Sunday, June 12, 2011

Do you know of any national employers who offer health insurance for pre-existing conditions?

How long do you have to be on the job to get it? The condition is multiple sclerosis.
Assuming you live and work in the U.S.A., federal HIPAA law may provide you with some protections, depending upon your circumstances. Since there isn't enough information in your question for me to advise you, I suggest you go here:… and read through the information, particularly the booklet with the link at the bottom, titled "Protecting Your Health Insurance Coverage." I hope this helps.

18 and not wanting to use parent's health insurance?

Okay: So I am 18 and need to go and talk to my doctor because for the last year I have been battling depression and self harm. I need to see if there are any medications I need to help me concentrate on other things besides sadness. I want to go to the doctor but not have the records be on my parents health insurance because they do not believe in using medications to solve problems. Is there any way I can go without using their insurance and co-pay options?
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.

where to go for perscriptions if you dont have health insurance?

My boyfriend had a heart attack last year and is now out of most of his perscriptions. He still owes the hospital alot of money for the original ER visit and cannot go back to the doctor to give him a new perscription. We pay alot in hospital bills and dish out another 400 bucks a month on perscriptions, what are my options?
ask the doctor for some samples call the mfgrs of the meds and see if they have some free or low cost programs or discount coupons get generic versions of your meds

Best health insurance for young single people?

I'm looking for informaiton about health insurance for a single, young man...he is 27. Are there any affordable policies out there that may provide minimal coverage (annual well visit, a couple sick visits, one prescription, some emergency?)
Since he is young and presumably healthy and is mainly protecting against major medical expenses, I recommend enrolling in a "qualified" High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP). This is health insurance with high deductible amounts, so it costs less than traditional health insurance. Under federal law, the minimum deductible in a HDHP plan is $1,100 for an individual and the maximum is $5,500. The higher the deductible, the lower the premium. The advantage of an HDHP is that he can shelter up to $2,850 a year from state and federal taxes in a Health Savings Account (HSA). Depending on his tax bracket and where he lives, that could save him as much as $2,971 in taxes per year, assuming a combined tax rate of 52.6%—9.3% in state income tax (California), 28% in federal income tax, and 15.3% in self-employment Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) tax. Another way of looking at it is that the HSA doubles his buying power, since he is using pre-tax dollars to pay for things. The contributions he makes to an HSA are his to keep, rolling over each year. The funds are not taxed, provided he uses them to pay medical expenses or withdraw them after age 65. The funds earn interest on a tax-deferred basis. Think of it as an IRA that he can use to pay out-of-pocket medical expenses. To find a qualified plan, he should speak with a health insurance broker. A broker works with several insurers and can find the best plan, rates and coverage. To find a broker, log on to a website like and fill out a form requesting a free quote. Your information will be sent to a broker in your area who will contact you. Good luck!

My Parents visiting from England and health insurance in the US? HELP?

My parents come to visit from England every few years and in the past we were able to get them a Short Term Major Medical Policy for the 6-8 Week they were in the US. Now with there health they are most likely not going to qualify for it. Can anyone tell me how the Socialized medicine of England works if they get ill here in the US ( if at all) and what are some other options for them. They are scared to travel with out being covered in the US.
They'll have to check with the UK program to be sure, but I'm under the impression that "socialized medicine" isn't insurance - it's government health care. So there wouldn't be any reimbursement for procedures done by "non-network" providers - otherwise known as, no coverage in the US.

Licensed Health Insurance Assistant to Broker looking for a job in Arizona.?

We are thinking of moving to Arizona, I am a Assistant to a Health Insurance broker, looking for the same in Arizona, most likely moving to Chandler, Glendale area. Where can I look or any brokers will need any assistants
so you ask in travel and not employment? nice.

What is the fee for one child on CHIPS health insurance ?

I now have to pay C/S to my ex . What is the premium for one child under CHIPS . That the state of Texas now makes you pay along with C/S ?
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -

what is a good health insurance in so cali?

i am 23 years old and i am looking for a good health insurance in southern California i don't know if this matters but near LA area, does anyone know of any? it would be a great help (^.^)
yes please, browse this.…

As a senior citizen on medicare do I need additional health insurance. Presently I have both and it is costly.?

