Wednesday, May 18, 2011

When are my rights when my employer cancels my health insurance without notifying me?

My health insurance has been cancelled since 12/31/05, and my dental insurance has been cancelled since 10/1/05. The reason is that my employeer got way behind on paying the premiums, so the providers cancelled the coverage. Today was the first time my employer notified us that the insurance has been cancelled, and they will be trying to open a new policy with different providers in May. I have already had several doctors visits and dental appointments since then, and now have over $800 in medical bills since these visits were not covered. I did not know the insurance was cancelled when I had these appts. I also have prescriptions that I have been unable to fill. When I brought the problem to my employer's attention a month ago, she said they would make the back payments and coverage would be reinstated without interruption. Now they're starting with a new policy. What are my rights in this situation? Are there any resources or agencies to help me?
You should start looking for a new job immediately. Any employer that promises you this coverage (and maybe even takes some of your earnings to pay the premium) and doesn't buy the coverage is unethical and may have violated state law (especially if you were to be paying some of the premiums via payroll deduction). Added: Each state has an Insurance Department that regulates the industry. Find the phone number in the capital city of the state you live in and call them about this. You should call the insurance department in your state and ask that an investigation be opened immediately to preserve your rights. Your credit rating is on the line if you don't pay those bills. If you paid some of the premiums, then your employer basically stole your money and you should look for work elsewhere. If they didn't pay the premiums and they told you they did, you should turn over all receipts to the employer and demand they pay the bills because the insurance would have.

Can you get US health insurance after you have left the US and come back?

I'm thinking about living overseas. . .e=all my plans are working out very well to move to Spain. My caveat is health insurance. I know that in Spain they will care for you as long as you are paying into Social Security, which i will be. My concern is that if i must return to living in the US will i bel able to get back on a US Health Insurance after having left, if i have a pre-existing condition or will they deny me?
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.

Is there any cheap health insurance companies in usa?

I NEED some health insurance just for me and i have been looking online and cant find nothing cheap.
I recommend you this site where you can compare quotes so you can find the best option for you

Don't you think that AIG should be able to give us all a good deal on health Insurance?

Okay, everybody I've been thinking about the big bail out we gave them and since were going to be paying for it don't you think they could provide us all who can't afford it with a cheap health Insurance plan? I can't get insurance because of pre existing conditions and I've been healthy all of my life until last year.
We should not have bailed them out to begin with. With a free market they should have be left to fail. Who is next with their hand out, the auto mfg' already received 25 and now want another 25. Where does it end. Are they going to pay off MY house also. I bet not. People should be going to jail for this, including people in Congress.

Will I potentially be paying for health insurance twice?

If the health care bill passes, and I will be able to keep my own insurance (pay for it), and my taxes go toward paying for someone who doesn't have their own and takes the government option, am I or am I not paying for health insurance twice? If I am not paying for health insurance twice, explain how?
Just pay me LOL

How much trouble can I get into if I don't cancel my ex bf's health insurance?

Through a domestic partnership, I had my bf on my health insurance plan at work. We have since broken up and no longer live together. He can't afford paying out of pocket or get his own insurance. I was going to cut him off at the end of September. Due to recent events though, he needs the insurance now more than ever... for a few more months.
You're not going to get in trouble. The worst thing that could happen would be that the insurance company finds out and thus cancels his plan or possibly yours as well.

how much does health insurance cost for a foreign student?

i live in england and want to go to america for university and want to know how much health insurance costs for me if i have a f1 visa. if it is the same as normal what is the average sort of cost of normal health insurance?
It would be the same as anyone else here in America. Student health policies are usually pretty cheap. I know a girl that pays $650/year for her policy with Assurant Health.

How much does health insurance for a baby cost?

im a pregnant teen and i want to buy health insurance for my baby when she is born but i was wondering how much it costs
-------------------- - try this one. My wife had no problem with her insurance coverage while being pregnant.

Can someone help me shop for health insurance?

