Tuesday, May 24, 2011

If you have a brain tumor (malignant) and no health insurance, do you wait to die?

or what happens? no outisde help..no church or fundraising and no health insurance what happens?
i hope everyone will read this and i agree with the other answers but cancer is our government's dirty little secret-a cruel decieving way to get your money. our health care system insurance companies hospitals clinics pharmacutical companies make billions monthly from us- praying on our desperation and emotions to help a loved one through this wicked disease. they advertise on t.v. newspapers radio magazines etc. why to help pay government taxes and make profit. the cancer surgery weakens an already desperately weak body and fighting immune system,the radiation is more dangerous than the disease.it prevents the tissue from healing properly(it's a one time treatment only because of that) the chemo administered is deadly toxic poison that rots your organs veins and brain and patients suffer more from that than the actual cancer.the idea is to take your money house before you die so there is nothing left in the will for your kids and grand children.. that's why there is only 1% of money going to cancer research ..whats more your cancer is not cured only treated and will come back with a vengence leaving family members desperate to spend(invest more) .....please understand i worked in this industry for 20 years, and if and when i get cancer i'd rather have hospice take care of me naturally-they care and will keep you comfortable with dignity- please watch the farrah fawcett story-she wanted to live so much-she spent her fortune traveling to germany for excrutiating treatments because the usa doesn't cure cancer it only treats.she suffered in vein with only a faint ray a hope to keep her going-it doesn't work. our government needs to regulate the toxins in our atmosphere and environment-they don't care but until they do chances are we will as a majority of americans die of cancer. so more and more people are catching on not to go for the treatments but live with cancer a few months shorter but with quality of life, and a little more money for other things so don't let the industry manipulate you into thinking you will die without paying for these treatments-they don't work

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