Sunday, November 21, 2010

Of the 50 million Americans without health insurance, how many can really not afford it?

Don't some people choose not to have health insurance so that they can buy other things? How many Americans, after they pay rent and food necessities, can not afford any type of health insurance? I imagine it is a large number, but it is in no way 50 million people. I would bet there are plenty of people driving sweet cars that do not have health insurance.
Of the supposed 46 million without healthcare: - 10 million are illegal immigrants who have no right to US health insurance. - 9 million have incomes over $75K a year and CHOOSE NOT TO have it or who don't have it for 6 months or less. -12 million are eligible for Medicaid and State Children's Health Insurance program but didn't sign up. So at least 31 million are uninsured in ways that require no fix from the federal government. So the government wants to screw it up for the 250 million who are happy with having the best care in the world the way it is now. But American's don't go down so easily into that socialist cesspool. Myself and other colleague physicians plan to just accept paying only customers under Obamacare. See how that "free" access works out for you slackers. We can offer better care at less cost to the patient, by cutting out the middle companies and definitely the govt. Just let the free market work people. It always has, but socialism never has.

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