It is costing me nearly $200 per month. Whenever I have blood work and doctor visit they charge medicare not my med insurance. I am healthy and only go to the doctors and have blood work 3 times per year.
Medicare has two part that cover medical related expense. Part A is for hospital situations an if admitted your only cost in 2009 is a $1,068 deductible. Part B is for all out patient medical expenses. It pays 80% of the Medicare rate for a specific treatment and the person pays 20%. Today so much treatment is done on an outpatient basis thus a Medicare Supplement plan, which pays the 20%, is needed. In my area a very good Medicare Supplement can be purchased for about $190 a month. There would be an additional cost of about $40 for prescription coverage. Another option to cover the medical treatment expenses Medicare does not pay is a Medicare Advantage plan. They normally cover medical and prescription and the monthly cost could be around $120 a month. A person currently on Medicare can enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan once a year during the annual open enrollment from Nov 15th to Dec 31.

What does the new healthcare reform mean for me? Im 22, working, no health insurance, with a pre existing cond?

Im 22, i been working for a long time, i had an accident 5 years ago which left me under a ton of medical bills and needless to say no one would insure me with my condition, so what does this mean for me now? is it just available now? is it affordable now? what should i do?
where do you work ? they don't offer health insurance ? are you able to find another job ? well the healthcare reform wont change the fact you have previous debts to pay off ... as of now the bill states kids under age 26 will be able to join mom/dad's plan - Oct 2010 other then that, no real change is going to happen until 2014

unions give their workers a very high grade form of health insurance, and under Obama Care they would have to?

pay a cadillac insurance tax on this, but now they are exempt from this. The cadillac tax was designed for the wealthy not for factory workers and teachers. So this exemption only makes since doesn't it. Or is it wrong some how?
Yeah. Right. And, there is nothing wrong with giving one State $300 million nor another State exemption from Medicaid payments. If you can't see that rewarding those who support the farce of a Heath Care REFORM??? Bill with favoritism and punishing those who don't by forcing them to pay for this favoritism is wrong, then I hope that you don't have any children.

Since Obamacare requires everyone to buy health insurance?

Does that mean that medicaid will be scrapped?
I think that's the plan.......

Why did Obama switch from Health Care Reform to now Insurance reform?

Obama's minions conducted surveys which indicated that Americans were happy with their health care but not so happy with their insurance providers. Insurance providers that are saddled with Government mandated regulations and HMO's. So the Government creates the insurance and health care problem then the Government proposes that even more Government will solve the problem. Tell me does tossing gasoline on a fire put it out or does it make it burn more profusely ?
He is losing on healthcare reform... so he finds a new "scapegoat" as his Master Alinsky has taught him in his book "Rules for Radicals." Interesting strategy in THEORY, but some say in practice it is actually starting to backfire for Mr Obama. You reap what you sow, if he keep sowing lies and see where that gets him in the future. It will not be good for him soon. There are consequences for every one of his actions... and no good deed goes unrewarded also!

How will the government get the illegals to buy health insurance when they don't even know they are here?

and the illegals do all their transactions in the black market or underground?
The government will have to create a new agency with thousands more new hires to try and track the illegals down and make sure they bought their health RX

Out of the 34 states that would challenge the federal mandate to buy health insurance, which ones are?

actually productive within their state for reform like Mass for example? And if they are against federal health reform but are not offering any reform to help their residents how can they prove this is unconstitutional as opposed to forcing people to pay for medicare?
Medicare is a government entity paid for by tax dollars. Forcing people to buy a product from a private company is a completely different thing. Can they force you to buy a car from GM? Can they force you to buy apples to keep the price down for others who want them cheaper? There is nothing in the constitution that grants the government the authority to force you to buy somebody else's product. It is an assault on your individual liberty.

