London Bridge hospital The princess Grace hospital… Spire healthcare The priory group… Parkside hospital… The Wellington hospital St Anthonys hospital There are lots and in different areas in the UK. Look through this list:… I don't know who owns them, they are all non-profit organisation with no shareholders.

Can an employer cancel your health insurance while you are out on a disability?

I recently had rotator cuff surgery (6) weeks ago, currently in therapy and my employer said they are dropping the company health insurance. I have not been released by my doctor to return to work as of yet can they cancel my insurance while I am still under a doctor's care?
Not sure how big of a company you work for or what type of work that you do but did you receive any type of a handbook or any paperwork that describes your benefits? Did you file any paperwork before you went on your leave? There is the Family Medical Leave Act which you can find out more about from the link below. If your employer is covered under this law then I don't believe that they can but you will have to contact the US Department of Labor or your company's human resources department to find out.

How to get health insurance for senior age parents who have greencard status?

My mother-in-law is in her 70s and in fairly good health, but the problem is her insurance. She never worked in this country, and will not be eligible for medicare/medical/medicaid for 5 years (due to green card/residency issues). She currently is a member of Kaiser, but due to her age is considered a ''high risk'' patient, and her monthly premium has now gone up to $700 per month. This gives her basic Kaiser care, with co-pays for visits and prescriptions. After consulting a healthcare advocacy group who does comparisons of plans for people, their suggestion was to drop her healthcare completely and save the money. I feel this would be disastrous if something really bad were to happen to her (accident, etc.) and would like to try to present her with other options. Does anyone know of a group that is accepting members for health insurance that has good rates? (any group of people large enough can get a group plan through major insurers) Any advice welcome!
I don't have an answer directly, but I have noticed that AARP is forever sending me information that includes insurance. Since it is a membership organization, they can get group plans that make things pretty reasonable. It's at least a start in your research. There may also be long-term plans that need to be looked into specifically, but if your real problem is covering the next five years, you need to have some idea of what she can expect to do when she is eligible for Medicare, and look for an insurance company that knows how to interact seamlessly (do the paperwork for you) to collect your benefits most efficiently. The modern thing is you have one card, and they can change things around in the computer according to what you need. You don't need to keep shopping around. If she's generally healthy now, and has the good sense to take care of herself reasonably, she really has to figure on getting three digits together in some reasonable comfort. By the time she gets there, it will have become relatively common. Our old age statistics are going to show even more amazing improvements in the next ten years or so, as the medical improvements made for the benefit of aging Baby Boomers has its first and most dramatic effect on people who are already older, but healthy.

Where can i get Cheap health insurance for 2 that includes dental?

my husband and i need health insurance and i need one that covers for dental, i have a really bad tooth that is hurting SO BAD. if some one can tell me where to get insurance, please i would greatly appreciate it, thanks.
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

How do you liberals feel about the poor being forced to buy health insurance?

Do you think its a good idea to force the poor to either pay the fine or buy into a public health plan? Is it good to make out of work people pay for health insurance? Does this seem fair?
Haven't your heard? The Sheriff of Nottingham has been named the new Health Reform czar.......... Let me clarify the situation with Medicaid. The states have had to cut back on Medicaid. More hard working poor (say, someone self employed like myself) are not being given Medicaid. I had Medicaid in Michigan and moved and was not approved in my new state ( many, many seriously ill people are in the same situation besides myself). I cannot afford health insurance and would not be considered by an insurance company because of 2 pre-existing conditions. As it is now, I have to pay for everything including very expensive medications and regular blood work which is ridiculously expensive too. Saying the poor get everything for free is just ignorant. Get your facts straight and let's work on cutting the cost of health care by limiting outrageous malpractice suits and regulating insurance companies.

If I file independent on my taxes can my parents still provide me with health insurance?

I am filing my 2009 taxes, and I provided all financial support for myself. I am a full-time student however, and I am still on my parents health insurance. Will filing independent affect my eligibility for their health insurance?
Do you live with your parents when you're not living at school? If yes, how is it possible that you filed your taxes as a non-dependent? If no, how is it possible that your parents are being allowed to claim you on their insurance?

