Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Should a man have been arrested for asking his health insurance company about increased rates?

Joe Szakos was informed that Anthem was going to increase the premiums on Virginia Organizing Project's health plan by 14.1%. Szakos, a customer, couldn't get an answer from Anthem. There was no justification for raising rates on one hand, and spending money lobbying against health care reform on the other. And instead of trying to offer Szakos an explanation, they had him arrested. He wasn't at a town hall meeting with a gun. Why arrest him?
Because the truth to the question would put a huge hole in the republicans logic so they suppressed the truth. The truth is that the health insurance companies basically have us by the balls and if there is no one to regulate them they will continue to rise rates unless something is done. Here is proof. Submitted by Kathleen Blanchard RN on Aug 14th, 2009 Posted under: Affordable Health Insurance Affordable health insurance is becoming more distant. Blue Cross Blue Shield is hiking rates for their most popular health insurance plan, Medigap. Rates starting in October are going up 4.7 percent, and the impact will be felt by our senior citizens. Blue Cross currently insures 210,000 seniors in Michigan.

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