Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Does anyone know how I can get private health insurance?

I can purchase it through work but I was told to shop around a bit. I need medical insurance and dental would be nice. Anyone know of any websites?
Contact a local independent agent. If you want maternity, chances are the group plan will be better. However, depending on the average age and medical conditions of the group, you may be able to cut the cost in half by going out on your own. That will vary from state to state and group to group also. A local agent can help you. Get the info on the group plan (outline of coverage) and the cost so they can see what they can do for you on an individual plan that is comparable to the group plan. You are making a wise choice by checking out your options. Keep in mind that the group plan is most likely paid in part by your employer. Compare what your actual costs will be.

Do health insurance companies charge per prescription?

Im 18 years old and away at school but am still under my parents health insurance. Today I was prescribed aderol from a Psychiatrist my father and I both see. In the past when I have talked to my parents about my potential ADD they laughed at me and told me that ADD was not real. After testing, I have been prescribed Aderol. I still would not like my parents to know. I am wondering if the insurance company will show the names of the prescriptions I fill?

Does anyone know of ratings for Long Term Health Insurance?

I have to decide whether or not to join a Long Term Health Plan, but I see the outfit has been sued several times. How do I find out if they're worth the dough?! My HR Dept doesn't seem to know anything about them.
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.

Could you answer the multiple-choice question about health insurance ?

Which statement is CORRECT about the key differences between traditional health insurance and managed care? A. In traditional insurance, healthcare functions are coordinated but there is little or no control over utilization B. Managed care attempts to integrate the financing, insurance, delivery, and payment functions and employs "gatekeeping" and/or utilization review mechanisms to control utilization C. In managed care, access is generally not restricted to providers on the panel and insurance companies are generally passive payers of claims D. In traditional care, there is open access--the insured can see any provider, including a specialist but usually needs referral; Preventive check-ups are always covered
B Do your own work...slacker!!

How do I get health insurance when I go back to school full-time for 4 months to get certif'd in esthetics?

I really want to do this program because I want to start a career in esthetics soon! But, what's holding me back is the fear I won't have any health insurance. The program is only 4 months if you go full time. I have a few medical issues that need attention...nothing too serious, but it could get that way if I don't see dr's regularly. DOes anyone have any advice? I live in NYC...
Hello, I work in a doctor's office and I wanted to warn you and other people who live in New York City that medical insurance are hard to come by if income isn't below what the government consider below poverty level. I don't know what your financial situation is. I advice you to look under It may give you an idea of medical insurance you are eligible for. If you have been working and the job can offer you COBRA (keeping the present insurance you have with the job & extending it), that is another alternative to research. If you have any further question, please feel free to e-mail me at: or

What will happen if my wife gets pregnant and we dont' have health insurance?

They can't refuse prenatal care can they? Would we have $40,000 in medical bills? What would happen? We aren't poor, we just have horrible insurance through both of our workplaces.
Don't know what state you're in but California has this (link below) it's supplemental ins for middle class families who have bad ins. I'm sure where ever you are your state has something similar to this. I would look up what your particular state has to offer in the way of maternity programs.

In health insurance, what does gated/non-gated mean?

I received an e-quote for various health insurance plans and some of them say non-gated. What does that mean and how does it differ from gated?
Non-gated means you do not have to get referrals to go to specialists.

help health insurance Question about merana?

I would Like to use Merana for a conterceptive. since I have problems taking birth control pill. i get sick on it. How would I find out if my health insurance would help pay for it? and also those who used this are you glad you did?
You can contact your insurer and ask if an IUD is covered. (Mirena is one brand of IUD.) I had a Mirena, and it was covered by my insurance at the time I had it put in. As far as contraceptives go...I loved it. Was by far my favorite method of birth control that I've ever used. Once it was in, I could just forget about it - no remembering to take pills, no messy gels, etc. Of course, we had different insurance when I decided to get my Mirena removed. That insurance did not cover Mirena. Since it didn't cover Mirena to get implanted, it wouldn't cover getting Mirena removed either. Ended up paying $300 out of pocket for that. :( Overall though, my experience with Mirena was exceptionally positive. I just wish I didn't have to pay for the removal out of my own pocket. lol

What other companies offer benefits (especially health insurance) to part time employees?

