Thursday, May 26, 2011

should i take a part time job with no health insurance even if i make the same income at my full time job?

i am unhappy at my current retail job of 15 years. i have been offered a p/t job making the same with possibility of full time next year with great benefits too. the job is great and would be a new challenge. is it crazy to take that with no health/dental insurance?
It's simple. Just find out what it would cost you to buy your own health/dental insurance plan. Then subtract this from what your salary would be at the part time job. This way you'll have a more accurate comparison of the P/T job and your current full time job. If you are willing to accept paying for your own insurance for a year until you get bumped up to full time then go for it. Of course, when comparing salaries, factor in your happiness. $50k job that sucks or $35k that you like? Only you can decide that. Keep in mind too that you'll only be working part time so maybe you'd like to work 40hrs/week by getting a 2nd part time job. This would likely mean that you'd be making more then your current full time job and also that it could offset the cost of paying for your own health insurance.

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