Tuesday, June 28, 2011

why should there be more health insurance?

If there was mandated insurance for buying milk, does anyone seriously think the price of milk wouldnt go up? If there was clothing insurance. It would cost about the thousand dollars for a shirt but on the bright side everyone would have a shirt.
Finally, someone who understands !!! (besides Ron Paul) Consider this: I was born in 1960. My mother's very nice semi-private hospital room cost $35. Nowadays a night's stay in the hospital would run many hundreds of dollars. That room would, with all the sneaky things they throw in now, would cost at least $600. Now, this is just one example of how medical costs have risen not just dramatically, but horrendously. What is the main reason? HEALTH INSURANCE. Back in the 1970s, everyone started getting "free" health insurance through their employer. If you went to a doctor and did not have health insurance, a lot of doctors would charge you HALF PRICE. Why? Because their "normal" rate was just to get as much money as possible from insurance. So if health insurance was normally just catastrophic insurance, medical rates would plummet.

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