I know that Starbucks and UPS do, but what are some other ones? I'm especially looking into companies that provide free or low cost health and dental to part time employees...
Build-A-Bear Workshop

How do you feel about the health insurance companies 56% increased profits.?

For 2009 over 2008? Does this change any minds about the need for a national health care system?
My opinion - yes, health insurance companies are a big rip-off. However, I feel that quality of care will go WAY downhill if it's nationalized. Quality of care is really not so great already under the current system.

Where can I get a list of leads for individuals wanting to buy health insurance?

Those that are looking for insurance or the best price. I offer a free service to evaluate the best price to see what they are paying verses what they could be paying. But I need leads of those looking can you help me out here!
You can get as many as you want at:… Maybe you can try with a few and If at the end of the month it works out you can then get more?

Can I make an appt with a dermatologist without having any health insurance?

I think I need to have a rather large mole on my neck sent for a biopsy and I do not have any insurance. I have a referal from my primary but I have heard that not only is it difficult to get an appt with a non-emergency request, but alos that a lot of doctors simply won't see someone without any insurance.
Hi. If you have no insurance, most doctors will request that you pay for your visit when you go there. Dermatologists are very expensive. When i went recently, the visit alone was $200.00 ( not including what she did ). I had to pay the whole amount due before i left ( i have no health insurance ). Biopsies are very costly also. Yes, it is very hard to get appointments also. I had somewhat of an emergency, and had to wait 2 months. Welcome to the wonderful world of health care. I've never had a doctor turn me down for not having insurance, i just have to pay for it when i go ( which can be difficult sometimes ). Best of luck to you :-)

How much is fair for employee health insurance contribution?

My company used-to pay 100% of employee and family health premium. Now, they're asking the employees to contribute, $125/mo for employee, $400/mo for employee+family. They're giving a 1 month notice. Is this fair? Thanks!
That's totally fair - in fact, dirt cheap! (My insurance is $400 a month just for ME. Many family plans are in the neighborhood of twice that.) Most companies do ask for employee contribution - some have the employee pay it all. In today's world, it's VERY rare to not have employees contribute something.

I need a health insurance that covers pre-existing conditions? My work doesn't offer insurance.?

I'm a healthy person but I need depression and anxiety medication. I need a health insurance that can help me out with the costs of my medication and my office visits. I also have a regular doctor I need to go to for some side effects that my medicine causes me. I just have no idea what health insurance to get.
Depending on your state, health history and the policy you purchase, insurance will normally exclude pre-existing conditions for up to 12 months. This is regulated under HIPAA (Health Insurance and Accountability Act). See the link below for more details. Insurance is a good idea to have although it can be expensive. There are plans with really high deductibles and a lot of out of pocket expenses, but with a low premiums and sometimes free preventative services. Some also have office visits for a flat rate if you use a plan provider. Check with a local agent in your area for options.

What would you do if your child had cancer and no health insurance?

There are 40 million Americans without health care !
Use programs that are currently in place, and know that my child is getting far better care, since under Obamacare that child with cancer would be considered an "unproductive" member of society, and put on the back burner for "the good of all." Patients' Choice Act - the only plan that is a measure of true reform, would empower the uninsured to purchase the plan of their choice, by redirecting subsidies, while protecting current plans & quality care. You empower the uninsured, not enslave everyone.

Can you switch your health insurance plan at any time?

