If you can't afford health insurance, why can you afford internet and a computer? What about your cell phone and the phone service? Your TV and cable? Surely you have all of these, and you must also have some other nice things as well. Maybe a nice DVD collection or some nice furniture. Why don't you get rid of all of the luxuries you have, and then see if you can afford health insurance. No more TV, no more movies, no more phone, internet, computer, nice furniture, etc.
Because the health insurance companies are thieves, and I wouldn't give one dime to them unless I had to. They prey on uncertainty to steal people's money and they play dirty tricks with coverage. I don't mind paying into a single-payer system. The necessity to shop around goes away and everyone is covered, from birth to death. I'd rather have all the nice things you've stated above than to waste my money on health insurance companies. It would be stupid for someone like me to throw away my money with health insurance companies.
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