Saturday, April 9, 2011

Can people with ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) join a Medicare Advantage plan for 2008 health insurance?

Medicare Advantage (MA) health plans offer more value to Seniors because they usually fill insurance gaps that original Medicare has like hospital stay and physician care deductibles and copays. Can all Seniors who are eligible for Medicare in the US join a MA plan or are some conditions, specifically Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's) disease excluded?
Yes, they can. You must have Medicare parts A & B to qualify for a plan. The only health issue that will keep you from getting on a Medicare Advantage plan is End Stage Renal Disease. Open enrollment is November 15 to December 31. You'll want to visit a local independent agent that works with senior policies to find the best plan for your situation. Many MA plans will also include Part D. Prescription co-pays are one of the biggest difference in plans. There can be several thousand dollars difference in your co-pay between plans so it is imperative that you do an analysis of your medication.

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