Thursday, August 4, 2011

Will There Be A Way to opt Out Of A Health Insurance Mandate If They Pass This Bill?

The Amish are exempt. Why can't I be as well? I want NO PART of this legislation. You people do what you want. Just leave me out.
Its a government take over... They say it isn't but it is. The government want to take us over so they may have more power and control over our choices. They think that we are stupid and we need help. To the person above me that said Repubs hate Americans for not voting for it... You are ignorant. Work harder, get a better job, and pay for your daughters bills. I do not want to pay for her "condition" and neither does anyone else. I am 21 years old and pay for my own health care. I pay just about $200 a month. I have a prosthetic leg I received 6 years ago. I bought my insurance 2 years ago. I told them I had the leg and it would require more surgeries. They said ok and were more than willing to help me. Everyone needs to shut the hell up about not getting health care and do something about it. Go buy it. Stop depending on your government to solve your problems.

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