Monday, June 20, 2011

Is there any chance that sex reassignment surgery will be covered under the new health insurance program like?

they have in Canada?
The NPO I work for is part of a national campaign called Healthcare for America Now (HCAN). While, at this time, I don't know of any work specifically to pay for SRS it wouldn't surprise me if this issue were to open the door to it. I advice contacting your Senate and House Reps and asking them if they support the principles that HCAN is fighting for. If they do than you know that they are fighting for you to receive the best possible healthcare available. If they aren't then you know that they likely won't support us in the fight to make Transition a procedure that should be covered. The first link in my sources section is to HCANs website so that you can gain more information on this issue. The second link is to By entering your zipcode you can find who YOUR congressmen and women are and how to contact them. I do hope that we can have transition covered in the near future.

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