Thursday, April 7, 2011

Would you want the same health insurance as your Congressman or Senator?

Their insurance premium is under $600. per year. Subsidized by tax revenues. Are you going to vote again for those who voted against the public option?
The public option is *not* an option and if this so called health care bill is so great, with or without the public option, exactly why is it that the members of congress have written themselves an exemption ? Is it because they don't want to be subjected to the same rules as we will have to follow? perhaps they want to insure that they will always be able to get decent health care ? You can give me the same health care that they have and the same exemption at the same cost (zero) and I will take it. You give me the same retirement benefits that they get after serving only one term, which is their annual salary + 50% of their salary for their spouse for the rest of their lives, I will take that as well. I am going to vote against anyone that votes in favor of this ridiculous health care bill. At this point I am ready to vote against any incumbent so the next set to come in remember that the first words of the constitution starts with "We the People" . These idiots in congress need to be reminded that they work for us, it is not the other way around.

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