Thursday, August 11, 2011

We do *not* have health insurance, but need to go to a doctor. Where should we go?

Husband has a lump that is getting bigger and he needs a doctor to look at it and see what it is. We do *not* have health insurance, but he needs to go to a doctor. Where should we go in St. Louis, MO?
There are still some adults on Medicaid in Missouri - regardless of their age. It's based on income and assets. If you are in St. Louis County or City you can apply for Connect Care or any of the following St. Louis County Health Departments who work on a sliding scale based upon your income: ST. LOUIS COUNTY HEALTH CENTERS John C Murphy ~ Berkeley 314-522-6410 North Central ~ Jennings Station Rd 314-679-7800 South County ~ S. Lindbergh 314-842-1300 Hope this helps -- In America NO one should have to go without medical care and yet there are many people out there just like you and just like my ex-husband who are not getting proper medical treatment even though they are hard working American citizens - it's wrong and something should be done! There are clinics (one in particular at St.John's Mercy) that actually treats illegal immigrants from Mexico BEFORE it treats American citizens. Is THIS what we wanted we we donated our money to Catholic Charities? Is it? I believe EVERYONE should have proper medical care but I truly believe those of us who are legal citizens should have priority - don't you?

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