Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Why do you think it's the governments responsibality to provide you Health Insurance?

I mean really. I have worked for the same company for 30 years. And I have always paid for my own insurance. Why do you think now, that America is broke, either candidate is going to give you Health Insurance? And why should they? They won't be able to spend a dime for at least 2 years.
If most of you know, I live in Mississauga, Ontario (a town next to Toronto). And I am an American citizen married to a EMS Paramedic of Toronto Ambulance. Let me tell you the truth of Canada, rather than the lies that politicians say about Canada. Ready. There is OHIP, Ontario Health Insurance Program that is the free healthcare but its not free, you pay 40% of your gross pay in taxes. You are left with 60% of your gross income but then there are other deductions from your gross pay, that will include the premiums to your Healthcare Insurance (Manulife Insurance Company). And then to union dues and whatever they want to take out for their government. Let me say this to you in my experience, my husband is a EMS paramedic but after all the withdrawals from his gross pay, he is left with $8.80 per hour net pay for a 40 hour work week, so if he makes $3,000 for two weeks he gets $800 for the two weeks payperiod. I am saying this to you all, cause as you know I have left tons of comments on here about Obama, and how he will ruin USA. He will, from my observation and reading, he will be taking USA to Marxism. We see it in Canada, they say he is a Socialist Marxist and if he is in then Canada will have problems since we are so close to USA. Obama wants to tax everyone, I don't care about his retoric of only a few, but how does he expect to pay for his social programs?? Okay, back to the Heathcare of Canada. I can't get eyeglass includes lenses and frames from the free healthcare OHIP, so people pay out for OHIP in their taxes, but they can't get the glasses, that's if you pay for your own health insurance from the withdrawals out of your paycheck, then you can, ah, but you have to come up with the full amount (meaning saving your cash for months on months to pay for your glasses and appointment, and then give it all to the Eye doctor and hopefully you will be reimbursed from your Manulife Insurance for that amount a month later. You can't just bill your insurance right when you go for your appointment, you have to have the cash saved up already to go to the eye doctor. And the dentist, geez, there is no free healthcare for seeing a dentist. You have to have your own plan to see a dentist. So you're wondering what the healthcare that Canada brags about for the people, it's for when you are so sick and dying they will help you die under their substandard healthcare hospitals, and suck the money from OHIP to allow you to lay in a hospital and die with drugs that are billed to OHIP and of course your death is not covered by OHIP, you have to be saving on the side to a funeral home cemetary to make them payments each month to be buried there. And then you think Canada is so wonderful, I am an American citizen, ready to hear about how they treated me when I was pregnant with my son? I didn't have OHIP cause you only get OHIP when you become a landed immigrant and pay your $1,600 fee to be "permanent landed immigrant". ( So illegals get no healthcare, like I see that Mexicans get in USA, that should be stopped, in my opinion). I had to pay $800 to the OBGYN, and $500 to the hosptial for 12 hour stay to have a baby. I walked into Humber River Finch Hosptial in North York upper Toronto, and I was told there was no labor room for me since they were all filled up, to wait or walk home, I walked home in the snow up to my knees. I then got a call at 4pm to tell me that there was one labor/delivery room available now, to start walking. I started to walk and got there in labor that was ready on its way. I got into the room, the doctor examined me and said"Here's a paper (looked like a tapworm) and he inserted it into me and said, "You'll have a heavy labor now." He walked out of the room, I was left having labor with Paul by my side watching a basketball game, and I didnt have iv's or help. I was told since I forgot to bring $400 cash with me for an epideral shot that I wouldn't get on, and at age 45 I would have to go through this labor without any help. So after 4 hours of labor I realized I wanted to push, and I did and the baby boy was pushed out, and the doctor said, 'Push on the broomstick handle." Ladies, there were no knitted stirups on that delivery table for my heels to push on!!!! I pushed my feet on the broomstick handle and the nurses said I was doing good, torn a bit in the vagina, and that the male doctor said he will have to stitch me up with a thread and needle without any numbing shot since I didn't bring extra cash, I thought maybe my $800 to him would have covered that or that $500 for the hostpial stay, ahah NOPE I had to feel each in and out of the black thread going in and out, the nurse covered my mouth to drown out the screaming and my husband had to push on my chest and arms to keep me from moving upwards in pain. I felt like the woman in ROBIN HOOD movie starring Kevin Costner where she delivered a baby by C-section and Morgan Freeman had to stitch her up wi

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