Thursday, November 11, 2010

How do you like being forced to have health insurance and being tracked by the IRS for compliance?

Under this new health bill they are going to hire 16000 new IRS agents to track your compliance with the health insurance mandate. Dont matter to them if you cant afford health insurance you will be fined and face jail time so how many of you like this new HOPE and CHANGE? Doesnt this sound a lot like the Gestapo troopers in Nazi Germany?
This will be great. I pay $40.00 a week now for insurance. Under their plan I will pay $120.00 a week. Nice bit of change there. He did promise change didn't he? I just hope that everyone that voted for him will be happy.

How and why did health insurance companies come into being?

I am curious how health insurance companies got such a "foothold" in the United States.
Because the UNIONS wanted benefits for their members. The UNIONS created the insurance companies and get a huge kick-back from them.

Does anyone know what some good health insurance companies offer and how they work?

What are some good health insurance companies? Good meaning good coverage low deductible nothing shady, or in the small print that is kind of dishonest not expensive for a college student ? does the deductible include the monthly insurance premium? Do health insurance companies ever allow a person to have a policy through their company as well as a policy through another company? Are there any reasons you may be denied the insurance?
1) It depends on where you live. 2) No the premium does not apply to the deductible, neither do copays. 3) Very rarely. Why would you want to? 4) Yes. Preexisting conditions. Don

What is the best health insurance plan for INternational students who are IN USA?

Hello there ,what is the best health insurance plan for International students who are in USA. If it helps I am currently IN MAryland. Please let me know , would be great if you could provide websites and links as well. Thnaks so much for your assisatnce!
See this You can compare many diff health insures at your site there, see and get the best that fit your purpose.

Will the health insurance industry lose jobs once healthcare reform is passed?

I work for a major company in the health Insurance field. I am worried that once reform is passed my jobs will be in jeopardy. Would it make sense to reform health care only to drive more people out of work?
Probably not right away, but your customers' premiums will have to go up to pay to keep the company going if they lose people to the government health insurance. Your company might close down if it's losing too much, though.

How much is average health insurance in London?

I am a 19 year old female moving to London to be an au pair. I will need health insurance since I will not be living with my parents. About how much will it cost? I have no major illnesses.
The UK has nationalized medicine, you won't have to pay, just deal with all their health system. They do have private insurance, however it probably costs a lot. One company is BUPA. Here is their website:

What is a good site to get short term health insurance?

I am looking for individual health insurance that would cover basic things such as a regular hospital visit, eye exam, dentist, etc in the short run for at least 6 months. As well as cover minor accidents like having a twisted ankle. I'm not really looking for something that would cover me if I had cancer or a major health problem. I'm looking for something with medical, vision, and dental. Pretty much preventive care and maintanence. I am looking to switch jobs since benefits are not offered where I work.
try, It can be confusing with all the different plans.

What is a good health insurance company?

My husband is self employed and I don't work. We are looking for health insurance. Blue cross and blue shield is the only company I really know of. I know there has to be more out there. I would like to get basic coverage in case of emergencies and maternity coverage as we plan to have kids in the next year or two. Thanks.
Humana Assurant Health… Coventry… IBC (Independance Blue Cross) Aetna Cigna UnitedHealthcare Unicare this link below has a TON of companies. I was just going by what my company bills for as primary insurance.…

Are there any affordalbe health insurance companies out there for individuals to use?

I need to find a new health insurance because I do not like the one my company uses. They don't meet all my needs properly.
Check out they'll have some good info and offers quotes from some of the top providers in your area. I was the same and didn't want to use my company's and ended up finding something even cheaper that fit my needs perfectly.

Are there any affordalbe health insurance companies out there for individuals to use?

I need to find a new health insurance because I do not like the one my company uses. They don't meet all my needs properly.
Check out they'll have some good info and offers quotes from some of the top providers in your area. I was the same and didn't want to use my company's and ended up finding something even cheaper that fit my needs perfectly.

What kind of affordable health insurance plan is there for small business owners?

I have a friend who is in the process of moving to Tx and is looking to start his own business but is hesitant because he has a wife and two kids and does not know what to do regarding health insurance.
One of the best options to consider are health savings accounts. They combine a high-deductible health plan (HDHP) with a cash savings account which is investible in almost any kind of investment. You use the cash (which is put in, builds and spent tax free so long as it is on medical expenses) to pay off your medical expenses until you hit the deductible and then the health plan pays, except that routine care like doctor visits, etc. are covered first dollar by the health plan. As a small business there are tax advantages to the business for doing this and as an employee you get tax advantages and the ability to use the cash for whatever you want (up to 65 as long as you pay the tax when you take it out....after 65 it is like an IRA where you pay your post retirement tax bracket rate on withdrawls). You have to be diligent about funding the cash portion, but treat that part like an IRA account that you plan to build up and use for retirement.