Health insurance question , where can I get a free health insurance online quote?

Hi Everyone- This is my first time on Yahoo Answers! I'm looking for a place where I can get an online free health insurance quote. I'm always skeptical everything out there is a scam. Thanks for your help!
Try this site Here you can compare quotes from different companies

Please tell me what you know about health insurance premium deductions before and after taxes?

How does one implement employee health insurance contribution deductions prior to federal tax withholding?
I'm not sure I understand the question correctly but health insurance premiums, as far as I know, are pre-tax. This is how it is done in my place of employment, as well as my friend's and family. For example, your pre tax paycheck is $100, health insurance premium is $10, your taxable income is now $90.

What is the California law says about health insurance after divorce?

when divorce accur, does the employer obligated to cover the employee's ex's health care insurance for 3 years with same Premium or the employee has to pay higer premium to cover ex? COBRA is way too expensive, how do you deal with it?
The employee's ex would have a premium that would be the full cost to insure a person. The employer would be contributing nothing to the premium, so the total premium would probably be at least double what the employee was paying for the employee's coverage. The employer is not going to charge the employee a higher premium. As to who pays, well that could be negotiated as part of the divorce settlement. It's possible that the employee would have to contribute, or the ex might have to pay the full cost. Yes, it's expensive. The ex needs to find a job that offers employee health insurance.

How many people in the world have health insurance?

I found out that supposedly about 80% of the world's population lives on the equivalent of less than $10 USD a day. Does this mean only a negligible percent of people outside the US and EU have health insurance?
Most counties,even rich ones, with universal heath care do not rely on private insurance, but government subsidies to the health care system to make it affordable. China's communist system guarantees a low level of health care for all through a publicly funded system of clinics and hospitals. In India the government funds health care through subsidies to health care facilities that offer low-cost care to patients. Together these two countries account for almost half of the world population, and the government make some provision for universal heath care in both of them, but not the quality of the care available in rich nations. Check out this graph to see how much can be done for a small amout of money even in poor countries.…

How to treat a fragile man without health insurance?

My friend just lost his health insurance and I'm really worried about him because he's kind of weak and frail. Should I buy him a full-body cast or some armor? Is there a way to present this to him without conveying the idea that he is decrepit?
Tell him to jump on the Hillary bandwagon and root for universal healthcare!

What is the point of health insurance any more?

I used to have good health insurance where I'd pay monthly, a small co-pay and that's it. Now comparing plans (self employed) they all seem to not cover catastrophic events like hospitalization (isn't that the point of insurance?) or don't have a co pay option you just pay out of pocket until you reach your insanely high deductible, or it costs a crazy amount to have these options. I don't get it, what is the point in paying a monthly fee for little in return?
doesn't sound like you've used your insurance very much;; health care costs are going up, more is also going out of these insurance companies..everyone gets a little more to give out to cover expenses, while the people in the field are truly not getting these high wage increases;; the catastrophic event, if realistically looked @, will surely cause a great more sum of what your "insanely high" deductible; just a simple inpatient hospitalization can cost tens of thousands of dollars;; then, lets talk follow-ups from that hospitalization, the meds, etc...these days, businesses that have the access are allowing their employees to chose from a few different's up to you to chose which one fits your needs..medicare even does this these days..gotta do your research...if your business has only one option, it's your 'option' to chose a different business to work for..hope this helps, but it only touches on the reasons to have.have not health insurance..& ya truly NEVER know when something will happen to you medically..even people who think they are @ their prime re: health, have fallen into oblivion with what just happened to them;; almost like saying if you are a good driver, ya don't need car insurance..simply just not true...

What happens under the new healthcare bill if you only have health insurance for part of the year?

I know you get fined about 700$ by the IRS if you don't have health insurance. But what's the details on that? What if I had it for the last month of the year? Is there a grace period? MA allows you I think 3 or 6 months after losing insurance to get new insurance. Can I get insurance for one month, cancel it, wait for the grace period to expire, get it again, cancel again?
unfortunately we still don't know everything in the bill. we might not find out until it actually rows out in a few yrs.