Monday, May 9, 2011

So if the cons didn't want the government to manage health insurance because they would botch it?

would they like BP to run their health insurance?
Cons have tried every way they can think of to thwart every American receiving the same Healthcare their CEOs receive: 1. "I don't want some government bureaucrat deciding what treatments I can get"- Of course, having some Insurance bureaucrat decide to deny their treatment just as a general rule is evidently okay with them. When it's the government doing it, there's no profit incentive to deny benefits, therefore, people will receive the treatments they require. 2. "Death Panels"- Same as above. When someone at Aetna is killing one of their customers by deciding not to continue cancer treatments, or denying someone a new kidney, or whatever (in the name of profits). Why is it ok to pay a CEO millions he or she didn't earn to do the same thing? 3. "Look at Canada's Healthcare"- Yes LOOK at it. Americans live shorter lives, our infant mortality rate is higher, cholesterol, BP and heart disease are higher, we are more obese and have more strokes and diabetes than Canada, France, Italy and most every other country with universal health care has. OBVIOUSLY we are doing something wrong here, and it is, in part, the fact that health care in the US is a "For Profit" business. 4. "America has the best health care in the world"- This sounds all patriotic, but it is, of course, patently untrue. It has the best if you can AFFORD it, it has the best of you have millions to THROW at whatever is ailing you, but the average person on the street, working two jobs to make ends meet, deciding between a prescription drug or food for the week, while Upjohn posts RECORD earnings every quarter, is not and can not be considered a sane system of health care. So yeah, put BP in charge of health care. It's no less insane than George W. Bush, a man who not only avoided service in Vietnam, but deserted his post, calling himself a "War President", and the right wing sheeple buying into it.

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