Thursday, January 6, 2011

Which health insurance companies in colorado pay for ABA therapies?

Does anyone know which insurance companies pay for autism treament called ABA (applied behavior analysis) in colorado? My daughter recentally has medicaid, but it does not pay for ABA which I have had to pay out of pocket and has been improving her progress wonderfullally. But I just cannot afford it anymore as though it is $30.00 an hour and $150.00 an hour to over see it. So, does anyone know a list of health insurance companies that cover ABA in colorado? Thanks so much for any help!!
why isn't early intervention or the school providing it? how does she have medicaid if you had the money to pay for it? that would imply you weren't financuially eleigible for SSI..or most medicaid programs.... does colorado have a special medicaid program? in my state there is a waiver but only for kids with major physical conditions requiring a lot of medical/physical life sustaining care... IDEA requires schools to provide an APPROPRIATE education-----if your child needs ABA for an appropriate education teh school needs to provide it (age 3-21)...if they refuse you can consider hiring a lawyer--when the school loses they pay the lawyer for you

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