Friday, July 8, 2011

When will we have to sign up for health insurance? And how?

Under the new health care reform, i hear we now have to have health insurance by law. When will this law come into play? And how do we go about getting this "government payed/low cost" health insurance? Is there going to be a website or office we can go to like the Medicaid/food stamp offices? Thank you . (No hate posts please, I don't care if you are with or against the health care reform, I just want information on my question. Thank you.) :)
Working people will pay higher taxes for 4 years before the "health care reform" will be in effect. At that point taxes will probably increase even more to pay for it. There is no "government paid/low cost" health care insurance. Working people pay for it. With fewer doctors taking Medicaid because of the plans to pay them less, there could be longer and longer waits for service. If you don't buy some kind of health insurance, you will be fined. This will be enforced by the 16,000 new IRS agents provided for in the new law.

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