Saturday, August 27, 2011

Any luck with health insurance lead programs?

What has been the most successful lead programs you have used? I have tried web leads, but for the most part the companies do not tell them an agent will call until after they have put in all their information. This just makes the people mad! I have tried some direct mail, but not a lot. Any suggestions with either web leads or tangible leads?
As with most insurance-related topics that "make people mad," it is the consuming public that is to blame. People have determined that the internet makes them all-powerful and privy to all of the information and understanding they need to make just about every life decision. The need for professional advice is apparently obsolete. The only way for the industry to combat the trend is lure the websurfing insurance prospect into the insidious agent-lead lair. If the general public would just concede that they haven't a clue about their insurance needs, or at least that there's a possibility that there's an expert who knows more than they do and is willing to benefit them with that expertise, there would be no need to play these stupid games. Sorry for the rant. In answer to your question, other than referrals (the best source), about the only reliable leads are direct mail systems that make it clear to the consumer that they are requesting contact with an agent.

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