Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How much does health insurance cost? If you just got for a checkup will it?

cost around $500 dollars for the visit, the medication, and everything else ? Do they make you pay every month for the insurance, plus charge you a ton of out of pocket costs too? Never had any insurance, was curious, more like COMPLETELY clueless !!
Your question is much too complicated to answer in the small space that we have here. I'd suggest going to a local independent agent and asking them to explain it to you. They can give you quotes based upon your age and any health problems you may have and they don't charge you anything for the service. Insurance can cost as little as $60 per month for a 21 year old male up to over $1000 per month for people in their 60's. The cost also depends upon the type of policy that you get - the agent can explain all of this to you. If you're "completely clueless" you should figure on spending at least 2 hours with them just to get the basics. The checkup can depend upon what is done and the type of insurance that you have. The average cost would be $25 if you have insurance that has co-pays, $75 if you have insurance that doesn't have co-pays, and $150 if you don't have insurance. Medication will be extra; again depending upon what you might need. Yes, you have to pay the premium every month. This will protect you from catastrophic medical bills. If you go into the hospital and have a good insurance plan you may have to pay 3 to 8 thousand dollars out of pocket but that sure beats paying the $150,000 hospital bill!! If you can't find a local agent email me and I'll send you a link to help.

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