Sunday, March 27, 2011

How many self-employed individuals will cancel their health insurance if Obamacare passes?

I know I will. If they can't deny me coverage when I get sick, it would be stupid to keep paying the insurance until I need it.
Our small firm will have to, I wont be able to afford it and will probably have to lay a few people off which in turn will wipe us out. I wonder if Obama will stand with his arm around ME during a photo-op when that happens. Probably not. Edit to Cheesecake: I'm a 46 year old architect with seven employees. Explain to me in detail how I will be able to afford the current healthcare bill that was just released yesterday. I'll wait... Edit to BillyBlaze: Same challenge, explain it, in detail. Cheesecake, Billy - We're all waiting...

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