Sunday, May 1, 2011

Are there any good arguments for requiring health insurance. Ive only heard arguments against it?

Ive heard the car insurance one, not very solid. I also have heard there will be hardship exemptions and certain levels of income earned that will determine how much help will be given in purchasing insurance. Just looking for somethings to note when someone brings up this part of the bill
There are lots of good arguments for it. There are also lots of good arguments against it. Since you asked, I'll give you some of the "pro" arguments. In theory, one could take the position "if you chose not to get insurance, it's your own problem, and you should bear the consequences". There are three problems with this. 1.) Children. Children are a big problem in purist capitalist/libertarian policies. Children don't get to chose whether to buy their own insurance. Most people agree that if children get sick, society should pay in some way. For that matter, if the parents get sick and don't get treated, the kids could end up orphans the state has to pay for, 2.) Contagious Diseases. If you catch a contagious disease and don't get cured, you spread it to other people. Some of them may die. Thus your decision to not get insurance effects others. We want anyone who has TB to be able to go to the doctor and get antibiotics. We really don't want anyone to start an antibiotic treatment and run out of money before they finish(creating antibiotic resistant strains). HIV patients on antiviral drugs are less contagious. 3.) In practice, society does pay for sick people without insurance, even if they don't fall in one of the above scenarios. They go to emergency rooms, and don't pay. They go on welfare. Lots of people will say "I chose not to buy insurance, and take the risk" when they are young and healthy, but they tend to sing a different tune if they are badly hurt or get a serious illness. Other reasons for forced insurance... 4.) Spreading the risk among more people reduces the cost for all. If people get to chose not to buy insurance, healthy people will buy it, while sick people won't. 5.) Forced insurances does less to damage the budget deficit then "the public option". 6.) Based on political realities, this was the only universal health plan we were going to get right now.

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