Thursday, July 28, 2011

About how many nations have national health insurance and in how many of them?

are the people clamoring for an American-style system? After all, 'the proof of the pudding is in the eating'.
I'm from Canada and one person in Canada wants a privatized health care system, other than a few businessmen who may profit from such a change, but we believe it to be a basic fundamental right that all Canadians have universal health care. Which means I don't pay for insurance I'm covered anywhere in Canada. and in times of sickness I don't worry about financial. As well I believe that most European nations have a government funded health care systems, as well as Australia, Cuba, and countless others. I believe the US health care is really a notch or two down from most of the industrial world...get with the times USA...look after your peeps. I have family who vacation the winters in Arizona, and they will not even go shopping in the states without travel insurance due to the potential cost if they were to ever get sick or hurt. Hell when there in Arizona the go to Mexico for there prescriptions and dental work...kinda sad if you ask me.

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