I'm looking for health insurance for myself, husband and our 4 yr old daughter. I am a full time student, so we only have one income coming in and its not great but its not too bad. So we are on a budget but we really need insurance!!! Can someone help me shop for a good insurance company? how much will it be a month and what will it cover?
The Best Cheap Policy - Ultimately, you are the one who determines what is the best insurance because you decide what right balance between affordability and policy benefits. If you choose a plan that covers everything i.e. doctors office visits, prescription drugs, preventative health benefits, maternity coverage as well as opting for low deductibles, low copays as well as vision and dental benefits your monthly premiums will be significant. On the other hand because you are young, presumably healthy and probably use the health care system sparingly you might consider a plan with a higher in hospital deductible, higher copays for doctor's office visits and perhaps not cover prescription drugs. This approach will result in a relatively lower monthly premium. You then can use the monthly premium savings to pay for the occasional prescription drug and still come out ahead. Based on what you are asking I would suggest that you need a trusted adviser to help you through the process of purchasing health insurance so that you understand what you are purchasing. Check with the agent that writes your home or auto insurance he/she can provide you a health insurance proposal that takes into account your budget and health status. He or she can answer questions as to what is and is not covered by the policy, explain deductibles and copays and show you the hospitals and doctors that participate in the network. Some are going to suggest you go to their site so that they earn a few pennies on a "click through". Some are going to suggest going on line to get a quote but you probably already know that there is much more to health insurance than price. Some might even suggest a discount plan as the "best and cheapest" approach but that is not insurance at all. Use the Internet to research health insurance but use an agent to purchase the coverage.

Over 40 million people in this country have no health insurance because?

they can't afford it. So what does the government propose to do to help them? FORCE them to buy their own private health insurance or face massive fines. Excuse me, but I didn't need some faceless bureaucrat to tell me this, I could have done this myself. The whole reason we need health insurance reform in the first place is precisely because it is unaffordable- HELLO? This is just another SICKENING example of how clueless and out of touch politicians are with the average person. What do you think?
Here are some of the things that the congressmen did NOT address in their Rush to stuff a What-ever Bill through: Reduction in government regulations that would reduce the time and cost of filing for Dr.'s payment. Reduction in Government regulations that add cost to 'controlled' medical equipment..(Come on...a plastic air mask should be an over the counter item...) REASONABLE Limits on malpractice law suits AND A limit to Lawyers 'cut'. (2 million people get $10.00 each on a class action suit and the lawyer get $20 Million???? something stinks here.) Get rid of the 'Network' BS....Doctors are Doctors, Hospital are hospital, if I need treatment WHY should I be penalized because the insurance company is a sorority pal of some doctors group and I happened to get hurt outside the Buddy System????

What health Insurance plans cover pre-existing conditions?

I have an existing kidney condition, and am currently covered under my previous employers cobra. Since I am not yet working, and the cobra expires soon, i need an individual plan. BCBS will extend their plan for individual coverage, but at a fairly hight rate. So I was trying to find other options for individual plans that would cover my condition?
Have you looked into dicount health benefits? I use Ameriplan and it saves me 60-80% on my visits. There are many plans to choose from depending what you are in need of. Check their plans out here:

How will the government be able to afford health insurance for all without cutting services?

Is there any "co-pay" or other feature as part of the plan, so that everyone going to a doctor will have to pay something each time they visit? If people never have to pay out of pocket what will prevent them from going all the time for no reason?
The general population far outnumbers the healthcare providers in the the country. So, if you want to give everyone cheaper/affordable health care, one of two things will have to happen. Cut services or double(minimum) the hours you expect health care providers to work. Or maybe your doctor visits would last 5 minute maximum time? I don't know how it work, except that it wouldn't work well. And we would pay for it in taxes in some form or fashion regardless.

Where does government forcing a citizen to buy health insurance fit into a free society?

See any "slippery slope" implications there, lovers of big government? What's next? Mandatory physicals? Mandatory flu shots? Mandatory enemas?
Patches best a one today so far. Man could you not be more on target. Compulsory Heatlh care under Obummer. Means that you have no choice. You are either do or you go to jail. See this is part of the phony *** way his minions say they will pay for this farce. Along with screwing the eye teeth out of the elderly and Medicare folks.

How much does health insurance cost? If you just got for a checkup will it?

cost around $500 dollars for the visit, the medication, and everything else ? Do they make you pay every month for the insurance, plus charge you a ton of out of pocket costs too? Never had any insurance, was curious, more like COMPLETELY clueless !!
Your question is much too complicated to answer in the small space that we have here. I'd suggest going to a local independent agent and asking them to explain it to you. They can give you quotes based upon your age and any health problems you may have and they don't charge you anything for the service. Insurance can cost as little as $60 per month for a 21 year old male up to over $1000 per month for people in their 60's. The cost also depends upon the type of policy that you get - the agent can explain all of this to you. If you're "completely clueless" you should figure on spending at least 2 hours with them just to get the basics. The checkup can depend upon what is done and the type of insurance that you have. The average cost would be $25 if you have insurance that has co-pays, $75 if you have insurance that doesn't have co-pays, and $150 if you don't have insurance. Medication will be extra; again depending upon what you might need. Yes, you have to pay the premium every month. This will protect you from catastrophic medical bills. If you go into the hospital and have a good insurance plan you may have to pay 3 to 8 thousand dollars out of pocket but that sure beats paying the $150,000 hospital bill!! If you can't find a local agent email me and I'll send you a link to help.

