Monday, July 11, 2011

My job pays two thirds of my health insurance premium, is that good or bad?

Any info is helpful.
Very good. Most don't pay more than half.

Why is health insurance not assessed like automobile insurance?

Why do auto insurers consider things like commuting distance, age of driver, sex of driver, driving distance, how often you drive when creating a policy, but major HMOs and PPOs don't consider things like how often you work out, your weight, fat percentage, what your diet is like, among the many other things that are an actual measure of one's health when charging an employee for health benefits? Surely, if obesity is raising the cost of health insurers, than let the fat ones pay more for it and the ones in shape less for it.
It depends on what type of health insurance you have. If you have your coverage through a company's group plan, then you are right, the company providing coverage doesn't look at each individual's body type and medical history as these individuals join the group. However, these issues do come into play eventually by pushing up the claims history. When the groups contract comes up for renewal, the companies with higher claims experience will get higher rates. If you are buying individual coverage, your weight is a factor and they will charge you more if you are over the limit on their height and weight charts. If you are too heavy, they will deny you coverage. And of course, your weight is a factor in having high blood pressure and diabetes, both of which will increase the price you pay for your insurance.

Why does Health Insurance cover routine check ups?

I thought insurance was only for emergencies? That's like having car insurance cover your gasoline and oil too. How much gasoline would you be getting if your insurance covered it? But I guess the rising price of health insurance is just because Big Brother isn't watching over us better. Right?
That is a good question and how it used to be. The coverage of routine exams has caused the demand for those services to rise sharply along with the cost. That is the number one reason that health care costs are so high..

Recommend a Pet Health Insurance?

Thinking about getting a pet dog. Should I get pet health insurance for her and what is a good insurance to purchase?
This is a popular pet insurance company. You can even get a quote online. As for any insurance... It is always worth it if/when you need it.

Why do some Conservatives get so upset when you mention the 47000 that died due to no Health Care insurance?

When you mention this or Republican indifference to health care reform some Republicans have hissy fits! Is this some type of guilty conscious thing? Seems that Rep Grayson really spooked them with his speech?
-------------------- they have adapted to the charge and are rationalizing the number saying that people die every day. Well let me tell you something, 47000 died specifically because they could not get health care or coverage for treatment to things like Cancer or Heart disease. Now this number was not pulled out of my *** but it the Mayo Clinics estimate as well as other qualified people in medicine. Rationalize all you want but expect to be called out on it again by people like Grayson and now that other Libs feel empowered I think that they too will be calling them out! The Republican policy is DON"T GET SICK AND IF YOU DO DIE QUICKLY! Live with it since you are responsible for 47000 deaths!

If you could afford comprehensive private health insurance, would you take it?

Or say if you already have it. Thanks!
No. i get it free anyway

Is there any point for a man in his early-mid twenties buying health insurance?

It looks like another $200-$300 or more per month that will make it harder to survive financially.
Accidents are one reason to be insured...the other has to do with getting insurance after you find out you need it. In other words, say you're not insured. You go to the clinic because you don't feel good. They find something seriously wrong with you, like cancer. You know to get treatment will be mega you go to get insurance. You can then be denied coverage of any pre-existing condition that you did not previously have insurance for. It's called creditable coverage. They can say, "yes, we'll insure you, but we won't pay for your cancer treatments for six months because you weren't insured for cancer before." I work in Employee Benefits....we help employers find the right insurance to offer their employees. We get asked about individual insurance quite a bit, too. If you don't go through an employer, try to get started. Assurant/Fortis has decent plans, too. You claim to be healthy, but how do you know if you haven't gone to a doctor, which you're more likely to do if you don't have to pay full price. Definitely get insurance. Look for a higher deductible, but one that pays for office visits without having to meet that deductible first. Also, since you believe yourself to be healthy, the cheaper HMO plans would be better for you....HMO plans aren't generally as terrible as people think, IF you're healthy. The bad thing about HMOs is that they have what are referred to as gatekeepers...they are designed to tell you "no" to going to get your feet scraped and having acupuncture and the like. HMO means you have a pcp (primary care physician) and he refers you to other doctors if you need specialist, but, if you're healthy, you'll only need a pcp, and office visits are often free.

will my work health insurance cover me if i fight and as an amateur cage fighter?

i am looking to get into mixed martial arts (cagefighting) and i am curious about whether or not my insurance will cover me if i get hurt in a cage fight
Some providers have "martial arts" and/or "boxing" insurance which covers professional and amateur events and training. I believe some event coordinators will also have medical and liability insurance to cover participants. In most cases, these insurance plans tend to supplement expenses that may not be covered by your primary provider, so it would not be a bad idea to consider getting specialized MA or boxing insurance.

Health Insurance in New York for children?

We are looking on how and where we can get short term insurance for our child. He is Canadian, daddy is a NY state resident, so our son has dual citizen. While we are now visiting the USA, our child needs to see specialist (doctors). Where do I begin, other than calling from the phone book.
I will answer this one last time. The only coverage he can get is coverage under his father. He is not a resident even tho he is a citizen. He does not qualify for free health care. I would suggest you cut your trip short and take your son back to Canada where he can be treated.

how to get xanax without health insurance?

Lost my job and xanax is the only thing that works for my anxiety... I have limited money and need it ASAP. Thx for your help.
Well, obviously, you can pay for it even if you don't have insurance. You can also apply for assistance, at or

Any advice for shopping for health insurance?

