Thursday, August 4, 2011

Is it true that if you use your health insurance for a chiropractor and let say in the future you may need to?

obtain your own health insurance will you then be considered not insurable because it looks as though you have a bad back ? I'm just wondering cause i used my insurance on a chiropractor for preventitive maintenance
I have been going to the chiropractor for years & while I don't have health insurance, I don't think going to one & using your insurance is going to be an issue. The only thing is this: Legally, health insurance companies are allowed to not cover any conditions that you had before obtaining the insurance. Let's say, you had a car accident & injured your spine & were being treated for it & still had the condition. If you tried to obtain insurance you woulld be fine but they wouldn't cover the chiro. costs for your injured spine, because it was a condition (a pre-existing condition) that you already had. Ie: I have a hernia & I have already been diagnosed with it. If I try to get health insurance, they will not cover it because it is a 'pre-existing condition.' I see what you are saying & the answer is; You will not be disapproved because of your back but they probably will not cover any chiro treatment for a condition that you already had before obtaining the insurance. Besides shouldn't be a problem.

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