Monday, July 4, 2011

Do you have to get a physical exam if your getting a Kaiser health insurance plan?

Just a single adult plan.
Very rarely, unless there's some "debate" about a health problem (i.e., they think you have some condition, you say no, so they want an MD's opinion - as I said, pretty unusual for that to happen). Think about buying a plan, either with Kaiser or with some other company, that has a larger deductible (like $2,500 to even $5,000) in order to hold down your cost. Here's question #1: how "much" health care do you think you'll probably really use in a year? If not much, then don't pay a lot to "over-insure" yourself. Here's question #2: do you want health "insurance," or "health care financing?" That is, do you want/need/expect the plan to pay for your routine care (doctor visits, generic drugs, etc. = health care financing) or only for major, expensive claims (surgery, hospital stays, etc. = health insurance)? Insurance is designed to help pay for things you can't handle financially (think tornado wrecking your home or your car getting totaled, etc.), not routine maintenance like oil changes or new tires. Something to think about - have a swell evening!

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