Monday, January 24, 2011

what are peoples experience with health insurance companies?

I am curious about peoples experience in dealing with health insurance companies good and bad. Please tell me.
If you have a trustworthy company, you should have a relatively good experience. However, you have to watch out for the fact that some companies aren't as trustworthy as other. Then also, you have to figure out what type of plan you are going with. If you have a PPO with a quality insurer, or an HMO with a quality insurer, you should have relatively good experience. However, you should realize that PPOs and HMOs work differently. Also, realize that coverage for certain things may be limited or excluded by certain plans. (I am waiting to see if certain tests that were ordered by my doctor will be covered. If not, I will have to pay as much as $3000 for them. All I know so far, is that certain parts of the tests will not be paid because they are excluded. They won't tell me until they have the actual bill if the rest will be or not. I have a very reputable insurer, but this still happens. It is just one of those limitations.) Research any company that you are considering. Also, ask what experience other people have had with any particular company. I can tell you from experience, that a certain company associated with a particular color and another company known for its "principles" are both reliable companies. Another company known for its tractors is fairly well respected.

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