What is a good health insurance company?

My husband is self employed and I don't work. We are looking for health insurance. Blue cross and blue shield is the only company I really know of. I know there has to be more out there. I would like to get basic coverage in case of emergencies and maternity coverage as we plan to have kids in the next year or two. Thanks.
Humana Assurant Health… Coventry… IBC (Independance Blue Cross) Aetna Cigna UnitedHealthcare Unicare this link below has a TON of companies. I was just going by what my company bills for as primary insurance.…

How much would the health insurance cost when applying for a schengan visa?

i would like to know an estimation of how much it will cost when going to the schengan states. would the insurance company charge me only for my visit or the whole year? i will go only to one country for 2 weeks. i dont have any health problems and i am on my 20's.
When traveling to a Schengen country, the traveler needs to have health insurance because health insurance is mandatory in Europe. Depending on your age and the amount of coverage selected, you can expect Schengen insurance premium to range from $1 to $10 per day. You do not need to get insurance for the whole year, you only need insurance for the duration of your trip (including the arival and departure days). See here for a site with a lot of information on Schengen visa health insurance… . Note the visa is called "Schengen" visa not "schengan" :)

How much would decent health insurance cost in the USA?

How much would decent health insurance cost in the USA for an elder person, say 65, who has no health history in the us due to being an immigrant? I am talking about the decent type of health insurance one gets when working for a fortune 500 company with low premiums and 20 dollar copays. ANy advice?
I think you're not going to find someone willing to give private insurance to someone who's 65, for the first time. Here in the USA, an American citizen who was perfectly healthy, not overweight, nonsmoker, and no preexisting conditions, at the age of 64, would likely be paying $1,000 a month for a comprehensive plan, although that copay of $20 you're suggestiong JUST isn't realistic. When one works for a large corporation, everyone is AVERAGED. So, you take 5,000 people, and each one pays $500 a month for insurance. Each one gets maternity coverage - including the men. The youngest men could find coverage cheaper on a private policy, because the price for ALL of them is averaged together.

What is the best health insurance for me?

I'm still under my parents med. insurance, but I know when I turn 19 they're health insurance providers will say that I can't legally be under my parents anymore.(I know this because they did the same thing to my older brother and sister. But my sister is still under it because she's a full time student in college and my bro. is still under it cause he has a mental disability) I don't know what I'll do after that though. My parents said that even though I have a job of my own, if I find the best health insurance for me they'll pay for it until I move out. I don't have any true health problems only acne and acid reflux. Please give me an idea of a cheap but reliable health insurance plan that would best fit my needs. (Thanks)
First I would recommend going to college. You will be extended on your parent's plan until you're 22, and you'll greatly increase your chances of landing a better job with equally better benefits once you graduate. Until then, since it sounds like you're fairly healthy and have no kids, a PPO with any trusted insurance company should be fine. You can pick any doctor and pay around $20 for a copay. If you had children I would recommend an HMO because they have better benefits for the mothers and pay for almost all of the kid's first shots etc.

Is the only business of health insurance finding ways single out people to raise rate on ?

Lets add weight to the excuses for health insurance to single out customers. Why do our law makers and government allow this. The idea behind insurance is to pool money to pay expenses to avoid financial disaster. They take your money for years and when you depend on them they legally avoid payment and cancel you!!!!
Bingo. Now you've got it. Insurance companies are supposed to cover risk. They decided a long time ago that they would rather cover executives' golden parachutes. We don't have a "health care" crisis in America nearly so much as we have a crisis of unethical insurance executives who aren't managing the assets they've been entrusted with.

What are the options for people without health insurance for drug rehab?

My boyfriend does not have health insurance but I want him to start rehab. We live in Portland, OR. Preferably out patient he has a job. Please help.
YOU want him to start rehab? Honey, that's flat out not going to get him clean. It really isn't. It's NEVER going to work, until/unless HE wants to stop using. Since he has no health insurance, and YOU are the one who wants him in rehab, you might as well be the one paying for it. Might as well burn your money, though, because someone ELSE can't make him do something he doesn't want to do (stop using). I'd strongly suggest two things: 1. get yourself to some NarcAnon meetings. You can find local meetings and help here:… 2. toss him back, and try for someone else. It's completely unfair to him, for you to want him to change. This is how he is. If you don't want a drug addict in your life, you'll have to pick someone else, who isn't a drug addict.

