Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Can I purchase travel health insurance for NY to FL travel?

We are taking our 18 month old to Florida (from NY). Since our health insurance doesn't cover expenses across state lines I'm trying to find out if we can purchase travel insurance for domestic travel. My searches yielded results mostly for international travel. Is there domestic travel health insurance? When I can buy it? Thanks!
Yes, try this link. They offer a number of policy options and a free quote. TravelEx is one of the best insurance options available for both domestic and international travel and I have been using them many years. http://www.travelex-insurance.com/index.…

1 comment:

  1. This is a great blog. Thanks for all your hard work and the info you give about health insurance. Really travel insurance policy that covers unexpected medical and non-medical expenses, when you are traveling worldwide. Thanks...

    Expats Travel Insurance
