Saturday, August 13, 2011

Why can't Canada have a health insurance policy for Americans?

Basically if you are American and you want to enjoy the same healthcare Canadians enjoy from the taxes they pay, why can't Canada offer a policy where I can pay money to the Government of Canada and then receive Canadian medical care anytime I need it? And they can have Canadian doctors located in the states?
Your idea defeats the purpose. A better question is, 'Why, when almost every free country of any stripe has a form of Universal Medical care, does the U.S.A. hang on to an inefficient, out dated and discriminating medical system that caters only to the rich, is capable of bankrupting the middle classes and just plain ignores the poor? Master Python must be one of the idle rich or else a Republican. Both groups are busy spreading misinformation about our Medical System and the amount of taxes we pay for it. Why do you not go check out some other country's Universal Medical System. We are not the only ones who have it and we are not likely to get rid of it to make some mentally catatonic Americans happy. According to Macleans Magazine, "we're wealthier than the Americans, we live longer than the Swedes, we're more industrious than the Germans, we have more lovers than the Italians, we eat better than the French and we have more TVs than the Japanese." Wow! I love this country!!! Oh Yeah! We are bigger than all the aforementioned countries too!…

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