At a university when your required to have health insurance to attend the school what if you have a pre-existing condition ? Health insurance is given manditorilly, or atleast required, so would the health insurance even be given to a student with a pre existing condition ?
If it is a group policy (i.e. your school or employer negitiates with the ins company for the coverage), then you can't be denied for a pre-existing condition. They can, however, require a waiting period like 6 months. In grad school I had a friend who was a transplant patient in HS. She was covered in the school policy and when she graduated she was covered on her new employer's policy without problem. My mom has a pre-existing condition and when my dad changed jobs they had to buy COBRA (paying to stay on previous employer's plan) for a 6 month waiting period. After the 6 months were up they were excepted without problem. Denial is only an issue when you are buying an individual plan.
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