Wednesday, June 8, 2011

If someone without health insurance was riding a bicycle and was hit by a taxi and broke his arm, does the ?

taxi's insurance cover it automatically? and roughly how much money can the person on the bike get for pain and suffering...etc?. thanks
1st there has to be a police report to determine fault. If you were breaking any traffic laws, it's your bill. Pain and suffering is determined by doctor's reports and if you attended every appointment and once you pursue pain and suffering, be prepared to be under surveillance and it is difficult to have a judge order pain and suffering for a broken arm. Obviously a broken bone is painful and prescription pain medication manages the suffering part.Warning; a judge will order maximum he is allowed if you are trying to take advantage of an unfortunate situation also is the most difficult to determine. Be prepared that an ad will run in the local newspaper asking for anyone that witnessed this accident to come forth and testify. Good Luck.

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