I want to change my plan (within the same insurance company). I just enrolled, but would like to switch to a cheaper plan. This is not through my job; I just enrolled on my own. Can I change now, or am I tied in? Thanks!
The best place to go would be to the Member Services department of your insurer. They will be able to assist you making a plan change (typically a reduction of benefits will be allowed, while an increase of benefits will require you to go thru underwriting again.) Every carrier has different requirements and rules (some say that you must be on your current plan for a minimum of 6 months).

Is there any way that someone with throat cancer can get payment help without health insurance?

I know someone with this throat cancer and they can not afford the treatments. They do not have insurance and I want to find something that can help them with their finacial situation.
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -

Why does health insurance increase so much?

I have BCBS through my company and we just had an increase of 26.5% bringing my employee+spouse plan from $400 to $500! My wife has never even used her insurance and I used it once 2 years ago for 7 stitches. Why does it increase so much every year? At this rate, my insurance will cost more than all of my other total bills combined including my mortgage in 3 years. Can someone please explain this?
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

Are there any Health Insurance Providers/Policies that cover Homeopathic and/or Alternative Practitioners?

My homeopathic practitioner discovered the cause for my allergies within 10 minutes compared to NO ANSWER in seven visits to conventional doctors. I'm paying 100% for alternative treatments while concurrently paying expensive monthly health care insurance that I rarely use. I'd like to get insurance that covers homeopathic and alternative treatments.
Thanks for posting this question. I've switched my whole family over to alternative medicine. 2 of us have gone to an alternative doctor so far and it has cured both of them of all their ailments, compared to 2 years of my stepdaughter going to a regular doctor for her allergies and nothing, nada--they coulnd't figure it out either! However, alternative meds are expensive and I looked around for an insurance company as well, I couldn't find one. But I see this other gentleman said that many are offering it now, that tells me I need to start looking again! Thanks!

I am 5 months pregnant and my health insurance raised my rate, copayments and deductible. Can they do that?

I am enrolled in a Cobra plan and I am guessing that my former employer changed their plan to one with higher copayments and deductible. I asked the insurance company why they changed my plan and they said they did not have that information. Are they allowed to change my plan even though I am 5 months pregnant?
COBRA means, you get to keep whatever group insurance the employer keeps. So if the employer changed the coverage plan, yes, that applies to you, also. And, FWIW, health insurance rates go up every year, for the most part - because CLAIMS are going up. Sorry, you have no recourse, unless you find a new job that offers insurance. You don't get 'grandfathered' into a plan the employer is no longer buying, just because you're planning on putting in a massive claim in four months.

why is there a survival period for health insurance policies?

In the case of many insurance polices, there is a clause stipulating that the Life assured has to survive for 28 days to avail the claim. Why this clause and why this particular period of 28 days?
In regards to Critical Illness Insurance the survival period is based on the person recouperating from a life threatening illness. If the person survives the time period the payment comes in effect. There isn't a statutory time frame, some companies pay immediately, others up to 28 days. See the InsWeb page:…

Health Insurance for my Parents in India?

Please let me know any insurance company will provide health insurance cover to citizen in the age group 55-60 in india.
Yes, Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Co. Ltd does insure people till the age of 60. However, certain riders may not be available. I am an insurance consultant working with Bajaj Allianz and if you intend knowing more about our products, feel free to get in touch with me Regards Aditya

What would happen if I got in an accident without health insurance?

Ok say for example I got stabbed. I don't have mediacal insurance right now but if I was evacted to the hospital and the bill was i donno like $6000 all together could I sign up for insurance then and there? and would it be cheaper if I did that then to pay the bill in full or would I be on contract with the insurance company forever?
No, you can't get insurance after you are injured or sick. That's not how it works. In fact, without insurance, the hospital will charge you a LOT more than they would charge an insurance company. Maybe 3 to 5 times more. If it's a serious injury, the bill could be much more than $6,000. My advice: Try to avoid situations where you might get stabbed. And get some insurance if you can.

what health insurance will cover people with diabetes?

I have type 1 diabetes and i need affordable health insurance so if you have any inforomation I highly appericate it