Sunday, November 21, 2010

Does the health care bill require individuals to have insurance?

I read a news article that says, "The $1.3 trillion-dollar bill would require individuals to buy health insurance, and would also require medium and large businesses to provide it to their employees." I haven't been following this as closely as most other people. Does this mean that people will be forced to have insurance? And if so, how would the requirement be enforced?
Yes we all need to read the bill when it is finalized in 2 WEEKS. But, yes, the latest version DOES state that you ARE required to have insurance. Either thru your job or thru the government. And, YES, the lastest in the bill DOES state that you WILL be fined if you do not have it. BUT, NO ONE knows the actual truths underlined until it is completed in approx 2 weeks.

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