Now they're covered. Problem solved.
Fanciful, but silly...trivializing a very real problem for many millions of underinsured and uninsured Americans, but also for the insured workers to whom the billionaire insurance industries and greedy hospital administrators end up charging through increased premiums that rise at 3X the rate of inflation or in reduced services. And this ignores the horrific greed and callous cruelty that has grown prominent in the insurance industry, whose executives spend an absolute FORTUNE each years ($20 billion to $60 billion) just to figure out ways to deny coverage to people who've paid their premiums. The regulation of the insurance industry is very important to Americans, whether they are uninsured or insured, and this is a vital component in President Obama's proposed legislation. It would be nice if there was a simple or single solution, and I really hope our Democrats show some backbone to get this legislation through. If you all want the deficit to be reduced over time, controlling health care costs is a necessary first step, because the insurance industry wants 35 cents out of every single health care dollar the nation spends (that's higher than even casinos are allowed to bilk us). Just think: If we have everyone covered and regulations in place to prevent discrimination due to pre-existing conditions or becoming injured/ill after having paid premiums for years, and if cost-containment measures are in place for the 1300 for-profit insurers in the U.S. today, this is a GOOD thing for American workers and their families. CEOs can still make huge profits, but no longer at the expense of Americans' physical and/or economic well-being.
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