Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Will the health insurance lobby quit giving to Senators and Representatives?

Did the Health Insurance lobby give an ultimatum to Senators and Representative they gave to stop health care reform? Did they say stop reform or we will no longer contribute?
You really never thought about the issues - did you? The money to pay for treatment of pre-existing conditions and the abuses that we are going to see in health insurance has to come from increases to the premoims charged to people with health insurance. So now, that formerly uninsurable drug addict is going to wind up on the same health plan as my family. Since his medical costs are going to be greatly in excess of mine and we will all be charged the same premium - I will see my rates rise to cover the costs of his care. Then a _really_ nasty thing happens. The increases in premiums forced on the 80% of the population who currently have health insurance is going to push them into the price range of the 'cadallac plans' - and they will then have to pay an additional; 30% tax. Now you also have to add the costs ot the taxes on health insurance companies and on medical products and hardware. This is going to increase the costs of running a doctor's office, hospitals and medical insurance companies - costs which will be passed on the to consumer in the form of higher prices. Did the liberals just create 'healthcare for all' or did they create a situation where people will be simply unable to afford quality health insurance?

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