Is medicare considered good health insurance?

how good is medicare compared to an average health insurance plan?
Medicare is insurance that you have been paying for all of your working life. In some instances, it pays better than 80/20, and in others it pays less than 80/20. It does not, however come without costs and gaps. If you are enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B, it will cost you approx $93 per month in premium. This premium is taken directly out of your social security check - if you are drawing social security. I would not recommend going with Medicare alone. The gaps in coverage can be easily and completely covered if you wish to do so. There are several plan designs to choose from, including managed care plans that can be at no cost to you. The Standard Plan designs A-J have a varying cost, depending on which plan you choose and which insurance company you elect for coverage. The typical cost for this coverage, in the individual market in CT, is around $160 per month per insured. The new Medicare Part D is also something that you will need, as Medicare does not cover prescriptions, generally. These plans can be purchased in the range of $23 to $65 per month. Find a Health Insurance broker who specializes in senior/Medicare plans, or contact AARP.

father and mother BOTH have the child covered under their separate health insurance plans?

under ca law the fathers insurance is primary due to the fact that he is older . how or could it be possible to have the the mothers insurance primary ?
The "birthday law" isn't about AGE, it's about what day of the year the birthday comes FIRST. So clearly, dad's birthday ocurrs earlier in the year than moms. The ONLY way to get mom's policy primary, is to cancel child from dad's policy during the next open enrollment. If the transfer happened, because there wasn't a local in network hospital that could provide a specialty service (like a pediatric nephrologist), you appeal to dad's insurance to have it covered as a medical necessity on an in network basis.

Cheap health insurance that will cover dental?

I need some help. I can no longer work at one of my jobs and my new job wont provide insurance since it is part-time I need help and scared that i cant afford anything. i already cant afford student loans. is there any cheap insurance packages i can get in ct?
The only cheap dental insurance is worthless as you will end up paying most of the costs or will get very minimal coverage. Sorry

Is Obama really trying to pass a new health insurance law?

Why? Isn't it kind of a George Bush mistake?
He already passed it and it's signed into law. WITHIN THE FIRST YEAR OF ENACTMENT *Insurance companies will be barred from dropping people from coverage when they get sick. Lifetime coverage limits will be eliminated and annual limits are to be restricted. *Insurers will be barred from excluding children for coverage because of pre-existing conditions. *Young adults will be able to stay on their parents' health plans until the age of 26. Many health plans currently drop dependents from coverage when they turn 19 or finish college. *Uninsured adults with a pre-existing conditions will be able to obtain health coverage through a new program that will expire once new insurance exchanges begin operating in 2014. *A temporary reinsurance program is created to help companies maintain health coverage for early retirees between the ages of 55 and 64. This also expires in 2014. *Medicare drug beneficiaries who fall into the "doughnut hole" coverage gap will get a $250 rebate. The bill eventually closes that gap which currently begins after $2,700 is spent on drugs. Coverage starts again after $6,154 is spent. *A tax credit becomes available for some small businesses to help provide coverage for workers. *A 10 percent tax on indoor tanning services that use ultraviolet lamps goes into effect on July 1. WHAT HAPPENS IN 2011 *Medicare provides 10 percent bonus payments to primary care physicians and general surgeons. *Medicare beneficiaries will be able to get a free annual wellness visit and personalized prevention plan service. New health plans will be required to cover preventive services with little or no cost to patients. *A new program under the Medicaid plan for the poor goes into effect in October that allows states to offer home and community based care for the disabled that might otherwise require institutional care. *Payments to insurers offering Medicare Advantage services are frozen at 2010 levels. These payments are to be gradually reduced to bring them more in line with traditional Medicare. *Employers are required to disclose the value of health benefits on employees' W-2 tax forms. *An annual fee is imposed on pharmaceutical companies according to market share. The fee does not apply to companies with sales of $5 million or less. WHAT HAPPENS IN 2012 *Physician payment reforms are implemented in Medicare to enhance primary care services and encourage doctors to form "accountable care organizations" to improve quality and efficiency of care. *An incentive program is established in Medicare for acute care hospitals to improve quality outcomes. *The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which oversees the government programs, begin tracking hospital readmission rates and puts in place financial incentives to reduce preventable readmissions. WHAT HAPPENS IN 2013 *A national pilot program is established for Medicare on payment bundling to encourage doctors, hospitals and other care providers to better coordinate patient care. *The threshold for claiming medical expenses on itemized tax returns is raised to 10 percent from 7.5 percent of income. The threshold remains at 7.5 percent for the elderly through 2016. *The Medicare payroll tax is raised to 2.35 percent from 1.45 percent for individuals earning more than $200,000 and married couples with incomes over $250,000. The tax is imposed on some investment income for that income group. *A 2.9 percent excise tax in imposed on the sale of medical devices. Anything generally purchased at the retail level by the public is excluded from the tax. WHAT HAPPENS IN 2014 *State health insurance exchanges for small businesses and individuals open. *Most people will be required to obtain health insurance coverage or pay a fine if they don't. Healthcare tax credits become available to help people with incomes up to 400 percent of poverty purchase coverage on the exchange. *Health plans no longer can exclude people from coverage due to pre-existing conditions. *Employers with 50 or more workers who do not offer coverage face a fine of $2,000 for each employee if any worker receives subsidized insurance on the exchange. The first 30 employees aren't counted for the fine. *Health insurance companies begin paying a fee based on their market share. WHAT HAPPENS IN 2015 *Medicare creates a physician payment program aimed at rewarding quality of care rather than volume of services. WHAT HAPPENS IN 2018 *An excise tax on high cost employer-provided plans is imposed. The first $27,500 of a family plan and $10,200 for individual coverage is exempt from the tax. Higher levels are set for plans covering retirees and people in high risk professions.… ##

