Sunday, March 27, 2011

If politicians pass a law that cause a person to lose guaranteed access to health insurance, can they be sued?

Suppose a politician passes a law and as a result, a person becomes ineligible to purchase insurance, can the politician or the government be sued?
Law makers are generally immune from prosecution or lawsuits for actions done in furtherance of their duties as a law maker. This makes sense because without such immunity, lawmakers would be continuously hauled before courts and the entire system would stop to work on day one. You an individual disagrees with a political position or action of a lawmakers, he can seek to have him replace in the next election cycle, or have the offensive legislation repealed in a subsequent session of the lawmaking body. I know these are not easy task (look at Obama care and the move to repeal it hinges on November's and 2012 elections) but it is the way the system is set up.

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