Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Would you be willing to have some money garnished from your pay check to pay for health insurance for everyone

This is what the democratic party wants to do to YOUR paycheck
I'm self employed, I pay $300 a month for a bare bones health care plan (and that is very low compared to most people who pay for their own). I pay extra liability insurance for my business, house, and cars in case someone gets hurt and I am liable, stuff that would just be covered by the government with universal health care. After my house and truck payment health care is my next biggest expense. I'm a successful self employed guy and still can't afford good health insurance!!!! If I get old I know all the money I've saved all my life will go to drugs and doctors, happens to everyone. So just how much of my income really goes to what universal health care would cover? I'm thinking at least 1/4 of my income!!!!!!!! And then when I'm old.....everything. So the government taxes me a bit more and I no longer have to pay 1/4 of my income into a profit making system that will only cover a part of my medical expenses. Either way sucks, I hate the idea of more taxes and more government, but the health care racket we have right now is awful, we are getting fleeced by that industry, everyone admits that. Here is the bad news. The health care industry owns the top candidates and universal health care is never going to happen. Clinton already had a mandate for it when he was elected and at the peak of his popularity and power Hillary purposely took that ball and fumbled it.

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