Health Insurance Cancellation during 2 week notice period?

Can a small employer (exempt from COBRA) cancel health insurance for an employee during their two week notice period?
No. They have to cancel the entire plan. When you have a group plan, you can't cancel individual employees outside of open enrollment - it's all or nothing.

How much time do I have to buy health insurance before the Democrats fine me?

When is the deadline to avoid fines and imprisonment? I can't afford to miss the deadline and get my paycheck taken by the IRS. Can someone give me the date that our Democrat overlords have set?
Relax, we'll have single payer in no time. What was passed is just a smoke screen.

How did the human species ever evolve without health insurance and a dependency on oil?

Not having either from 4000BC to 1900AD, is that what slowed us down.
Who says we are evolved?

If health insurance reform is doomed to fail if passed, then why are Repub politicians so afraid of it passing?

Seems like this reform failing (as they keep assuring us that it will, if/when it passes) would be something very beneficial to the Republican minority, in coming elections.... Anyone else find it curious that they are digging their heals in so hard over this, and not just getting out of the way and letting it pass.
I believe the Republican party is afraid of its success. I hope to see those fears realized.

My Health Insurance doesn't cover what they said they would. How can i find out if they are doing me wrong?

We went for regular Physicals and come to find out now that i owe 800 dollars in Doctors Bills. They covered nothing. Even though i should only pay 15 dollar copay.
Go over your policy well.Read the fine print. You should come up with something.

brest reduction and the more recrent health insurance policies around the world?

Nowadays, has any health insurance co. Thur the world, nowadays agreed to cover some or most of all the costs of women who recently have gotten or are considering getting brest augmentation or reduction surgery ? do you think this will change, in what direction?
Breast reduction is covered in some areas. "Step1Know that, according to most states' law, a surgeon will have to be able to remove at least 500 g (just over a pound) of tissue from each of your breasts for reduction mammaplasty to be deemed medically necessary. " Augmentation is usually not covered unless it is connected to a disfiguring injury or after a mastectomy.

Can I put a non family memeber on my medical/health insurance?

I have a family friend who I want to help financially and with medical insurance can he be put onto my health/medical insurance?
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.

Tax question. Can I claim out of pocket health insurance payments?

We don't have health insurance through our employers, so my payments are not deducted pre-taxed from payroll, they are paid out of pocket (it's military health insurance that we purchase) monthly.
yes you sure can, as well as any other medical expenses such as parkling fees and tolls to and from the doctors, eyeglasses, legal prescriptions, braces, things like that

How much does health insurance cost?

I have no clue about health insurance from employers. I've never had to deal with it and now I do. My husbands job said they have a national PPO. I have no idea what that means. My husband will be grossing around 2800 a month, if that helps. Can someone tell me how much to expect will be taken out each pay check for insurance on 2? (dental, vision and medical coverage)
How much is taken out of each paycheck depends on the employer, the insurance provider, and the deals they've worked out. Sometimes the coverage doesn't cost anything for the employed person, sometimes it does. It just depends. Your husband can find out through his work, usually through HR or the benefits administrator. Read this for general information on PPOs:…

At current rates and increases, will I be paying 25,000 a year for health insurance?

Every year my health insurance goes up and the deductible gets higher. It went up 15% last year while normal inflation says it should go up at 3%. I am paying 500 a month for myself only...that is after tax money so I must make 750 a month or 9,000 a year just to pay for an inadequate policy. At current price increases, in ten years I will need to make 25,000 just to pay for insurance. What effect will that have on businesses and consumers?
That seems very high and there should be no reason you can't use pretax dollars to purchase the insurance. I also doubt you would see the rates rise by 15% every year. I found on my insurance that it won't go up at all for several years and then there is a big jump like the one you described.. Some reform is needed but gutting a system that provides such great care and starting over from scratch makes no sense at all.. Less than $500/mo for the family and NO deductible at all. 100% hospital coverage too..