How does a 20 year old without health insurance get his pacemaker replaced?

I have no health insurance and I have a pace maker that NEEDS to be replaced this year or my pacemaker (followed by eventually, myself) will die. What do I do?
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -

Is the only business of health insurance finding ways single out people to raise rate on ?

Lets add weight to the excuses for health insurance to single out customers. Why do our law makers and government allow this. The idea behind insurance is to pool money to pay expenses to avoid financial disaster. They take your money for years and when you depend on them they legally avoid payment and cancel you!!!!
Bingo. Now you've got it. Insurance companies are supposed to cover risk. They decided a long time ago that they would rather cover executives' golden parachutes. We don't have a "health care" crisis in America nearly so much as we have a crisis of unethical insurance executives who aren't managing the assets they've been entrusted with.

How does a 20 year old without health insurance get his pacemaker replaced?

I have no health insurance and I have a pace maker that NEEDS to be replaced this year or my pacemaker (followed by eventually, myself) will die. What do I do?
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -

What is the least expensive Health Insurance I can get right now?

I have to get a major operation on my sinus, as a pre-existing condition I'm worried about the cost since I've never had health insurance before. Any reduced insurance out there for someone who doesn't have much money/income? Thanks for any links.
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

Are dental hygienists offered group health insurance or do they always have to get their own?

Are dental hygienists responsible for their own health insurance or is it common place to have the employer (aka dentist) offer group plans? With some past medical history I am finding it hard to find individual plans without denial or outrageous premiums (planning to go through DH school and need insurance for that) Anyone?
Depends on whether you are an employee or an independent contractor. Most dentists hire hygienists as independent contractors which mean they have to get their own health insurance. The ADA might have some group health plans - check them out. HTH

Can I get health insurance and plan on getting pregnant after few months?

I'm thinking of getting a personal health insurance myself. My husband have one but he will be changing his job soon, and it could be a while until he get another insurance. And in between those dates, we're thinking of trying to conceive. Will an insurance cover pregnancy expenses if you only have them for less than a year? If not, what are my options? Thanks for infos.
You definitely need to look into private policies to see how long the waiting period is for maternity before either a) your husband quits his job or b) you get pregnant. Unfortunately in this day and age, insurance, not when we want to, dictates our timelines on just about everything. Such as when we get pregnant, when we can quit our job, when we can start a new job, and when we can retire. You don't say why your husband is changing jobs, but here is my humble advice: (and this is assuming you are covered for maternity), I would either wait to have a baby (possibly a year), or your husband should stay at his job to keep the insurance. I don't know what state you live in, but I believe that most policies are the same. More and more policies are making people wait one full year before they will cover any maternity benefits. I think a year is ridiculous but in a way, you can see their point. Women would get on for a month, pay a few hundred bucks, get them to pay for a $12,000 pregnancy, then the woman drops the insurance the day after the baby's born. Like I said, please check before you get pregnant because I think a one year waiting period is becoming the norm instead of the exception. Another problem that's happening more and more is employers dropping maternity insurance altogether. It has become so ridiculously expensive that its hard for them to pay. This has happened to me personally. The job I've had for 7 years which has always had maternity coverage dropped it at the beginning of the year. If any of us girls happened to get pregnant, we're on our own. My husband also just started a new job so we looked at how good his insurance was to see if I should switch. It doesn't offer any maternity benefits either. Honestly I don't know what women are supposed to do. You do the right thing and have insurance, and nobody will cover your maternity. Looks like insurance companies and employers just expect medicaid to cover the costs. Sorry so long, but I don't want you to be caught without any coverage! Good luck to you on starting your family.

How many health insurance claims are denied in the US each day?

I'm working on a documentary about health insurance claims, but can't seem to find a solid statistic about how many (potentially life-saving) treatments are prevented by the insurance claims that are denied by companies. A daily or annual figure would be hugely helpful.
Showing just the quantity would be reckless without discussing the quality of the claims - but I guess that what "document"aries have become now. Find anecdotes and comment on them instead. You'd still get the same point across, it would be more powerful to most audiences, and you would have truth on your side. Both liberals and conservatives twist statistics, and it just devalues the whole conversation. You may find some government studies on this, but since this type of information is private, I doubt you'd find anything better than a guess. Good luck.