Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Should smokers be required to carry private health insurance and forfeit medicare/medicaid assistance?

Smoking is the choice of the smoker. They risk cancer. Should they also carry the financial risk as well?
I smoke but I also pay 100's of dollars monthly for 2 different insurances so, that is purely my business. However, I'm happy when the price of cigarettes go up because it gets me closer to quitting. If I were required to carry some special "smokers insurance" and my regular insurances quit covering smoking related illnesses....I would quit IMMEDIATELY. Yea, they should do it. EDIT: you specifically asked about smokers...not all other choice related health issues....so, to address your other answers ...yea, fat people need to chill on the double doubles w/ cheese as bad as I need to put my smokes down so lets make them carry "I won't stop eating" insurance too...it's a win-win all the way around! Nobody will have money for overeating or smoking coz they're paying ridiculous insurance premiums.

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