Is Kaiser HMO a good health insurance plan to buy?

Here's the thing. My current doctor told me that he's leaving and he's going to Kaiser. I don't want to lose him so I my only way would be to purchase Kaiser. So if I already know the doctor I want, does that make Kaiser okay? What are the benefits and drawbacks of Kaiser Health?
Kaiser Permanente was the first Health Maintenance Organization growing out of the public works projects developed by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to help the US out of the 'great depression'. HMOs in general are a problem and if you have another choice then I would tend to steer clear of HMOs. HMOs make money by delaying and denying services and perhaps the only exception is if you have a good physician on the 'inside'. If you have great faith in your physician and if that physician is able to press the HMO to provide you with proper care then it may turn out OK. In general however HMOs are never a good idea for the patient. If I may be of further assistance please let me know. I wish you the very best of health and in all things may God bless.

Why does Ma0bama want every American to have health insurance?

It must be because he is the reincarnation of Mao, Stalin, and Hitler all at the same time Source: Fox News
Maybe because he wants people to be treated equally?? and not have to suffer discrimination on the grounds they don't have health insurance??

Can a company legally offer better health insurance to upper management and lesser health insurance to hourly?

My company recently changed their health insurance, Only one plan is offered. Our deductibles became higher and our contribution almost doubled. Intrestingly enough, I just found out that all upper managers got to retain their old plan with very small deductibles and retained the old contribution which is less then half of the other plan. The old Plan is not offered to lower management or hourly workers. I want to know if this is legal, I am located in Florida
A company can maintain a separate "executive" plan that is not the same for all employees. Usually it is referred to as an executive plan and is considered part of their benefit package.

Why can't we strictly get catastrophic health insurance?

Even after the signing of health care reform, did you know you still can't get strictly catastrophic health insurance? Every state has mandates for coverage on things not catastrophic. My state contraceptives, infertility, TMJ, alcohol rehab, drug rehab, etc are top of the long list of mandates on coverage. I could have solved health care with two pages. Why should I have to help a woman buy contraceptives? That is an extracurricular and only drives up costs for me, but it also helps drive artificial demand. I want strictly catastrophic health insurance without having to subsidize marriage counseling and obesity counseling. What is so hard about pushing yourself away from the table?
you are correct to buy insurance these days you are often forced to over buy to get any thing. i use an employer sponsored plan and it contains at the lowest level they offer for employee only marriage counseling and well woman care and contraceptives. as a divorced man nearing 50 i am so glad that they kept these and charge extra for prescription coverage as of this year. so not being on any scripts i dropped that, 35 a month out of my check for prescriptions on a co-pay or buy my own antibiotic only if i get an infection do the math. one reason so many people wont buy insurance is it comes in too big of a package to fit them.

Where can I get a Cease & Desist Copy for my health insurance company? It was issued to them last month.?

I was notified that my health insurance company was issued a Cease & Desist order last month. Cannot locate anyone at the company now, they won't answer the phone. I want to get a copy of this Cease & Desist order, because I need it for some other legal issues. Where can I find it?
What is the name of the company, the state and other legal issues you have? You could contact the state insurance department, but you may not get a copy of the copy of the cease and desist order from them. I did google search and there are quite a few companies out there with cease and desist orders, mainly for scams. Or do as I did and "google it" with the name of the company plus cease and desist for more answers.