Monday, April 4, 2011

I'm 20 years old, really need some health insurance?

I graduated high school and haven't had insurance since (i was on my moms plan) I have PCOS which needs to be maintained regularly, and i'm IR. Is there any health insurance plans that are less than 100 bucks a month?
PCOS alone will result in a decline with almost every insurance company in my state. The rest may accept you depending on your actual condition but they'll place a rider on the PCOS (a rider means they'll accept you but not cover anything related to the PCOS). Contact a local agent that works with all of the major companies in your area to find out if there are any companies that will accept you and on what terms. There is no extra charge using an agent. The health care bill will allow adult children to stay on their parents policy until age 26. If your mom's policy is a group plan have her contact the plan to see when you could get back on.

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