I am not looking for your political opinion nor will i give you mines. i am simply looking for health insurance, for about 2 years i was covered by my job i had to leave my job because we moved and my new job does not cover me i am not sick in any way to my knowledge, i do not and have never smoked i am 21 and about 7 pounds over weight, i live in california LA and i wear glasses any advice or tips i am looking for something thats really there in case i get seriously sick i dont want a big fight with my insurance company
YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve the problem.

A guide to health insurance concepts, plan options, and recent developments in the field.?

A guide to health insurance concepts, plan options, and recent developments in the field.
You should be reported; you're not supposed to advertise on here!

If the repubs sue that the health reform is unconstitutional to mandate people to buy health insurance, are?

they going to be willing to take away Medicare from all the seniors who voted for them as well? Forcing people to buy into medicare is the same concept.
people are already mandated to buy car insurance. I don't see how health insurance is any different

Why does Obama's health insurance plan include mandates for kids, but not adults?

He is also going to fine parents for not having their kids insured? What if you're dirt poor?
Most likely the mandate for kids would make it very affordable if not free. Much like the children's health care program they already have. They would probably just expand it to include all children.

How do insurance co use descriptive statistics & probability dist. to project health & auto insuranc premiums?

How do insurance companies use descriptive statistics and probability distributions to project health and auto insurance premiums? In regards to age, why is there an inverse relationship between the two premiums?
Ultimately the insurance company charges more when it is at risk of having to pay out. I didn't realize that insurance was inverse for health and auto, but I can see why it would be. First, to understand this concept you have to suspend the want to point out the exceptions. This being statements like, "I knew a guy that had a heart attack at 20." Statistically, things such as heart attacks in your 20s don't happen often. That being said, it can be easily shown that as your age increases your risk of sickness. Now also bear in mind that the insurance company is concerned with "how much" moreso than "how often." They are a company so they watch the bottom line. In youth you may be sick, but most likely it will not cost much. A prescription vs. surgery etc. Now coming to auto insurance: It is easily shown that the younger the driver the worse the accident can be. This shows why young males are most often the worst to ensure. Statistically, the young male is prone to accidents and usually can be involved in some of the most expensive accidents. Older drivers tend to go slower and when there is an accident it is usually not as severe. In conclusion being younger puts you in better health (usually) and being older makes you a better risk when driving.

How do I lower my health insurance premium? I have a pre-existing condition.?

Is it possible or not to have a lower premium? I have blue cross blue shield. I just got a letter saying my premium is going up again. I have an individual plan and no its not through my job.
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.

If we was looking for some Cheap Health Insurance, where can we get it?

I found some information on Mogul but I would like more information on how to get cheap and low cost health insurance.
I recommend you this site where you can compare quotes so you can find the best option for you

Who is looking for affordable health insurance?

life insurance, health insurance, long term care
You may want to read the community guidelines before posting this type of question.

do USA government workers get fabulous pensions and health insurance after retirement?

i'm thinking postal workers, but I guess that would mean TSA agents too?
Mostly those that are voted into office, because they do not have to play by the rules the rest of us do, and special interest groups, and their cronies take care of them when they do not get reelected.

What's the average cost of a Health insurance plan in New york?

I am moving from Europe to work in New York, can someone explain to me how the system works, and if it is age depending cost.
Yes, it depends on age, and overall health. NY is a guaranteed issue state - so they MUST take you - so on average, it will cost you twice as much, as, say, PA. So if you're 20 and perfectly healthy, and not overweight, in NY the average low/no deductible comprehensive health insurance policy runs around $400 a month.

So how bad will the financial/banking reform in congress stick it to the public like Health insurance reform?

Both parties & houses in congress are lining their pockets with bribes and pay-offs to pass laws written by the industry itself they are supposedly reforming for the public. What happens in reality is more "Fleecing of America". I say the citizens need to be limiting THEIR risk and be taking over rule & control of money/business/govt under a true daily direct democracy. Your making a huge mistake of keeping this Banana republic controlled by the wealthy few & phony representative govt.
You are correct the healthcare bill was a giant giveaway to private insurance the financial reform bill does not address what caused the meltdown- derivatives can stay, and too big to fail can also stay another weak bill that will do nothing by the Obama team

Im looking for a good health insurance but im not sure how much dedutcible to go for.?

Im in a good health and i go for docors visit once a year.Not sure do i go for high or low deductible.I really need good advice on this.
If you seldom use the insurance a higher deductible will save you money in the long run. Many plans have doctor visits and/or physicals that are not subject to the deductible. This means you just pay the co-pay. You just need to make sure that lab work and X-ray services are also not subject to the deductible. For most policies the deductible only comes into play when you go into the ER or the hospital. I just sold a lady a $2500 deductible which was $101 per month less than a $1500 deductible. She saves $1200 per year on her premium. Even if she went into the hospital once per year she would still be $200 ahead.

I currently live in orlando florida with no health insurance what can i do?

I applied for Medicaid for my 3 year old and they denied it. what do i do. where can i take her to see a dr. Help anyone with advise
Consider this. Florida KidCare is the state's children's health insurance program for uninsured children under age 19. It includes four different parts, or programs: MediKids, Healthy Kids, Children's Medical Services and Medicaid. When you apply for the insurance, Florida KidCare will check which program your child may be eligible for based on age and family income. Also finding a job immediately is good way to get on some type of health insurance. It might be harder to find one when you have to take care of your child but check out

If they lower Medicare to age 55 how would that effect people currently working with private health insurance?

Does anyone really know?
they would be unemployed for sure!! except for those absorbed by 0bummer , he can always use them to work as Feds under the supervision of Scott White