Thursday, July 7, 2011

Can anyone recommend a good Health Insurance for my dogs? Live in Australia?

Hi I was wondering if anyone could recommend a Good insurance company or policy for my dogs. I have a 10 week old Lab and a 4 year old Border collie cross, Am hoping to find a good level of cover Have read alot of different brochures from companies but can't really work out the main differences Any suggestions would be great. Thank you
One they reach a certain age, they don't cover you. Its just another attempt to take more money and them make it. My dog was 9 1/2year old when the first pet insurance came out, they don't cover for the basics. TO me pet insurance is absolute waste of money but you may find it otherwise. if they do cover a senior dog, its the real crappy cover when you really need a gold. You save more money if you get a tin and put your spare change in it Lots of things they won't cover for, and very few things they will cover for Medibank Pet insurance-Read the whole PDF file-… Vet Choice… RSPCA-You need to ring them, again like most insurance they don't cover once they reach a certain age… Petplan…

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